25.12.2016 15:56:00
Dr. Mike Evans: "Obama Betrays Israel"
NEW YORK, Dec. 25, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As with Charles Dickens' story of Ebenezer Scrooge, President Obama has played his Bah Humbug card during the Christmas season by declining to stand with Israel during the latest resolution to halt settlement building in Jerusalem. As a result, Israel feels abandoned by her closest ally – the United States. In a United Nations whose President admits extreme anti-Israel bias it is not the US that tried to prevent a vote declaring Jerusalem's Holy sites are not Jewish; it was Egypt that asked to defer the vote. Egypt was God's instrument to save the baby Jesus when Joseph fled there with Mary and their infant son after the visit by the Magi. The parents had learned that King Herod intended to kill the infants of that area. Once again Barack Obama refused to have the moral clarity to act in Israel's best interests. The resolution passed by a vote of 14-0.
The United States abstained rather than vetoing the proposition. Do you understand the implication of a vote stating that Jerusalem is not for Jews? It means that now, just before Christmas, the Temple Mount has no relationship to Christianity! Bethlehem is all but lost to Christendom, and the Christians there suffer. The only Christian sites that are honored are under Israeli care. Think about it: America, the most Christian country in the West, allowing the most holy Christian sites to be overtaken? There is no dichotomy here; if it is not Jewish, it isn't Christian.
What will be the relationship now between President-elect Donald Trump and Egypt's president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, after Sisi agreed to postpone the vote on a UN resolution regarding Israeli settlements. Israel had reached out to President-elect Trump for assistance in stopping the vote on the measure.
Sisi revealed that the call between him and Trump, "touched on the draft resolution...on Israeli settlements". The writers of the article stated: "The two leaders agreed on the importance of giving the new administration a chance to deal comprehensively with all the aspects of the Palestinian cause to achieve a comprehensive settlement."
Trump's worldview is one of moral clarity, or simply put: Good versus evil. Liberals such as President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have a difficult time seeing moral issues clearly; they are moral relativists. They reject absolute standards of good and evil, right and wrong. Donald Trump believes that Israel is a Jewish nation and America is a Christian nation. Merry Christmas!
In the Obama Liberal Left worldview man is capable of perfection, human nature is on a path toward enlightenment, and the concept of original sin is primitive. Secular humanists make excuses for evil, or worse, deny evil exists and coddle it by refusing to confront it. Humanists re-invented Yasser Arafat as a peacemaker and gave him the facade of a freedom fighter, not a terrorist.
In Donald Trump's worldview, America was attacked only because it is a Christian nation, and Israel is constantly under attack because it is a Jewish nation. The Liberal Left mocks such beliefs as simplistic and ignorant because they believe that evil does not really exists; that people are basically good, and it's better to talk with people and show tolerance.
Leaders of the State of Israel feel as though they have been deserted by the United States, heretofore her closest ally. In a UN whose President arrogantly confesses prejudice against Israel, it was not the U.S. that tried to forestall a vote that Jerusalem's Holy sites are not Jewish. Rather, it was Egypt, a Muslim country. The insinuation behind a vote declaring Jerusalem not to be Jewish—right now, just before the celebration of Christmas, is enormous. The protected Christian sites in Israel are under the auspices of the Jews…not the Arabs. The only Christian sites that are honored are in Israel or under Israeli care. Think about it: If Jerusalem is not Jewish, then Christians worldwide have no claim.
I debated Hanan Ashwari, the spokesperson for the PLO, at the Madrid Peace conference. She said Bethlehem is the Muslim town where Jesus Christ, the first Palestine Christian was born. I replied, "No, Bethlehem is the Jewish town where Jesus Christ, the Jew was born. She responded, "Don't destroy my reality; don't attempt to confuse me with facts."
A friend who visited Bethlehem several years ago wrote:
The last time I visited the town, it was under complete Palestinian control. It was so filthy I had a hard time recognizing it. Unlike my other visits, it now seemed as if we had been thrust into a Third World country. Confusion ruled; dirt, dust, and stench prevailed.
How sad that the city of Christ's birth has so declined under Palestinian operation. If the resolution that has been offered regarding Jerusalem is passed, the question remains: Is this a picture of what that beautiful city will be in a few years? Will a once-thriving city be reduced to an unappealing pile of debris?
UNESCO's latest assault on history is unconscionable; it is an attempt to erase the Jewish historical, cultural, and biblical relationship with the Temple Mount. For over a decade, the Waqf—the Islamic group which governs the Muslim sites on the Temple Mount—have worked diligently to destroy all ancient Jewish artifacts and ties to a site that is holy to both Jews and Christians. Their efforts have now been given credibility by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Today, the battle of good versus evil is being fought from within. Liberals hate the America of which Christian presidents dream. They hate Israel, the Bible, and Christians, in general. They subject Christians to scorn, ridicule, and discrimination. There is no attack on American culture more deadly than the secular humanists' attack against God in American public life.
The insults, verbal abuse, and attacks are so severe that anyone who contradicts them is labeled "ignorant, evil, racist and bigot." The dumbing down of America has begun, and all in the name of political correctness and a new Godless globalism.
The hippies of the 60s have become the establishment against which they once railed. Even though they run the culture, the media, the educational system, the courts, the arts, etc., they are still self-destructing. From the public and private sector, from mainstream Hollywood to public schools, from Washington politics to local judges, from the arts to the sciences, they are self-destructing.
America, the noble experiment, is under siege. A tidal wave of evil is sweeping over our nation: the self-injuring, spirit-destroying, conscious-searing practices of pornography, abortion, homosexuality, and drug and alcohol abuse are being supported as they never have been before. There is a vicious moral and spiritual war raging in the hearts and minds of Americans.
The liberal crowd wants God and the Bible out of America. Our first president, George Washington, said, "It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Reason and experience forbid us to expect that morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Can the liberal, secular humanists' hatred for all things Christian pass Natan Sharansky's "town square test"? He wrote in his book, The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny & Terror, "Can a person walk into the middle of the town square and express their views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm? If he can, then that person is living in a free society. If not, it's a fear society." The rights of every Jew in Israel and Christian in America to express his or her views without fear of retaliation from liberal organizations are frequently challenged and are slowly being eroded.
Dr. Michael Evans is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. His book, Islamic Infidels, is available at www.Timeworthybooks.com.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dr-mike-evans-obama-betrays-israel-300383538.html

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