30.06.2016 23:52:00
Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. -- Moody's affirms issuer and debt ratings of Bancomext with negative outlook; BCA lowered to ba3
Mexico, June 30, 2016 -- Moody's de México today affirmed Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, Sociedad Nacional de Crédito, Institución de Banca de Desarrollo's (Bancomext) long- and short-term global local and foreign currency issuer ratings of A3/Prime-2, and long-term global local currency senior unsecured debt ratings of A3 in the global scale and Aaa.mx in the Mexican National Scale. Moody's also affirmed Bancomext's long- and short-term Mexican National Scale issuer ratings of Aaa.mx/MX-1. Moody's nevertheless downgraded the bank's baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA to ba3, from ba2. The outlook is negative in line with the negative outlook on Mexico's A3 rating.