Datum | Zeit | Land | Termin |
17.04. | 01:00 | Hungary | Ostersonntag |
17.04. | 14:00 | New Zealand | Ostermontag |
17.04. | 16:00 | Australia | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 00:00 | Switzerland | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 00:00 | Italy | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 00:00 | Germany | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 00:00 | France | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 01:00 | Poland | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 01:00 | United Kingdom | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | Bruttoinlandsprodukt (Quartal) |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | Bruttoinlandsprodukt (Jahr) |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | Einzelhandelsumsätze (Jahr) |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | NBS Pressekonferenz |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | Industrieproduktion (Jahr) |
18.04. | 04:00 | China | Urbane Investition (YTD) (Jahr) |
18.04. | 06:00 | Indonesia | Importe |
18.04. | 06:00 | Indonesia | Handelsbilanz |
18.04. | 06:00 | Indonesia | Exporte |
18.04. | 07:00 | Canada | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 08:31 | India | Inflation des Preisindex für Großhandel |
18.04. | 16:00 | United States of America | NAHB Immobilienmarktindex |
18.04. | 17:30 | United States of America | Auktion 6-monatiger Treasury Bills |
18.04. | 17:30 | United States of America | Auktion 3-monatiger Treasury Bills |
18.04. | 18:00 | Hong Kong, SAR of China | Ostermontag |
18.04. | 22:00 | United States of America | Fed Mitglied J. Bullard spricht |
19.04. | 00:30 | New Zealand | Business NZ PSI |
19.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
19.04. | 03:30 | Australia | RBA Sitzungsprotokoll |
19.04. | 06:30 | Japan | Industrieproduktion (Monat) |
19.04. | 06:30 | Japan | Industrieproduktion (Jahr) |
19.04. | 06:30 | Japan | Kapazitätsauslastung |
19.04. | 08:00 | Norway | Handelsbilanz |
19.04. | 09:00 | Indonesia | Bank von Indonesien Zinssatzentscheidung |
19.04. | 10:40 | Spain | Auktion 9-monatiger Letras |
19.04. | 10:40 | Spain | Auktion 3-monatiger Letras |
19.04. | 14:00 | Poland | Netto-Inflation |
19.04. | 14:15 | Canada | Baubeginne s.a (Jahr) |
19.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Baugenehmigungen (Monat) |
19.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Baubeginne (Monat) |
19.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Änderung der Hausbaubeginne |
19.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Kanadische Investments in ausländische Wertpapiere |
19.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Änderung der Baugenehmigungen |
19.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Ausländische Investments in kanadische Wertpapiere |
19.04. | 14:55 | United States of America | Redbook Index (Jahr) |
19.04. | 16:40 | New Zealand | GDT Preisindex |
19.04. | 17:30 | United States of America | Auktion 52-wöchiger Treasury Bills |
19.04. | 18:05 | United States of America | Fed Mitglied Charles L. Evans spricht |
19.04. | 18:30 | Switzerland | SNB Präsident T. Jordan spricht |
19.04. | 22:30 | United States of America | API wöchentlicher Rohöllagerbestand |
20.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Importe (Jahr) |
20.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Saisonbereinigte Handelsbilanz |
20.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Exporte (Jahr) |
20.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Güter-Handelsbilanz Gesamt |
20.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
20.04. | 02:30 | Australia | Westpac Leitindex (Monat) |
20.04. | 03:00 | Australia | HIA Verkäufe neuer Immobilien (Monat) |
20.04. | 03:15 | China | PBoC Zinssatzentscheidung |
20.04. | 06:30 | Japan | Industrieaktivitätsindex Tertiärsektor (Monat) |
20.04. | 08:00 | Germany | Erzeugerpreisindex (Jahr) |
20.04. | 08:00 | Germany | Erzeugerpreisindex (Monat) |
20.04. | 09:00 | Czech Republic | Herstellerpreisindex (im Jahresvergleich) |
20.04. | 09:00 | Czech Republic | Herstellerpreisindex (im Monatsvergleich) |
20.04. | 10:00 | South Africa | Verbraucherpreisindex (im Monatsvergleich) |
20.04. | 10:00 | South Africa | Verbraucherpreisindex (im Jahresvergleich) |
20.04. | 10:00 | Greece | Leistungsbilanz (Jahr) |
20.04. | 10:00 | Italy | Handelsbilanz EU |
20.04. | 10:00 | Italy | Globale Handelsbilanz |
20.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Industrieproduktion s.a. (Monat) |
20.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Industrieproduktion w.d.a. (Jahr) |
20.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Handelsbilanz n.s.a. |
20.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Handelsbilanz s.a. |
20.04. | 11:00 | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | Arbeitslosenquote |
20.04. | 11:30 | Germany | Auktion 10-jähriger Staatsanleihen |
20.04. | 12:00 | Portugal | Leistungsbilanz |
20.04. | 13:00 | United States of America | MBA Hypothekenanträge |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Verbraucherpreisindex (Jahr) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Neuer Immobilienpreisindex (Monat) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Bank of Canada Verbraucherpreisindex Kernrate (Monat) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Preisindex neuer Immobilien (Jahr) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Verbraucherpreisindex - Kernrate (Monat) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Bank of Canada Verbraucherpreisindex Kern (Jahr) |
20.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Verbraucherpreisindex (Monat) |
20.04. | 16:00 | United States of America | Verkäufe bestehender Häuser (Monat) |
20.04. | 16:00 | United States of America | Verkäufe bestehender Häuser ( Monat ) |
20.04. | 16:30 | United States of America | EIA Rohöl Lagerbestand |
20.04. | 16:30 | United States of America | FOMC Mitglied Daly Rede |
20.04. | 16:30 | United States of America | Fed Mitglied Charles L. Evans spricht |
20.04. | 18:00 | Russian Federation | Erzeugerpreisindex ( Jahr ) |
20.04. | 18:00 | Russian Federation | Herstellerpreisindex (im Monatsvergleich) |
20.04. | 19:00 | United States of America | Auktion 20-jähriger Anleihen |
20.04. | 20:00 | United States of America | Fed Beige Book |
20.04. | 21:00 | Argentina | Handelsbilanz (im Monatsvergleich) |
20.04. | 23:00 | Korea, Republic Of | Wachstum Produzentenpreisindex |
20.04. | 23:00 | Korea, Republic Of | Erzeugerpreisindex ( Jahr ) |
21.04. | 00:45 | New Zealand | Verbraucherpreisindex (Jahr) |
21.04. | 00:45 | New Zealand | Verbraucherpreisindex (Quartal) |
21.04. | 01:01 | Ireland | Konsumklima |
21.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Ausländische Investitionen in japanische Aktien |
21.04. | 01:50 | Japan | Investitionen in ausländische Anleihen |
21.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
21.04. | 03:30 | Australia | Geschäftsklimaindex der National Australia Bank (Quartal) |
21.04. | 06:30 | Netherlands | Verbrauchervertrauen, bereinigt |
21.04. | 06:30 | Netherlands | Verbraucherausgaben |
21.04. | 06:30 | Netherlands | Arbeitslosenquote, saisonbereinigt (3M) |
21.04. | 08:00 | Denmark | Konsumklima |
21.04. | 08:45 | France | Geschäftsklima des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes |
21.04. | 09:00 | Turkiye | Verbraucherzuversicht |
21.04. | 09:00 | Austria | HVPI (Monat) |
21.04. | 09:00 | Austria | HICP (Jahr) |
21.04. | 09:00 | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | EU-Norminflation (im Monatsvergleich) |
21.04. | 09:00 | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | EU-Norminflation ( Jahr ) |
21.04. | 10:00 | Poland | Industrieertrag (im Jahresvergleich) |
21.04. | 10:00 | Poland | Herstellerpreisindex (im Jahresvergleich) |
21.04. | 10:00 | Poland | Entlohnung im Unternehmensbereich |
21.04. | 10:30 | Hong Kong, SAR of China | Arbeitslosenquote |
21.04. | 10:40 | Spain | Auktion 3-jähriger Staatsanleihen |
21.04. | 10:40 | Spain | Auktion 10-jähriger Obligaciones |
21.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Verbraucherpreisindex - Kernrate (Monat) |
21.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Verbraucherpreisindex (Jahr) |
21.04. | 11:00 | Belgium | Konsumklimaindex |
21.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Verbraucherpreisindex - Kernrate (Jahr) |
21.04. | 11:00 | EuroZone | Verbraucherpreisindex (Monat) |
21.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Folgeanträge auf Arbeitslosenunterstützung |
21.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenunterstützung 4-Wochendurchschnitt |
21.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Erstanträge Arbeitslosenunterstützung |
21.04. | 14:30 | United States of America | Philly-Fed-Herstellungsindex |
21.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Änderung der Empfänger von Arbeitslosenversicherung (MoM) |
21.04. | 15:00 | Russian Federation | Zentralbankreserven USD |
21.04. | 15:00 | United Kingdom | BoE-Mitglied Mann spricht |
21.04. | 16:00 | EuroZone | Verbrauchervertrauen |
21.04. | 16:30 | United States of America | EIA Änderung des Erdgaslagerbestandes |
21.04. | 17:00 | Colombia | Handelsbilanz |
21.04. | 17:00 | United States of America | Fed Powell Rede |
21.04. | 17:30 | United States of America | Auktion 4-wöchiger Treasury Bills |
21.04. | 18:30 | United Kingdom | BoE Gouverneur Bailey Rede |
21.04. | 19:00 | EuroZone | Rede der EZB Präsidentin Lagarde |
21.04. | 19:00 | United States of America | Fed Powell Rede |
21.04. | 23:00 | Romania | Orthodoxer Karfreitag |
22.04. | 01:00 | Australia | Commonwealth Bank Einkaufsmanagerindex Industrie |
22.04. | 01:00 | Australia | Commonwealth Bank Einkaufsmanagerindex Gesamtindex |
22.04. | 01:00 | Australia | Commonwealth Bank Einkaufsmanagerindex Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 01:01 | United Kingdom | Gfk Verbrauchervertrauen |
22.04. | 01:30 | Japan | Nationaler Verbraucherpreisindex (Jahr) |
22.04. | 01:30 | Japan | Nationaler CPI ex. frische Lebensmittel (Jahr) |
22.04. | 01:30 | Japan | Nationaler VPI ex. Nahrungsmittel und Energie (Jahr) |
22.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
22.04. | 02:30 | Japan | Nikkei PMI verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
22.04. | 02:30 | Japan | Markit PMI Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 08:00 | United Kingdom | Einzelhandelsumsätze ex-Fuel ( Jahr ) |
22.04. | 08:00 | United Kingdom | Einzelhandelsumsätze (Monat) |
22.04. | 08:00 | United Kingdom | Einzelhandelsumsätze ex-Fuel ( Monat ) |
22.04. | 08:00 | United Kingdom | Einzelhandelsumsätze (Jahr) |
22.04. | 08:30 | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | Leistungsbilanz EUR |
22.04. | 09:15 | France | Einkaufsmanagerindex Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 09:15 | France | Markit PMI Gesamtindex |
22.04. | 09:15 | France | Einkaufsmanagerindex verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
22.04. | 09:30 | Germany | Einkaufsmanagerindex Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 09:30 | Germany | Einkaufsmanagerindex verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
22.04. | 09:30 | Germany | Markit PMI Gesamtindex |
22.04. | 10:00 | EuroZone | Leistungsbilanz n.s.a |
22.04. | 10:00 | EuroZone | Markit PMI Gesamtindex |
22.04. | 10:00 | EuroZone | Leistungsbilanz s.a |
22.04. | 10:00 | EuroZone | Einkaufsmanagerindex Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 10:00 | EuroZone | Einkaufsmanagerindex verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
22.04. | 10:00 | Poland | Einzelhandelsumsätze ( Jahr ) |
22.04. | 10:30 | United Kingdom | Markit PMI Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 10:30 | Hong Kong, SAR of China | Verbraucherpreisindex |
22.04. | 10:30 | United Kingdom | Markit PMI verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
22.04. | 12:00 | Germany | Deutschlands Bundesbank Monatsbericht |
22.04. | 13:00 | Mexico | Kerninflation erste Monatshälfte |
22.04. | 13:00 | Mexico | Inflation in der ersten Monatshälfte |
22.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Einzelhandelsumsätze (Monat) |
22.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Einzelhandelsumsätze ex. Autos (Monat) |
22.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Rohstoffpreisindex |
22.04. | 14:30 | Canada | Industrieproduktpreise (Monat) |
22.04. | 15:00 | EuroZone | Rede der EZB Präsidentin Lagarde |
22.04. | 15:45 | United States of America | Markit PMI Dienstleistungen |
22.04. | 15:45 | United States of America | Markit PMI Herstellung |
22.04. | 15:45 | United States of America | Markit PMI Gesamtindex |
22.04. | 16:30 | United Kingdom | BoE Gouverneur Bailey Rede |
22.04. | 19:00 | United States of America | Baker Hughes Plattform-Zählung |
22.04. | 23:00 | Turkiye | Tag der Nationalen Souverenität und des Kindes |
23.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
24.04. | 02:00 | United States of America | IWF Treffen |
24.04. | 13:00 | France | Präsidentschaftswahl |
24.04. | 14:00 | New Zealand | ANZAC Tag |
24.04. | 16:00 | Australia | ANZAC Tag |
corporate data
company | event | date |
ALDREES Petroleum & Transport Services Company Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 17.04.2022 |
National Bank of Umm Al-Qaiwain (PSC) Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 17.04.2022 |
Yanbu National Petrochemical Company (Yansab) Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 17.04.2022 |
Amcon Distributing CompanyShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
AMTD IDEA Group Registered Shs (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Angel Yeast Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Anhui Zhongyuan New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
AppSpotr AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Aztech Global Ltd. Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Aztech Global Ltd. Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 20 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp 7 1-4 % Non-Cum Perp Conv Pfd Shs (L) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.5 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -GG- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Perp Pfd Shs Series -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1200th Fltg Rate Non Cum Pfd Shs Series -2- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1200th Fltg Rate Non Cum Pfd Shs Series -4- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit shs Repr 1-1200th Fltg Rate Non-Cum Pfd Shs Series -1- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1200th Pfd Shs Series -5- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 4.125 % Non-Cum Red Pfd Rg Shs Series -PP- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 5 % Non-Cum Red Pfd Rg Shs Series -LL- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 5.375% Perp Non-Cum Pfd Rg Shs Series -KK- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Perp Red Pfd Registered Shs Ser -HH- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Ser -SS- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -NN- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -QQ- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of America Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of New York Mellon | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Bank of New York Mellon Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-100th Non-Cum Perp Pfd Shs Series -F- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
BeWhere Holdings Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
BIMI International Medical Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Capital Senior Living Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Cerrado Gold Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Charles Schwab | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Charles Schwab Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.0769230769 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Charles Schwab Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-40th % Non-Cum Pfd Shs Series -D- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Charles Schwab Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 4.45 % Non-Cum Pfd Shs Series -J- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
ClearOne Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
CNB Financial Corp (Pa) Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 7.125 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
CNB Financial Corp (Pa)Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Consumer Portfolio Services Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
CrossFirst Bankshares Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
DRC Systems India Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Earum Pharmaceuticals Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
ENB Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
F.N.B. Corp. (PA) (FNB Corp.) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Far East Orchard Ltd. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
FB Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
FineMark Holdings Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
G2 Goldfields Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Gansu Dunhuang Seed Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Guangdong Songfa Ceramics Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Guaranty Bancshares IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Juheshun New material Co.,Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
High Wire Networks Inc Regidtered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Hope Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
InfoVision Optoelectronics (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
iQSTEL Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
J.B. Hunt Transportation Services Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Sanfangxiang Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Keeson Technology Corporation Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Kehua Holdings Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
kforce Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Kingdom Holding Company Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Kish Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Lakeland Industries IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Lanzhou Minbai Shareholding (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Life Foods Co.,Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Magazine Luiza SA Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Magazine Luiza SA Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 4 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Megachem Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Metallum Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Mishtann Foods Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Mobile Telecommunications Company Saudi Arabia Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
National Bank Holdings Corporation (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
National Marine Dredging Co Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Norwood Financial CorporationShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Obeikan Glass Co. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Palamina Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Mining Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40 6.75 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series -B | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
PrairieSky Royalty Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
PT Sarana Menara Nusantara, Tbk | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (B) (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (PT TELKOM) (Spons. ADRS) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Puration Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Raytelligence AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
S.E. Power Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
S2 Minerals Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Safe & Green Holdings Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
ServisFirst Bancshares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Sheetal Cool Products Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Sify Technologies Ltd (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Star Housing Finance Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Suzhou Veichi Electric Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Synchrony Financial | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Synchrony Financial Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5.625 % Non-Cum Perp Red Shs Ser -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Synchrony Financial Non Cum Pfd Shs Depository Shs Repr 1-140th Non cum Pfd Shs Series -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
TISCO Financial Group Public Company Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
TISCO Financial Group Public Company Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
TISCO Financial Group Public Company Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 10 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Vinco Ventures Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Western Uranium Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Wi2Wi Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Xi'an Manareco New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Zain Bahrain B.S.C. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Gongdong Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 18.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Three Stars New Materials Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 18.04.2022 |
Synchrony Financial | appointmenttype#pressconference | 18.04.2022 |
4basebio AG Nach Kapitalherabsetzung | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
4SC AG Inhaber-Akt Aus Konversion | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Abigail Capital Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
ADOCIA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
ADOCIA (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Aker Carbon Capture AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Aker Carbon Capture ASA Unsponsored American Depository Receipt Repr 4 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
AmeriServ Financial Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Angel Yeast Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Anglo American PLC | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Anglo American PLC (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Anhui Genuine New Materials Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Arabian Internet and Communications Services Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
AS Baltika Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Badger Meter IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Bangkok Airways Public Company Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bangkok Airways Public Company Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bank First National Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
BB&T Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-4000 Perp Pfd Shs Series -I- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
BB&T Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
BDO Unibank Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
BDO Unibank Inc (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Beijing Baolande Software Corporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Beijing Yuanliu Hongyuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
BHB Brauholding Bayern-Mitte AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Big Tree Carbon Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bloomin' Brands Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bloomios Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Blue Star Capital PLC Registered shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bohai Ferry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Braskem S.A. (Pfd Shs -A-) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Braskem SAPfd Shs -A- Sponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 2 Pfd Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Bravern Ventures Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
C & F Financial CorpShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Canal Scientific and Technological Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
CapitaRetail China Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Cass Information Systems IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
C-Com Satellite Systems Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Changshu Automotive Trim Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Chesapeake Financial Shares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
China Chippacking Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
China Master Logistics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
China National Software & Service Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
China Tower Corporation Limited Registered Shs -H- Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
China-Kinwa High Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
CIG Pannonia Life Insurance Plc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Citizens Financial Group Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Citizens Financial Group Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5% Non-Cum Perp Red Pfd Registered Shs Ser - | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Citizens Financial Group Inc Perp Pfd Shs Depository Shs Repr 1-40th Perp Pfd Shs Series -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Civista Bancshares Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
CNB Financial Corp (Pa) Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 7.125 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Series -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
CNB Financial Corp (Pa)Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
COFCO Tunhe Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Commerce Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Communities First Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Cosmos Health Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Cybrid Technologies Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
D'Amico International Shipping SA Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Darelle Online Solutions Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
DraftKings Inc Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Earth-Panda Advanced Magnetic Material Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
EEStor Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Equity Bancshares Inc (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
ESSO (Thailand) Public Co Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
ESSO (Thailand) Public Co Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Faraday Copper Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Fifth Third Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Fifth Third Bancorp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Perp Pfd Shs Series -I- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Fifth Third Bancorp Depositary Shs -B- Ser -A- Repr 1-40 6 % Perp Pfd Registered Shs -B- Ser -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Fifth Third Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 4.95 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -K- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Filling and Packing Materials Manufacturing Company Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First Horizon Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-4000th Non Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs -F- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First Horizon National Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-4000th 6.5% Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rgstrd Shs -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First Horizon National Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-400th 6.6 % Non Cum Perp Pfd Registered Shs -C- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First Horizon National Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-400th 6.625% Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First Horizon National Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
First of Long Island CorpShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Fotex Holding SE Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Fujian Cement Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Fulton Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5.125 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Ser -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Fulton Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Gerdau S.A. (Spons. ADRS) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Gerdau S.A. (Vz.) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Gerdau SA Pfd ADR Cert Deposito Arg Repr 4 Sp ADRs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Global Net Lease Inc 6.875 % Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Global Net Lease Inc 7.375 % Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (E) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Global Net Lease Inc 7.50 % Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (D) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Global Net Lease Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Godavari Drugs Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Golden Goliath Resources Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Great Eastern Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Green & Smart Holdings PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
GreenRoc Mining PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Guangxi Beisheng Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Guangxi Fenglin Wood Industry Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Guangzhou Risong Intelligent Technology Holding Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
GUILIN FUDA Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Gunsynd PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Halliburton Co Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.5 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Halliburton Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Hancock Holding Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Harbin VITI Electronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Hasbro Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Henan Mingtai Al. Industrial Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Hewlett-Packard Co Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.2 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Hit Shouchuang Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
HP Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
HP Inc (ex Hewlett-Packard) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 19.04.2022 |
IBM Corp. (International Business Machines) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Independent Bank Corp Michigan | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Inner Mongolia North Hauler Joint Stock Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Interactive Brokers Group Inc Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
International Business Machines Corp Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.1 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
International Business Machines Corp Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Iridium Communications Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
J Smart & Co (Contractors) PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Sunrain Solar Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Jinan Shengquan Group Share-holding Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Johnson & Johnson | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Johnson & Johnson CDR Cibc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Johnson & Johnson Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.2 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
JTC PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ka Shui International Holdings LtdShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Katahdin Bankshares Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Keppel Infrastructure Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Keppel-KBS US REIT Registered Units Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Kiatnakin Bank Public Company LtdShs Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Kiatnakin Bank Public Company LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Kontoor Brands Inc Registered Shs When Issued | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Kuaijishan Shaoxing Rice Wine Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
L&K ENGINEERING (SUZHOU) CO LTD Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Lanpec Technologies Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ledyard Financial Group Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
LHV Group AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Liberty Oilfield Services Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Lion Group Holding Ltd (A) (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Lockheed Martin Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Lockheed Martin Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
LogicMark Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Longview Tea Co Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
MainStreet Bancshares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
MainStreet Bancshares Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 7.50 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Mako Mining Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Manpower Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Marijuana Company of America Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Marten Transport Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Max Power Mining Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Mayville Engineering Company Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Memsensing Microsystems (Suzhou,China) Co. Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Mercantile Bank Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
MTB Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Mueller Industries Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nancal Energy-Saving Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Nanjing Well Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nantong Square Cold Chain Equipment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Naples Soap Company Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Netflix Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1-16 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Netflix Inc Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Netflix Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nicolet Bankshares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Construction Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Gaofa Automotive Control System Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Port Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Powerway Alloy Material Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Shenglong Automotive Powertrain System CoLtd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Thermal Power Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningbo Veken Elite Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nippon Accommodations Fund Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
North China Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Nyfosa AB Registered shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Omnicom Group Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Orrstown Financial Services Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
P A M Transportation Services IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Pacific Basin Shipping LtdShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Parke Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
PCBL Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Perma-Pipe International Holdings Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40 6.75 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series -B | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
PNC Process Systems Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Poly Real Estate Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
PostNL N.V. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 19.04.2022 |
PrairieSky Royalty Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Preferred Bank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Prologis Inc 8.54 % Cum Red Pfd Shs (Q) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Prologis Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
ProPetro Holding Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Prosperity Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Pure Resources Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Qinghai Huading Industrial Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc 5.625 % Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (C) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc 5.875 % Cum Conv Perp Red Pfd Registered Shs (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc Trust Units | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
River Valley Community Bancorp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Ropeok Technology Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Royal Helium Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sahara International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem) Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sailfish Royalty Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sansure Biotech Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Saudi Ceramic Co Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Servyou Software Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shandong Dacheng Pesticide Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd Registered Shs -H- Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shandong Gold-Mining Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shang Gong Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shang Gong Group Co Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Friendess Electronics Technology Corporation Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Guangdian Electric Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Haixin Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Haixin Group Co Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Lian Hua Fibre Corporation (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Lian Hua Fibre Corporation (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Wondertek Software Corporation Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Xinmei Real Estate Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Xintonglian Packaging Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shanghai Zhonggu Logistics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Sharc International Systems Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shenandoah Telecommunications CoShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Shenyang Toly Bread Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Fortune Trend Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shenzhen United Winners Laser Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Yanmade Technology Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sichuan Golden Summit (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sienna Senior Living Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Signature Bank Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Silver Bull Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Silvergate Capital Corporation (A) Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.1 Sh -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Silvergate Capital Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5.375 % Non-Cum Red Pfd Rg Shs Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Silvergate Capital Corporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sino-Agri Leading Biosciences Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Slave Lake Zinc Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
SMG Indium Resources Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sono Group N.V. Bearer and Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Sonoro Energy Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
South Atlantic Bancshares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Southern Energy Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Stria Lithium Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Stride Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tarachi Gold Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Tele Columbus AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Texas Capital Bancshares Inc Depositary Shares Repr 1-40th 5.75 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Texas Capital Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
TF Bank AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Thinkon Semiconductor Jinzhou Corp. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tibet Tianlu Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tivic Health Systems Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tocvan Ventures Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tonghua Dongbao Pharma Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Tongling Jingda Special Magnet Wire Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Totally Hip Technologies Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Travelers Inc (Travelers Companies) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Trillium Acquisition Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
TRU Precious Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Truist Financial Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 5.25 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series - | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Truist Financial Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series -R- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
U.S. Bancorp | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Unique Logistics International Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
United Community Banks Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 6.875 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs -I- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
United Community Banks Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Urano Energy Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Perp Pfd Sh Series -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Perpetual Pfd Shs Series -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Perp Pfd Registered Shs Series -K- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs -L- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs -M- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
US Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -O- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
V-GRASS Fashion Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wanxiang Doneed Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Zürcher Kantonalbank bis 16.09.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Weihai Baihe Biology Technological Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wenfeng Great World Chain Development Corporation (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wereldhave Belgium SICAFI CVA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
WeTrade Group Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Whirlpool Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Wintrust Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 6.875% Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Series -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wintrust Financial Corp Non-Cum Perp Pfd Shs (D) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wintrust Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wuhan Keqian Biology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Wuxi Huaguang Boiler Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Xiamen C&D Inc (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Xiamen Xiangyu Co Ltd -A- (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Yamama Saudi Cement Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Yleiselektroniikka OyShs -E- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Yunnan Coal and Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Zhe Jiang Li Zi Yuan Food Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Huangma Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Jianfeng Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Langdi Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Sunrise Garment Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Wazam New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhende Medical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 19.04.2022 |
Zhengzhou Coal Industry & Electric Power Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Zhuhai Cosmx Battery Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
ZJMI Environmental Energy Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 19.04.2022 |
Travelers Inc (Travelers Companies) | appointmenttype#pressconference | 19.04.2022 |
Halliburton Co. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 19.04.2022 |
Prologis Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 19.04.2022 |
Netflix Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 19.04.2022 |
180 Degree Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Abbott Laboratories | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Abbott Laboratories Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.5 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ABN Amro | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
ABN AMRO Bank NV Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Acuvi AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Add Shop Promotions Ltd Registered Shs 144A Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ADNOC Drilling Company PJSC Registered Shs Unitary | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Adtraction Group AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Africa Oil Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Akastor ASA | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Alcoa Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Alcoa Corporation Registered shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
AMAG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Amerant Bancorp Inc Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Anadolu Biracilik Malt Ve Gida San. A.S. (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ancom Nylex Bhd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Angel Broking Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Anhui Gourgen Traffic Construction Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Anhui Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Anhui Wanwei Updated High-Tech Material Industr y Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Anthem Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Archer Petroleum Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Armanino Foods Of Distinction Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Arriyadh Development Company Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Asbury Automotive Group Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ashley Gold Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASM International NV NY Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASM Pacific Technology Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 3 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASMI | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASML Holding NV NY Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ASML NV | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Asymchem Laboratories (Tianjin) Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Asymchem Laboratories (Tianjin) Co Ltd Registered Shs -H- Unitary Reg S-144A | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
AutoNation Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Avidbank Holdings Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
AwoX SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Baker Hughes Company (A) Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.1428571429 Sh -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Baker Hughes Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Bank Albilad Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Bank of The Philippine Islands BPI | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Bank of The Philippine Islands BPI Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Reprs 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Banner Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Barrier Reverse Convertible auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 16.09.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Befar Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
BEIBU GULF TOURISM CORP LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beihai Gofar Marine Biological Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Aritime Intelligent Control Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Electronic Zone Investment and Development Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Fjr Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Hualian Hypermarket Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Seeyon Internet Software Corp. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Tricolor Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Vastdata Technology Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Beijing Worldia Diamond Tools Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Belgacom S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Berkshire Hills Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Biome Technologies PLC | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Bisichi Mining | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
BoMill AB Registered shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Brandywine Realty TrustShs Of Beneficial Int. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Bright Oceans Inter-Telecom Corp (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Bunzl plc | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Bunzl PLCShs Sponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 5 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Canada Nickel Company Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Capital Bancorp Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Carr's Milling Industries PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Cartier Resources Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Carvana Co Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Cashmere Valley Bank Washington | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CCC S.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Celanese Corp. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Central Pacific Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Chengdu KSW Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
China National Medicines Corporation Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
China Telecom Corp Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
China Telecom Corp. Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
China World Trade Center Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Chongqing Sanfeng Environment Group Corp., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Chongqing Wanli Holdings (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CIBanco SA Institucion de Banca Multiple Certificados Bursatiles Fiduciarios Inmobiliario Series -13 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Cohen & Steers Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Comerica Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Commerce Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Community Trust Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Community West Bancshares Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Coop Pank AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Corporacion Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Corporacion Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV American Depository Share Repr 10 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CPI Yuanda Environmental-Protection (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Crown Castle Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CSX Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Cubic Sensor and Instrument Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CVB Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Daheng New Epoch Technology Inc (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Dana Holding Corp | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Danhua Chemical Science & Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Danhua Chemical Science & Technology Co Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Daqian Ecology & Environment Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
DCI Database for Commerce and Industry AG nach Kapitalherabsetzung | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Deutsche Bank Mexico SA Institucion de Banca Multiple Division Fiduciaria Certificados Bursatiles Fi | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Ducommun Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Eagle Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Eiffage S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Electro Sensors IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Element 29 Resources Inc Registered Shs Unitary Accred Inv | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Emirates Driving Company P.S.C. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
EMSTEEL BUILDING MATERIALS PJSC Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
EOG Resources Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Epoxy Base Electronic Material Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
EQT Corp | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Equifax Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.0625 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Equifax Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ESG Emirates Stallions Group Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
EVE Investments Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Evergold Corp Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Fairfax Africa Holdings Corp Registered Shs Subord Vtg | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Farmers & Merchants Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Farmers & Merchants Bancorp Inc (Ohio) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Fiore Cannabis Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Firan Technology Group Corporation | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Fireweed Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
First Bancorp Inc Maine | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
First Community CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
First Financial Corp (Indiana)Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
First Hawaiian Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
First Industrial Realty Trust Inc: | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
First Internet Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Flexopack SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Freeman Gold Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Ganso Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Gansu Yasheng Industrial (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Gansujiu Steel Group Hong Xing Iron & Steel Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
GATX Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Gem-Year Industrial Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
General American Investors Co Inc 5.95 % Cum.Pfd Shs (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Georg Fischer AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Georg Fischer AG (N) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Glacier Lake Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Glenmark Life Sciences Limited Registered Shs 144A Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Great Southern Bancorp Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Gruma SAB de CV (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Grupa Kety S.A.Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Grupo Aerop. de Sureste S.A.B. C.V. (Reg Shares B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CVShs -B- Sponsored American Deposit.Receipt Repr.Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Grupo Rotoplas SAB de CV | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Guangdong Greenway Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Guangzhou Zhujiang Industrial Development Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Gurit AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Gurit Holding AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Hainan Jinpan Smart Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Halmont Properties Corporation (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hangcha Group Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Kelin Electric Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Harleysville Financial Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Harsco Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Havsfrun Investment AB (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Healthcare Services Group Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Heilongjiang Agriculture Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Henan Oriental Silver Star Investment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Henan Taloph Pharmaceutical CO.,Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hermès (Hermes International) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Home Loan Financial Corporation Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Horisont Energi AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hoteles City Express SAB de CV | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Huafang Textile Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Huayuan Property Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hubei Juneyao Healthy Drink Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hunan Oil Pump Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Hunan Warrant Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Hunting plc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Hunting Plc Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Series -H- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Depositary Shs Repr 5.7% 1-1'000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -I- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Non Cum Perp Pfd Shs Depository Shs Repr 1-40th Non cum Perp Pfd Shs Serie | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
ICA Gruppen AB | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
ICICI Securities Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
IMMOFINANZ | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Insigma Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Intraco Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Investment AB Oeresund | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Irico Display Devices Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
JCHX MINING MANAGEMENT CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Changling Hydraulic Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Cnano Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Yulong Steel Pipe Co (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Zongyi Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Jilin Forest Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
JinJian Cereals Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
John Marshall Bancorp Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
John Wood Group Plc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
JTL Industries Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Juneyao Airlines Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Junhe Pumps Holding Co., Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Kaiser Aluminum CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Kamux Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Keda Clean Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Keda Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (A) Unsponsored Global Depositary Receipt Repr 5 Shs -A- Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
KEDE Numerical Control Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Kelt Exploration Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Keppel DC REIT Real Estate Investment Trust Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Keppel REIT Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Keppel-KBS US REIT Registered Units Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Kinder Morgan Inc (P) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Koninklijke Vopak N.V. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Kri-Kri Milk Industry SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Kunshan Guoli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Lam Research Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.0178571429 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Lam Research Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Landstar System Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
LATAM Airlines Group SA Sponsored American Depositary Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Leejam Sports Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Levi's | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
LH Financial Group Public Co Ltd. Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Liberty Oilfield Services Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Lithia Motors Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Lithium Plus Minerals Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
LPP S.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Lucky Film Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Luyin Investment (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
M & T Bank Corp Int Perp Pfd Shs Depository Shs Repr 1-400th Int Perp Pfd Shs Series -J- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
M&T Bank Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
M&T Bank Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
M&T Bank Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-10th 5.125% Non-Cum Perp Pfd Rg ShsSeries -F- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
M&T Bank Corporation Non-Cum Perp Pfd Registered Shs (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Magnum Goldcorp Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Magyar Bancorp Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Martin Midstream Partners LPPartnership Units | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
MedMen | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
MIND Technology Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Mini-Future auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Monarch Casino And Resort IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Mullen Group Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Nan Ning Department Store Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Nanjing Xingang High-Tech Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Nasdaq Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Nebo Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
NextEra Energy Partners LP Partnership Units | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Fuda Company Limited (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Heli Mould Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Jifeng Auto Parts Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Jintian Copper (Group) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Peacebird Fashion Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Shanshan Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Ningbo Water Meter Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Norsk Titanium AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Northwest Bancshares Inc MD | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Note ABShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Octava S.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Orca Exploration Group Inc Shs -B- subordinated | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Orca Exploration Group IncShs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
ORIX JREIT IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Orkla AS | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Orkla Asa (A) (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Oxford Biomedica PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
PBCO Financial Corporation Registered SHs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Petershill Partners | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Petro Rio SA Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Philly Shipyard ASA | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Platzer Fastigheter Holding AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Plejd AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Plumas BancorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
PolyOne Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Prime Office AS | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Prio SA Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.5 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Procter & Gamble Co Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.20 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Procter & Gamble Co Sponsored canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Procter & Gamble Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Proximus SA de droit public Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-5 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
PT Astra International Tbk | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
PT Astra International Tbk Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 2 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (B) Class -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
PT Mitra Investindo Tbk Registered Shs (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Pulse Data IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Purohit Construction Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Qingdao Vland Biotech Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Quorum Information Technologies Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non Cum Red Perp Pfd Ser -E- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Ser -C- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Pfd Registered shs (F) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
River City Bank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
RLI Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Rogers Communications Inc Conv.Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Rogers Communications Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Runner (Xiamen) Corp. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Salisbury Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Sanatana Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sandvik AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Sandvik AB (B) (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Savanna Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
SB Financial Group Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Schouw & Co | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Seatrium Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Seatrium Limited Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 20 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
SEI Investments | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shaanxi Beiyuan Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Shaanxi Meibang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shandong Fiberglass Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Shandong Huifa Foodstuff Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shandong Kehui Power Automation Co.,Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
SHANGHAI AJ GROUP CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai Huide Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology Co., Lt d. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai Rightongene Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Corp., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shareate Tools Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Hopewind Electric Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sherwin-Williams Co. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sichuan Furong Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sichuan Star Cable Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sichuan Tianyi Science & Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Silver Dollar Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Silver One | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Simona AG Inhaber-Akt | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Sitowise Group Oyj Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Skycam Defence Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
SL Green Realty Corporation 6 1-2 % Cum Red Pfd Shs (I) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
SL Green Realty Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Sleep Number Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Sonoco Products Co. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Space Hellas SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Spotify | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Spotify Technology S.A. Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.035714 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Steel Dynamics Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
SThree PLCShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Summit Bank Group Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Suntar Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Suntec Real Estate Investment TrustUnits | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Supalai Public Co LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Suzhou Chunqiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Suzhou Gyz Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Synectics Plc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Taiyuan Chemical Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Tenet Healthcare Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tesla | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tesla Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1-15 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tesla Inc Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Texas Capital Bancshares Inc Depositary Shares Repr 1-40th 5.75 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Sh Series | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Texas Capital Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tianfeng Securities Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Tibet Summit Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TIMIA Capital Corp 8 % Non-Cum Rd Conv Pfd Registered Shs 2022-27.11.25 Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TIMIA Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TINONE RESOURCES INC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
TMB Bank Public Co Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TMB Bank Public Co Ltd. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 250 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TMB Bank Public Co LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Tokyo Finance Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Torchmark Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TORM PLC (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
TPI Polene Public Co Ltd (formerly TPI Polene Co Ltd)Units Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
TRI Pointe Homes LLC | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Trifork Holding AG | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Triterras Incorporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Triumph Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Triumph Bancorp Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40 7.125 % Non-Cum Perp Red Pfd Rg Shs Series -C- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
TVZone Media Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
u-blox AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Union Bankshares Inc (VT) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
United Airlines Holdings Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.2 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
United Airlines Holdings Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
United Bancorp Inc OhioShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
United Bank Ltd (spons. GDR) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
United Security BancsharesShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Universal Forest Products Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA-Usiminas (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA-UsiminasPfd Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Valmont Industries Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Verallia | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
VersaBank Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Vetropack Holding AG Act nom -A- | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Vext Science Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Villars SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Vopak N.V. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von UBS bis 16.09.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Zürcher Kantonalbank bis 15.09.2011 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Zürcher Kantonalbank bis 17.02.2012 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Wesbanco Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Perp Red Pfd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Wesbanco IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
West Fraser Timber Co.Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Westbury Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
WG Tech (JiangXi) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Willfar Information Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
William Penn Bancorporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Wuhan Hanshang Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Wuxi Commerical Mansion Grand Orient Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Wuxi NCE Power Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Xi'an Manareco New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Xilinmen Furniture Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Joinworld Company Limited (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Koerle Pear Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Tianfu Thermoelectric Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Torch Gas Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Yongyue Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Biyi Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Chengbang Landscape Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang China Light & Textile Industrial City Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Fulai New Material Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Haiyan Power System Resources Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Hangxiao Steel Structure Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Huatie Construction Safety Science And Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Provincial New Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Shaoxing Ruifeng Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Shapuaisi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang WHWH Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Xinzhonggang Clean Energy Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Zomax Transmission Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 20.04.2022 |
Zhongzhu Holding Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
Zimtu Capital Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 20.04.2022 |
CSX Corp. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
Baker Hughes Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
Procter & Gamble Co. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
Abbott Laboratories | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
Alcoa Corp | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
M&T Bank Corp. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
Nasdaq Inc | appointmenttype#pressconference | 20.04.2022 |
1st Source Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
2G Energy AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
3peak Incorporated Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
ABB Ltd. (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.) (Spons. ADRS) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Active Biotech ABShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AES Corp. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp Cum Conv Red Pfd Registered Shs (D) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp Deposit Shs Repr 1-1000th Cum Conv Red Pfd Registered Shs Series -C- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Ser -F- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Ser -G- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AGNC Investment Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th Cum Conv Red Pfd Registered Shs Series -E- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Akzo Nobel N.V. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Akzo Nobel NV (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Alaska Air Group Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Al-Buhaira National Insurance Co. Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Allfunds Group PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Alpine Income Property Trust Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
American Airlines Group Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.5 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
American Airlines Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Aneesh Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Anji Foodstuff Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
APAC Realty Limited Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
AQ Group AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Asia Aviation Public Company Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Asia Enterprises Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Associated Banc-Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5.625 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs -F- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Associated Banc-Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Series -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Associated Banc-Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AT&T Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.3333 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AT&T Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 4.75 % Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -C- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AT&T Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-1000th 5 % Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AT&T Inc. (AT & T Inc.) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Atlantic Sapphire ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation Depositary Shs Repr 1-400th 6.875% Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Se | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
ATLED CORP. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Audientes A-S Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Aurania Resources Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
AutoNation Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Axactor SE Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Axfood AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Axfood AB Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1/2 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Azucar Minerals Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Banc of California Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Banc of California Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Ser | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bancfirst CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bangkok Bank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bangkok Bank Public Co Ltd. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 5 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bangkok Bank Public Co LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bank of the Ozarks Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bank OZK Non-Cum Perp Pfd Registered Shs (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bankinter, SA (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bankinter, SA Reg.Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
BankUnited Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Baoji Titanium Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bar Harbor Bankshares | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Basic-Fit N.V. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
BCB Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
BE Group AB | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Beijer Ref AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Beijing Bayi Space LCD Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Beijing Kawin Technology Share-Holding Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Beken Corporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Berli Jucker Public Co Ltd BJC Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Berli Jucker Public Co Ltd BJC Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 10 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Betala Global Securities Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bioqual Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
BJ's Restaurants IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Black Mammoth Metals Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Blackstone | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
BlueHarbor Bank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bondex Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bongrain S.A. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Boston Beer Company | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Brembo SPA Az nominativa | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Briox AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Bufab Holding AB | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Bure Equity AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Business Warrior Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
BV Financial Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Byggmax Group AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
C & F Financial CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
CapitaMall Trust Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Case Group AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
CDON AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Cell Impact AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Cembra Money Bank AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Cementir Holding N.V. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Central Pacific Financial Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
CGN Power Co Ltd Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Changchun Yidong Clutch Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Chemung Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
China Mobile Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
China Spacesat Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
China State Construction International Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Christian Dior S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Churchill China PLCShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Cibox Inter Active | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Citizens & Northern CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
City Holding Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Cobra Venture Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Colony Bankcorp Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
COLTENE AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Columbia Banking System Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Consorcio Ara SAB de CV | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
ContextVision AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Cornerstone Community Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Covestro AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Covestro AG (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Covestro AG Inhaber-Akt Zum Verkauf eingereichte I-Aktien | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
CTT-Correios de Portugal S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Cyient Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Danaher Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.018518518 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Danaher Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Daqo New Energy Corp (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Dedicare AB | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Disco Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Disco Corp Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-5th Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Donegal Group Inc. (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Donegal Group Inc. (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Dover Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Dow Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.166666667 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Dow Inc Registered Shs When Issued | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
East West Bancorp Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Economic Investment Trust Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Economic Investment Trust Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Elanders ABShs-B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Elecster OYJ (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Elma Electronic AG (N) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
ENAV S.p.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Engie (ex GDF Suez) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Engie SA (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Engie SA Act.Nom.Prime Fidelite | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
ENGIE SA Prime de fidelite 2025 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
ENGIE SA Prime de fidelite 2026 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
ENGIE SA Prime de fidelite 2027 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Enterprise Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
essensys PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Europris ASA | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Evergen Infrastructure Corp Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
eXeBlock Technology Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Eyebright Medical Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs (E) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs (G) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs (I) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs (K) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs (M) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Pfd Shs Series -J- Fltg Rt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Red Pfd Shs Series -F- Fltg Rt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Cum Red Pfd Shs Series -H- Fltg Rt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings LtdShs Subord.Vtg | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Fairfax India Holdings Corp Subord.Vtg | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Far East Hospitality Trust Stapled Security | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Farmers National Banc Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
FastPartner AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
FastPartner AB Registered Shs -D- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
First Financial Bancorp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
First Financial Bankshares IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
First United CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
FirstEnergy Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Flughafen Zuerich AG | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Forestar Group Inc Registered Shs When Issued | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Freeport-McMoRan Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Fugro NV Bearer and Registered Shs | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
FUJIAN TIANMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO LTD Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
FVCBankcorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Gecina S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Genting Singapore Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Genting Singapore Plc Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1/50 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Genuine Parts Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Gesco AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Glacier Bancorp Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Global Graphics SE | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Gränges AB 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Graphisoft Park SEShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Gray Rock Resources Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Greene County Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Grupo Financ. Banorte S.A.B de C.V. (Reg. Shares) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV (O) (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Grupo Herdez SAB de CV | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Grupo Industrial Saltillo SAB de CV (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Guangdong Songyang Recycle Resources Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Guangzhou Restaurant Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Hainan Haiqi Transportation Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Haivision Systems Inc Registered Shs Unitary | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Hansa Medical AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Harbin Pharm Group Sanjing Pharmaceutical Shareholding Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
HAWESKO Holding AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
HCA Holdings Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
HCL Technologies | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Heartland Express Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Hefei Taihe Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Heineken Holding N.V. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Heineken Holding NV (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Heineken N.V. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Heineken NV (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Hemisphere Energy Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Hengdian Group Tospo Lighting Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Herc Holdings | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Heritage Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Hilltop Holdings IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
HKBN Ltd Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
HMS Networks AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Ho Bee Land Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Hock Lian Seng Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Home Bancshares IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Humana Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Hunan Huasheng Co., Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs Series -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Depositary Shs Repr 5.7% 1-1'000th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Shs Series -I- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc Non Cum Perp Pfd Shs Depository Shs Repr 1-40th Non cum Perp Pfd Shs Serie | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Husqvarna AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Husqvarna ABShs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ibstock PLC | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Iconic Minerals Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Immobiliere dassault SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Indel B S.p.A. Az nominativa | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Independent Bank Corp. (Massachusetts) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Industrivaerden AB (A) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Industrivaerden AB (C) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Insteel Industries IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Integrated Diagnostics Holdings PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Intellego Technologies AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Interactive Brokers Group Inc Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
International Container Terminal Services Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
International Holding Company PJSC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Intuitive Surgical Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Intuitive Surgical Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.0111111111 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Investar Holding Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Isabella Bank Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Italmobiliare SPA Az nominativa | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Jarvis Securities PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
JD Bancshares Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Jeju Bank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Jeronimo Martins SGPS S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 2 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Bide Science And Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Fengshan Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Journeo PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Kardex AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Kasikornbank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kasikornbank | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kasikornbank Public Company Limited Singapore Depositary Receipt Repr 1 NDVR | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kasikornbank Public Company Limited Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 4 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KCE Electronics Public Co Ltd Registered Shs Foreign | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
KCE Electronics Public Co LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Keppel Corporation Ltd (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Keppel Corporation LtdShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KeyCorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KeyCorp Deposit Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Perp Pfd Registered Shs Series -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KeyCorp Depositary Shares Repr 1-40th 5.650 % Non-Cum Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -F- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KeyCorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 5.625% Non-Cum Perp Red Pfd Rg Shs Series -G- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KeyCorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th 6.200 % Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Rg Shs Series -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kiatnakin Bank Public Company LtdShs Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Kiatnakin Bank Public Company LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Kimberly-Clark d. Mex. S.A.B. de C.V. (Reg. Sha.) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kinco Automation Shanghai Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kingfish Zeeland B.V. Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kinnevik AB Redemption Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kinnevik AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kinnevik AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kosei Securities Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
KS Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Kudelski S.A. (I) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Kuya Silver Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
L&T Technology Services Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
LBG Media PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Lifecare ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Lockheed Martin Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Lockheed Martin Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1/5th Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oréal S.A. (L'Oreal, L Oreal) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Prime de fidelite 2023 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Prime de fidelite 2024 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Prime de fidelite 2025 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Prime de fidelite 2026 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
L'Oreal S.A. Prov.Prime de Fidelite | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Loulis Mills SA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck - Textilhaus Feldmeier AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Lumiera Health Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-5 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Lytix Biopharma ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
M.O.B.A. Network AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Mabion S.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Manazel PJSC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Maritime Resources Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Maroc Telecom | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES Categorie -O- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Mavshack AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
MCOT Public Co LtdShs Foreign registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
MCOT Public Co LtdUnits Non-voting depository receipts | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
MDN Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Mensch und Maschine Software SE | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Metro Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Metso Outotec Oyj Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1-2Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Middlefield Banc Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Minesto AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Moncler S.p.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Moncler S.p.A. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
MotorK Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
MPH Health Care AG Inhaber-Akt Nach Kapitalherabsetzung | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Multi-Metal Development Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Mycronic AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Mycronic AB Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 2 shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
MYR Group Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Nagase Brothers Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Nantong Haixing Electronics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
National Bankshares Inc VirginiaShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
NEL ASA | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
NEL ASA Unsponsored American Depositary Share Repr 30 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Neo Industrial Plc (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Nestle India Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
New Bubbleroom Sweden AB (publ) Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
New Zealand Energy Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Newmont Corporation Registered Shs Chess Depositary Interests Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Newmont Mining Corp. (NMC) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Nexam Chemical Holding AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
NextEra Energy Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
NextEra Energy Partners LP Partnership Units | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited Non-Voting Depository Receipts Repr 1 SH | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
NHN Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
NIDEC Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Nidec CorpShs American Deposit.Receipt Repr. 0.25 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Nilorngruppen AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ningbo Deye Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ningbo Fujia Industrial Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Norsemont Capital Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Norske Skog ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Norske Skogindustrier ASA | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Northern CapSek Ventures AB 7% Non-Cum Red Pref Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Northern CapSek Ventures AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Nova Leap Health Corp | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
NOVATEK | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Nucor Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Oak Valley Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Obic Business Consultants Co. Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
OBIC Co LtdShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
OFG Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
OKE Precision Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Olvi OYJ (A) Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1-5 Sh -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Olvi OYJShs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Omega Flex IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Oregon Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Orexo AB (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Orexo ABShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Österreichische Post AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Outotec OyjShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
OVS S.p.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ovzon AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
PCF Group Spolka Akcyjna Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Penns Woods Bancorp IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Pentair PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Philip Morris Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Philip Morris International Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.0555555555 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Phoenix Mecano AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Phoenix Mecano AG 2 Linie November 2023 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Pioneer Property Group ASA 7 1-2 % Pfd.Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Plus Therapeutics Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Polyplank AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Pool Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PPG Industries Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Prerna Infrabuild Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Profilgruppen AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 25 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PT ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PT Petrosea Tbk | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
PT Polychem Indonesia TbkShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Pulse Data IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Pulse Oil Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Puya Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Quarterhill Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Quest Diagnostics Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Rajratan Global Wire Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Rallis India Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ramm Pharma Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Rand Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Redishred Capital Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Reitmans Canada Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Reitmans Canada Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Rejlerkoncernen AB (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
RELX PLC (ex Reed Elsevier) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
RELX PLC (spons. ADRs) (ex Reed Elsevier) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Republic Bancorp IncShs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Rexel S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Rexel SA Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Richmond Mutual Bancorporation Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Road Environment Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Routon Electronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
RPCG Public Company Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
RPCG Public Company Ltd Non-voting Depository Receipts | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
S & T Corporation Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
S&T Bancorp Inc. (S & T Bancorp) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sabana Shari'ah Compliant Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sartorius AG Pfd Shs Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1-5 Pfd Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sartorius AG St. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sartorius AG Vz. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sartorius Stedim Biotech | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sartorius Stedim Biotech Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1-10 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Scanfil plc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Schaeffler AG Inhaber-Akt | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Schweitzer Mauduit International Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Seamless Distribution Systems AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Secura Group Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sego Resources Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Segro PLC (REIT) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sembcorp Industries LtdShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Senior PLC | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Serica Energy PLCShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shanghai Belling Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Shanghai Kaichuang Marine International Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Shanghai Kindly Enterprise Development Group Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Shanghai Zhixin Electric Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sharjah Islamic Bank Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shengyi Electronics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Shenma Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Shenyang Brilliance Automotive Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Kingdom Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Sine Electric Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Sunmoon Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Shiva Cement Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sichuan Furong Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sichuan Star Cable Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Silicon Laboratories Inc. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sinopharm Group Co Ltd (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Sinopharm Group Co Ltd (H) Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 5 Shs -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Six of October Development & Investment (SODIC) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Snap Inc (A) Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 Sh -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Snap Inc. (Snapchat) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Snap-On Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Softronic AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Somboon Advance Technology Public Co LtdShs Foreign registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sonoco Products Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Stara Planina Holding AD | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Stolt-Nielsen Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Strattec Security CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
STV Group PLC | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sweco AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Sweco AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Synagie Corporation Ltd. Registereed Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Synovus Financial Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Synovus Financial Corp Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (D) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Synovus Financial Corp Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (E) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
TalkMed Group Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Tanmiah Food Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Tata Communications Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Tata Steel Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Techstep ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Tele2 AB (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Tele2 AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
The Hut Group | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
THG Holdings PLC Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Tian Di Science & Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
TIH Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB Non-Cumulative Pref Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Tingsvalvet Fastighets AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Titan Logix Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Tractor Supply Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Transgaming Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
TRI Pointe Homes LLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Trident Texofab Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Trustco Bank Corp N Y Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Truxton Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Turk Traktor Ve Ziraat Mak. A.S. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Ultimovacs AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Union Pacific Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.05 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Union Pacific Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
United Overseas Bank Ltd (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
United Overseas Bank Ltd. (UOB) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Universal Forest Products Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Urbanfund Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
UZIN UTZ AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Verra Mobility Corporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Vicor Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
VNV Global AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Julius Bär bis 21.12.2012 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 16.03.2012 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 16.12.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Basler Kantonalbank bis 16.12.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Waterstone Financial Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Watsco Inc (B) any time | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Watsco Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Westamerica Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Western Alliance Bancorp Depositary Shs Repr 1-400th Fixed-to-Fltg Non-Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Rg -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Western Alliance Bancorporation | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Wilmar International Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 10 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Wilmar International LtdShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Wolters Kluwer N.V. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Wolters Kluwer N.V. (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Woodford Patient Capital Trust PLC Ptg.Shs GBP | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
WSFS Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
WTB Financial Corp (B) Non-Voting | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Wuhan Xianglong Power Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Wuxi Taiji Industrial Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Xerox Corp Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Xerox Holdings Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Xiamen Faratronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Xiamen International Trade Group Corp Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Xiamen Tungsten Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Xi'an Hongsheng Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Qingsong Building Material and Chemicals (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
YinChuan Xinhua Commercial (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Zenova Group PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Hangmin Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Zhiyang Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
Zhongjin Gold Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 21.04.2022 |
ZTE Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 21.04.2022 |
Great Southern Bancorp Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Union Pacific Corp. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Insteel Industries IncShs | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
AT&T Inc. (AT & T Inc.) | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Home Bancshares IncShs | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Herc Holdings | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Sonoco Products Co. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Huntington Bancshares Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Forestar Group Inc Registered Shs When Issued | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Brandywine Realty TrustShs Of Beneficial Int. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Quest Diagnostics Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
Boston Beer Company | appointmenttype#pressconference | 21.04.2022 |
360 Security Technology Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
A.H. Belo Corporation Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Acconeer AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Acme United CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Acrinova AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Acrinova AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
ADD Industry (Zhejiang) Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ADJUVANT COSME JAPAN CO LTD | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Affinity Bancshares Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Aker ASAShs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Aker Horizons AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Akwaaba Mining Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Akzo Nobel N.V. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Akzo Nobel NV (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Alliance Trust plc | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Alma Media CorporationShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Altisource Asset Management Corporation | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
American Express Co Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.10 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
American Express Co. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
American Shipping Company ASA | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Ames National CorpShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Anhui Tongfeng Electronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Arbonia AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Arcelik AS Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1/5th Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Arjo AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Aster Acquisition Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Autoliv Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
AXYZ Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
AZZ IncShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bafang Electric (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bank Of Shanghai Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bank Of The James Financial Group Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Banyan Tree Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Batero Gold Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
BB Biotech AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
BB Biotech AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
BEC World Public Co Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Aritime Intelligent Control Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Balance Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Jingkelong Co Ltd (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing New Space Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Roborock Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Beijing Succeeder Technology Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bhakti Gems and Jewellery Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Blackheath Resources Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bomesc Offshore Engineering Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Boozt AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
BQE Water Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
B-R 31 ICE CREAM CO LTD | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Brownie's Marine Group Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Bumitama Agri Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
C.P.ALL Public Co Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
C.P.ALL Public Co Ltd Non-voting Depository Receipts | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
C.P.ALL Public Co Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 10 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Camel Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Carbiotix AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
CCore Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
CDL Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust Stapled Security Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
CenterPoint Energy Inc. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Central Pattana Public Co Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
CH Offshore Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Changchun Engley Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Changzheng Engineering Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Chengdu Xgimi Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Cherry Street Capital Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
China High-Tech Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
China Merchants Bank Co Ltd. (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
China Merchants Bank Co Ltd. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 5 Shs -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
China Merchants Bank Co LtdShs -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
China New Higher Education Group Ltd Registered Shs Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
China Southern Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
China United Network Communications Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Chino Commerical Bancorp (CA) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
CIB Marine Bancshares Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Cinaport Acquisition Corp III Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Citychamp Dartong Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
CMUV Bancorp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
CNP Assurances S.A. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
CO2 Capsol AS Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Coolabah Metals Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
CP ALL Public Company Ltd Singapore Depositary Receipt Repr 1 NDVR | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Cyberlux Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Cyrela Brazil Realty S.A. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Decibel Cannabis Company Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Deutsche Bank Mexico SA Institucion de Banca Multiple Division Fiduciaria | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Duni AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Duni AB Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 2 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
DuZhe Publishing&Media Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Edisun Power Europe AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Eindec Corporation Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Elisa Corporation Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-2 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Elisa Oyj | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ellora Trading Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Entra ASA Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Essity AB Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Essity AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Euromedis Groupe | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Everdisplay Optronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Fangdd Network Group Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
FERMENTALG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ferrexpo PLC Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 4 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ferrexpo PLCShs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Fiera Milano Spa | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Fingerprint Cards AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Fingerprint Cards AB Cons of 48 Shs + 8 Wts | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
First Hawaiian Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
First Nordic Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Flat Capital AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Fountain Asset Corp Subord Voting | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Frencken Group Ltd. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Fugro NV Bearer and Registered Shs | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Fujian Dongbai (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Fujian Qing Shan Paper Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Fushun Special Steel Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
GATX Corp. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Gentex Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ginwa Enterprise Group Inc (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Glarner Kantonalbank | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Globant S.A. Cert Deposito Arg Repr 1-2 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Globant S.A. Reg. Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Golden Spike Resources Corp Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Grande Portage Resources Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Great Wall Motor Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Great Wall Motor Co Ltd (H) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Great Wall Motor Co Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 10 Shs -H- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
GRIPM Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Grupo Aerop. del Pacifico S.A.B. (Reg. Shares) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CVShs American Deposit Shares Repr 10 Shs Series -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Grupo Bafar SAB de CV (B) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
GS Sweden AB | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Guangdong Fuxin Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangdong Gensho Logistics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangdong Rongtai Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangdong Super Telecom Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangdong Wencan Die Casting Co., Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guanghui Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangzhou Fangbang Electronics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guangzhou Sanfu Newmaterials Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guizhou Red Star Developing Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Guizhou Sanli Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Gulf & Pacific Equities Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan OJSCShs Sponsored Global Deposit Receipt Repr Shs Reg-S | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Greenda Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Hangzhou MDK Opto Electronic Corporation Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Harbin High-Tech (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Harris Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
HCA Holdings Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Hebei Cangzhou Dahua Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Heliospectra AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Henan Dayou Energy Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Hengdian Group Tospo Lighting Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Hindustan Zinc Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Hoshine Silicon Industry Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
HuaDian Heavy Industries Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Hubei Zhenhua Chemical Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Huida Sanitary Ware Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ICADE SA | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
iFAST Corporation Ltd Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
iMetal Resources Inc Registered shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Impact Coatings AB | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
InCity Immobilien | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
INESA Electron Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
INESA Electron Co Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Inficon AG (N) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
INFICON HOLDING AG Unsponsored American Depository Receipt Repr 1 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Inner Mongolia Jinyu Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Inner Mongolia Lantai Industrial Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ISEC Healthcare Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
IwaiCosmo Holdings Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jafco Co. Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jason Furniture (Hangzhou) Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
JBS SA Sponosored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Jiajiayue Group Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Nanfang Medical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
JiangSu Zhenjiang New Energy Equipment co., Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangxi Hongcheng Waterworks Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangxi Hungpai New Material Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiangxi Zhongjiang Real Estate Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jiayou International Logistics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Jinneng Science&Technology Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
John Mattson Fastighetsforetagen AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Juniata Valley National Bank Mifflintown Pa | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
KB Financial Group Inc (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
KB Financial Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Keboda Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Keda Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Kelly Ventures Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Keppel Corporation Ltd (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Keppel Corporation LtdShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Keppel REIT Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Kimberly-Clark Corp Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.3333 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Kimberly-Clark Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
KIMOTO CO LTD | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Kintavar Exploration Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc 6.5 % Cum Conv Red Perp Pfd Registered Shs (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Klaipedos nafta AB | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Koa Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Lagardere S.C.A. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Leader Harmonious Drive Systems Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Liaoning Hongyang Energy Resopurce Invest Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Liaoning Shidai Waheng Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Life Settlements Assets PLC Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Linea Directa Aseguradora SA Compania De Seguros y Reaseguros Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Liquid Media Group Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Loxley Public Co LtdUnits Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Lucky Film Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
MagnaChip Semiconductor Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Many Bright Ideas Technologies Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Merck KGaA | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Metrocity Bankshares Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Midnight Sun Mining Corp. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Minor International Public Co Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Minor International Public Co Ltd Foreign registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Minor International Public Co Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 25 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Mobile Factory, Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Mobistar S.A. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Mudanjiang Hengfeng Paper Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Mun Siong Engineering Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Munters Group AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
NagaCorp Ltd Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 60 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
NagaCorp LtdShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Nanjing Develop Advanced Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Nanjing Inform Storage Equipment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Nanjing Vazyme Biotech Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Narendra Investments (Delhi) Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Nederman Holding AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Newmont Corporation Registered Shs Chess Depositary Interests Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Newmont Mining Corp. (NMC) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ningbo Fuda Company Limited (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Norden Crown Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
One Click Group Limited Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
One Media iP Group PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Optowide Technologies Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Orange Polska S.A. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Oregon Bancorp Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Orion Nutraceuticals Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Oversea Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 2 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Oxford Technology 2 VCT PLC | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Oxford Technology 2 VCT PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Oxford Technology 2 VCT PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Oxford Technology 2 VCT PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Pacific Century Regional Developments Ltd. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Pan-United Corporation Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Park National Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Parkway Life Real Estate Investment Trust | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Pexip Holding ASA Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Phenix Optical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Plastec Technologies Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Plato Gold Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Polytec | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Portland General Electric Co | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
POSCO COATED & COLOR STEEL Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Private Bancorp of America Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk Unsponsored American Depository Receipt Repr 400 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
PT Excelcomindo Pratama TbkShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
PT XL Axiata TBK Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 20 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
QAF Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Qinghai Jinrui Mineral Development Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
QPR Software OYJ | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Quechen Silicon Chemical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
R S Software (India) Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non Cum Red Perp Pfd Ser -E- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Depositary Shs Repr 1-40th Non-Cum Red Perp Pfd Ser -C- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp Pfd Registered shs (F) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Renoworks Software Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Reply | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Saab AB (B) Unsponsored American Depositary Share Repr 1-2 Sh -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Saab AB Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sailun Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
SAP SE | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
SAP SE (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sarama Resources Ltd Chess Depository Interests Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sarama Resources Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Scanfil plc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schindler AG (PS) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schindler AG NA | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schindler Holding AG 2 Linie November 2024 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schindler Holding AG Inhaber-Partizipationsschein 2 Linie November 2024 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schindler Holding AG Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 1-10 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schlumberger Ltd Cert.Deposito Arg.Repr. 0.3333 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schlumberger N.V. (Ltd.) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Schweizer Electronic AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
SEIKO ELECTRIC CO LTD | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shaanxi Broadcast & TV Network Intermediary (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shandong Donghong Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shandong Lubei Chemical Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Aohua Photoelectricity Endoscope Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Awinic Technology Co. Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Haoyuan Chemexpress Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Huitong Energy Resource Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Jinling Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Maling Aquarius Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Moons' Electric Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Rongtai Health Technology Corporation Limited Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Smith Adhesive New Material Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Supezet Engineering Technology Corp., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Yanpu Metal Products Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai Yongmaotai Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shanghai ZJ Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sharad Fibres & Yarn Processors Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sharjah Insurance Company Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shengyi Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Qingyi Photomask Limited. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Xunjiexing Technology Corp. Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shinhan Financial Group | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Siamgas and Petrochemicals Public Company Ltd Non-Voting Depository Receipt | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Siamgas and Petrochemicals Public Company Ltd Registered Shs Foreign | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Sichuan Minjiang Hydropower Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sichuan Road & Bridge Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Sichuan Teway Food Group Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Sichuan Tuopai Shede Wine Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sierra Nevada Gold Inc Chess Depository Interests Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sierra Nevada Gold Inc Registered Shs Issue 23 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
SILVERY DRAGON PRESTRESSED MATERIALS CO LTD TIANJIN (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Simris Alg AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Singapura Finance Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Singularity Future Technology Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
SITC International Holdings Co Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
SITC International Holdings Co Ltd Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Repr 10 Shs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Slottsviken Fastighetsaktiebolag Registered Shs -B- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Sogefi SPAAz. | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
South Star Battery Metals Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Stanley Black & Decker Inc | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Strategic Investments A-S (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Sundram Fasteners Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Suzhou Etron Technologies Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Svedbergs I Dalstorp Ab (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Swiss Life AG (N) | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Swiss Life Holding AG Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-20 Sh | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Tangshan Sunfar Silicon Industries Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Taranis Resources Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Tederic Machinery Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Tejas Networks Ltd Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Temas Resources Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Teras Resources Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Thai Vegetable Oil Public Co Ltd Foreign Registered | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Thai Vegetable Oil Public Co Ltd NON-VOTING DEPOSITORY RECEIPT | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Tianjin Tianyao Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Till Capital Corporation Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Time Publishing & Media Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Tiong Seng Holdings Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
TME Pharma N.V. Bearer and Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Toho Lamac Co Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Touchstone International Medical Science Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Univanich Palm Oil Public Company Limited Non-voting Depository Receipts | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Vector Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Verizon Communications Inc Cert Deposito Arg Repr 0.5 Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Verizon Communications Inc Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Verizon Inc. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Villeroy & Boch AG | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Vitec Software Group AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Vitrolife AB Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Vitrolife AB Unsponsored American Deposit Receipt Repr 1-4 th sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Volvo AB (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Volvo AB (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Volvo AB Unsponsored American Depositary Receipts Repr 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Wangli Security & Surveillance Product Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Warehouses De Pauw N.V. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Julius Bär bis 21.09.2012 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 15.06.2012 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 16.09.2011 | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Bank Vontobel bis 16.09.2011 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Warrant auf Call-Warrant von Zürcher Kantonalbank bis 16.03.2012 | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
WELL LEAD MEDICAL CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Wendt (India) Ltd Dematerialised | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Westbridge Renewable Energy Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Whirlpool China Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Whitewater Acquisition Corp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Wolong Real Estate Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Woori Financial Group Inc. (spons. ADRs) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Woori Financial Group Inc. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Wuhan Citms Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Wuxi Hongsheng Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Wuxi Paike New Materials and Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Daqo New Energy Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Tianye Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Xinte Energy Co Ltd (H) Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co Ltd (spons. GDR) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
YinChuan Xinhua Commercial (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Yueyang Forest & Paper Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Yunnan Chihong Zinc & Germanium Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Yunnan Shennong Agricultural Industry Group Co.,Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Yunnan Yuntian Hua Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Zephyr Minerals Ltd. | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Chimin Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Conba Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Dehong Automotive Electronic & Electrical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ZheJiang Heda Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Huada New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Jianye Chemical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Juhua Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Lante Optics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Oceanking Development Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Qianjiang Biochemistry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Shouxiangu Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Tiantai Xianghe Industrial Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Tuna Environmental Science & Tech Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Xinhua Chemical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhenhai Petrochemical Engineering Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zhongman Petroleum And Natural Gas Group Corp. Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ZHONGMIN ENERGY CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
Zinc Media Group PLC Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
ZoomAway Technologies Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 22.04.2022 |
PPG Industries Inc. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 22.04.2022 |
Regions Financial Corp. | appointmenttype#pressconference | 22.04.2022 |
Schlumberger N.V. (Ltd.) | appointmenttype#pressconference | 22.04.2022 |
Alpine Income Property Trust Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#pressconference | 22.04.2022 |
American Riviera Bancorp Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Anhui Sun-Create Electronics Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Anhui Tongfeng Electronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Anhui Transport Consulting & Design Institute Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Anyuan Coal Industry Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Apple Flavor & Fragrance Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Aucma Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
AURORA OPTOELECTRONICS CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Avricore Health Inc Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Baida Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Beijing Konruns Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Beijing Wangfujing Department Building (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Beiqi Foton Motor Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
CABIO Biotech (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Changchun Gas Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chengdu Easton Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chengdu M&S Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China International Travel Service Corporatiopn (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Resources Microelectronics Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Resources Wandong Medical Equipment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Satellite Communications Corp Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Tourism Group Duty Free Corporation Limited Registered Shs -H- Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
China Tourism Group Duty Free Corporation Limited Unsponsored American Depositary Receipt Rprtg 1 Sh | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chongqing Chuanyi Automation Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chongqing Department Store Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chongqing Qin'an M&E Plc Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Chongqing Sifang New Material Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
CSSC Steel Structure Engineering Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Dalian Sunasia Tourism Holding Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Dalian Thermal Power Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
DBAPP Security Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Dosilicon Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Ecovacs Robotics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Fastenal Co. | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 23.04.2022 |
Fujian Longxi Bearing (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
G-bits Network Technology (Xiamen) Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Graubuendner Kantonalbank | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 23.04.2022 |
Greattown Holdings Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Greattown Holdings Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Grinm Advanced Materials Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Guizhou Chitianhua Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Guizhou Gas Group Corporation Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Guizhou Yibai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hainan Zhenghe Industrial Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Iron & Steel Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hangzhou Pin Ming An Kong Information Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Harbin Xinguang Optic-Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hebei Jinniu Chemical Industry Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hebei Yangyuan ZhiHui Beverage Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Heilongjiang Interchina Watertreatment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Henan Huanghe Xuanfeng Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Henan Shijia Photons Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Henan Zhongyuan Expressway Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
HOLSIN ENGINEERING CONSULTING CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Inc. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Hubei Hongcheng General Machinery Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
ICICI Bank Ltd | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
ICICI Bank Ltd. (Spons. ADRS) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Industrial Securities Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
IReader Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jack Sewing Machine Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Lettall Electronic Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Luokai Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Corporation Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Sopo Chemical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
JIANGSU XINRI E-VEHICLE CO LTD Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangsu Yueda Investment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangxi Chen Guang New Materials Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jilin Yatai Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jin Shan Development & Construction Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jin Shan Development & Construction Co Ltd (B) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Jinhui Mining Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Langfang Development Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Lanzhou LS Heavy Equipment Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Leaguer (Shenzhen) Microelectronics Corp. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Lifan Industry (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Lionco Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Longyan Zhuoyue New Energy Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
MMTC Ltd | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 23.04.2022 |
Nanjing Huamai Technology Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
NBTM New Materials Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Nextraction Energy Corp | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Ningbo Tianlong Electronics Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Oppein Home Group Inc Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
RAISECOM TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Runner (Xiamen) Corp. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
SDIC Xinji Energy Company Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shaanxi Qinling Cement (Group) Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shandong Binzhou Bohai Piston Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shandong Tianyehejin Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanghai Belling Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanghai Bright Power Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanghai CEO Environmental Protection TechnologyCo., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanghai Huitong Energy Resource Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanghai Qiangsheng Holdings Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanxi Coal International Energy Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shanxi Lu'An Environmental Energy Development Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Shenzhen Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
ShiJiaZhuang Kelin Electric Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Starrag Group AG | appointmenttype#shareholdermeeting | 23.04.2022 |
TBEA Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Tiancheng Co Ltd (Of Taiyuan University of Technology) (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Tibet Urban Development and Investments Co., Ltd. (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Tonghua Grape Wine Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
TONTEC Technology Investment Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Unigold Inc | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Wuhan Double Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Wuxi ETEK Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Wuxi Xinje Electric Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Xiamen Faratronic Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Xilinmen Furniture Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Guannong Fruit & Antler Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Xinjiang Joinworld Company Limited (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zacatecas Silver Corp Registered Shs Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
ZHEJIANG JIAAO ENPROTECH STOCK CO LTD (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
ZheJiang Kanglongda Special Protection Technology Co Ltd Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Shengyang Science and Technology Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Tony Electronic Co., Ltd. Registered Shs -A- | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Weiming Environment Protection Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Zhejiang Yongtai Technology Co Ltd (A) (GDR) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 23.04.2022 |
Banque Saudi Fransi Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
China Merchants Securities Co Ltd (A) | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
China Merchants Securities Co Ltd (H) Unitary 144A-Reg S | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Dr. Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Services Group Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Elm Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Mountain Province Diamonds IncShs | appointmenttype#annualgeneralmeeting | 24.04.2022 |
National Shipping Co of Saudi Arabia Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Saudi Automotive Services Company Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Saudi Paper Manufacturing Co Bearer Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
Thob Al Aseel Co. Registered Shs | appointmenttype#quaterlyfigures | 24.04.2022 |
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