26.10.2016 19:13:00
SCA Hygiene AB -- Moody's assigns Baa1 rating to SCA Hygiene and affirms Baa1 ratings for SCA; stable outlooks
Frankfurt am Main, October 26, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Services (Moody's) has today assigned a Baa1 long term issuer rating and Prime-2 (P-2) short term issuer rating to SCA Hygiene AB ("SCAH"), an entity that will host the current Personal Care and Tissue operations of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA ("SCA"). The outlook on the SCAH ratings is stable. Concurrently, Moody's has also changed to stable from negative the outlook of SCA and affirmed the Baa1 senior unsecured instrument ratings, (P)Baa1 senior unsecured MTN programme rating and P-2 short-term issuer rating of SCA ("SCA-related ratings").