Golden Star Resources Aktie
WKN DE: A2N8FY / ISIN: CA38119T8077
20.07.2006 14:21:00
Golden Star Reports Extensions to Gold Deposits at the Hwini-Butre and Benso Project in Ghana
Dr. Doug Jones, Vice President, Exploration said, "In January2006, Golden Star commenced an aggressive program of exploration toextend the known mineralized zones at Hwini-Butre and Benso and toupgrade and expand the previously defined resources. At the time ofacquisition, St. Jude Resources Ltd. had reported that Hwini-Butre andBenso had total near surface attributable indicated mineral resourcesof approximately 5.3 million tonnes at an average grade of 4.5 gramsof Gold per tonne for about 0.77 million ounces of contained gold."
"The exploration work," continued Dr. Jones, "has includedintensive programs of diamond core drilling and RC drilling at themain prospects and RAB drilling along extensions of the mineralizedstructures. Results obtained to date have been highly encouraging andindicate that excellent potential exists to expand the resource. Inaddition, data from geochemical surveys carried out previously havebeen reviewed and the geochemical coverage has been extended to newareas believed to have geological potential for repetitions of theknown mineralized structures. In parallel, Golden Star is assessingdevelopment scenarios for Hwini-Butre and Benso and expects tocomplete a feasibility study by late 2006 which is expected to resultin the conversion of a portion of the resources to reserves. The mostlikely development scenario continues to be the mining and haulage ofthe high grade Hwini-Butre and Benso ore to Wassa, in order to extendthe life of the Wassa mine and increase production at lower cash costswith minimal additional capital investment."
Auger and RAB Drilling Program
In January 2006, Golden Star commenced a deep auger samplingprogram on both the Hwini-Butre and Benso concessions to delineatefurther RAB targets. At mid-year, approximately 6,400 meters of deepauger drilling had been completed.
Since January 2006, approximately 6,500 meters and 7,800 meters offollow up RAB drilling has been completed at Hwini-Butre and Bensorespectively using two RAB drill rigs, which continue to test deepauger targets on 200 meter spaced fences.
New Targets Generated
Drilling to date has delineated three new targets. These new zonesare shown on new maps located on the Golden Star Resources website( under the St.Jude-Ghana section. The zones are along projected strike extensions oftargets identified by drilling prior to 2006.
-- The first of these is located approximately 400 meters south of the last diamond drill hole previously collared in the Subriso East target. Golden Star RAB hole BERB145 intersected 8 meters grading 22 grams of gold per tonne and was terminated in mineralization.
-- The second zone is located on what is interpreted to be the same structure and is approximately one kilometer further to the south. Golden Star RAB holes BERB253 and 254 were both terminated early due to wet samples but intersected two 3 meter zones grading approximately 3 grams of gold per tonne. Both of these targets are currently being tested with RC and core drilling to determine the extents of the mineralization down dip and along strike.
-- The third new target generated by the RAB drilling is located approximately 800 meters southeast of St. Jude's "G" zone along the projected strike extension of this zone. BERB302 intersected 9 meters grading 3.42 grams of gold per tonne. The southeast extension of G zone is currently being tested with infill RAB drilling on 100 meter spaced fences.
In addition to these new targets that have been generated, we havealso been testing the immediate strike extensions of the zones definedby previous exploration to determine the potential for additionalmineralization within these zones.
Significant results from the RAB drilling are shown below withcomplete results and a location map provided on our web
Hole ID North East From To Dip Azimuth Inter- True Grade
(m) (m) section Width (g/t)
(m) (m)
BERB302 57485 175512 12.0 21.0 -50 90 9.0 6.9 3.42
BERB058 58034 176720 1.0 21.0 -50 90 20.0 15.3 1.75
BERB145 58501 176962 22.0 30.0 -50 90 8.0 6.1 22.04
HBRB0001 32759 176934 0.0 6.0 -50 90 6.0 4.6 4.54
HBRB0002 32759 176958 9.0 12.0 -50 90 3.0 2.3 19.65
HBRB0021 32811 176805 0.0 9.0 -50 90 9.0 6.9 19.52
HBRB0034 33015 176543 17.0 29.0 -50 90 12.0 9.2 3.64
HBRB0044 33119 176298 2.0 10.0 -50 90 8.0 6.1 3.42
HBRB0094 33369 176318 0.0 18.0 -50 90 18.0 13.8 2.89
HBRB0095 33419 176318 0.0 22.0 -50 90 22.0 16.9 3.46
HBRB0097 33442 176334 0.0 11.0 -50 90 11.0 8.4 9.84
HBRB0175 34496 176200 9.0 15.0 -50 90 6.0 4.6 5.58
HBRB0253 32659 177145 1.0 7.0 -50 90 6.0 4.6 3.24
HBRB0325 33208 177191 11.0 20.0 -50 90 9.0 6.9 3.48
Resource Definition Drilling
Resource definition RC and diamond core drilling has beenundertaken on both the Hwini-Butre and Benso concessions. AtHwini-Butre we have completed in excess of 6,000 meters of drilling.Initial RC drilling below our earlier RAB intersections has tested thesouthern extents of the Adoikrom zone for another 175 meters to thesouth and confirmed that the mineralization continues with true widthsand grades ranging between 4 and 7 meters and 1 to 3 grams per tonnegold.
Metallurgical holes to collect oxide material for testing haveconfirmed the previous St. Jude drilling and results for holesADKRC009 to 016 are tabulated below. Diamond drilling at Adoikromtesting the down dip extensions of the mineralization was conducted on100 meter fences and confirmed the zone continues at depth. ADKDD001and 003 intersected approximately 9 meter true thickness grading about2.5 grams of gold per tonne between 50 and 75 meters down dip of thelast drilling. This new drilling will be used to update the blockmodels and to delineate new optimized pit shells to determine whetherthe down dip extensions of the Adoikrom zone are exploitable by openpit. If this is the case, Golden Star expects to conduct furtherdrilling to delineate the extents of the economic mineralization.
Significant intersections from the Adoikrom drilling are tabulatedbelow with complete results and a location plan provided on our website
Hole ID North East From To Dip Azimuth Inter- True Grade
(m) (m) section Width (g/t)
(m) (m)
ADKRC009 33168 176249 60.0 69.0 -50 90 9.0 6.9 3.07
ADKRC010 33167 176289 16.0 25.0 -50 90 9.0 6.9 2.24
ADKRC011 33117 176273 28.0 35.0 -50 88 7.0 5.4 2.22
ADKRC012 33356 176309 0.0 21.0 -50 90 21.0 16.1 3.46
ADKRC013 33529 176322 0.0 19.0 -50 90 19.0 14.6 4.72
ADKRC014 33479 176337 0.0 15.0 -50 90 15.0 11.5 3.88
ADKRC015 33453 176324 0.0 23.0 -50 90 23.0 17.6 4.91
ADKRC016 33428 176322 0.0 17.0 -50 90 17.0 13.0 2.51
ADKDD001 33346 176124 208.8 220.9 -54 99 12.2 9.8 2.71
ADKDD003 33447 176101 222.0 233.0 -53 94 11.0 8.8 2.52
The Father Brown deposit located in the footwall and south of theAdoikrom zone is a relatively narrow high grade target which haspreviously been tested by St. Jude. The narrow high grade nature ofthis zone potentially makes it amenable to underground exploitation.To test the continuity of the zone down dip and along strike GoldenStar has completed an initial phase of drilling involving 17 holes,FBZDD001 to 017. All holes intersected the structure with grades andtrue thickness ranging from a few grams to over 45 grams of gold pertonne over 1 to 5 meters. Hole FBZDD012 was drilled approximately 300meters down dip of the last drilling completed by St. Jude andintersected an estimated true thickness of 5.7 meters grading 15.3grams of gold per tonne. This intersection is located 275 metersvertically below surface and is an excellent underground target. Drillholes FBZDD011, 004 and 003 which are located approximately 100, 150and 250 meters up dip of hole 12, confirmed continuity of thestructure, intersecting similar widths with lower but stillencouraging grades. Significant results from the Father Brown drillingare tabulated below with complete results and a location plan providedon our web site
Hole ID North East From To Dip Azimuth Inter- True Grade
(m) (m) section Width (g/t)
(m) (m)
FBZDD001 33142 176430 143.9 145.4 -62.5 87 1.5 1.5 46.26
FBZDD003 33042 176426 45.0 49.0 -60 90 4.0 4.0 3.46
FBZDD003 33042 176426 76.0 78.0 -60 90 2.0 2.0 5.64
FBZDD004 33042 176424 53.0 55.0 -84 90 2.0 1.7 16.43
FBZDD004 33042 176424 203.9 208.5 -85 90 4.6 4.0 9.64
FBZDD005 32842 176424 230.0 232.0 -70 90 2.0 1.9 5.68
FBZDD008 33092 176437 148.0 151.7 -67 92 3.7 3.6 5.81
FBZDD009 32992 176431 74.0 77.0 -67 91 3.0 2.9 6.14
FBZDD009 32992 176431 186.0 189.6 -68.5 104 3.6 3.5 5.87
FBZDD010 33092 176436 171.0 172.0 -77 101 1.0 0.9 10.92
FBZDD011 33044 176272 220.0 224.0 -62 97 4.0 4.0 3.00
FBZDD011 33044 176272 261.0 266.3 -62 97 5.3 5.3 3.33
FBZDD012 33044 176270 39.0 47.0 -80 90 8.0 7.3 2.30
FBZDD012 33044 176270 289.0 295.3 -80 128 6.3 5.7 15.31
FBZDD013 32793 176592 149.7 151.0 -83 112 1.3 1.1 5.14
FBZDD016 32892 176433 205.0 207.8 -61 98 2.8 2.8 4.35
The Father Brown mineralization consists of white quartz veinswith pale alteration haloes hosted by dark green diorites of theMpohor Complex which would allow visual grade control, which alongwith the competent host rock, narrow widths and relatively high gradesfurther favor underground extraction.
Resource definition drilling has just commenced at Benso with lessthan 1,000 meters being completed to date. Results from this work willbe provided in a future press release.
Technical Studies
Some 2,800 meters of drilling to collect samples for furthermetallurgical and geotechnical test work for the feasibility study hasbeen completed and the samples are being packed for shipment to AmmtecLaboratories in Australia. Geotechnical drill core testing is ongoingwith results being sent to SRK Cardiff for the determination of pitdesign parameters.
Exploration expenditures on the project to date in 2006 areapproximately $0.9 million with an additional approximate $0.4 millionbeing spent on engineering and metallurgical drilling. The explorationbudget for Hwini-Butre, Benso and surrounding concessions in 2006 is$3.3 million with another $1.0 million allowed for feasibility studywork. Both exploration and development programs are progressing onschedule and under budget.
Standards of Disclosure
This news release has been prepared in accordance with Canada'sNational Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for MineralProjects. Drilling, sampling and laboratory quality assurance andcontrol have been overseen and reviewed by S. Mitchel Wasel, ourExploration Manager, West Africa. Mr. Wasel is a qualified geologistwith 18 years of experience in gold and base metal exploration and isa Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
All diamond drill core is being sawn on site, with half the corelengths sent to TransWorld Laboratories in Tarkwa, Ghana, for samplepreparation and analysis. The remaining half core is stored on sitefor future inspection and detailed logging, to provide valuableinformation on mineralogy, structure, alteration patterns and thecontrols on gold mineralization.
All RAB holes are initially sampled in three meter composites,with intervals exceeding 0.2 grams of gold per tonne being resampledon one meter intervals. All RC holes are sampled in two metercomposites with all intervals exceeding 0.2 grams of gold per tonnebeing resampled on one meter intervals.
All sample preparation, crushing and analysis are carried out atthe TransWorld Laboratories in Tarkwa, Ghana. Samples are subjected to12-hour BLEG Leachwell analysis of 1,000 gram sub-samples pulverizedto 85% at minus 75 microns (200#) to a quoted accuracy of 10 parts perbillion of gold. All analytical work is subject to a systematic andrigorous Quality Assurance-Quality Control (QA-QC). At least 5% ofsamples are blanks, duplicates and certified standards and theaccuracy of the analysis is confirmed to be acceptable from comparisonof the recommended and actual 'standard' results.
The tables within this press release summarize the significantintersections to date from our ongoing drilling programs. Full detailsof the drill results are provided on the Company's website
Company Profile
Golden Star holds a 90% equity interest in the Bogoso/Prestea andWassa open-pit gold mines in Ghana. In addition, Golden Star has an81% interest in the currently inactive Prestea Underground mine inGhana, as well as gold exploration interests elsewhere in Ghana, inother parts of West Africa and in the Guiana Shield of South America.
Note regarding Canada's National Instrument 43-101: The abovedisclosure has been reviewed by our Qualified Person, Mr. S. MitchelWasel, our Exploration Manager in Ghana.
Cautionary Note to US Investors concerning estimates of IndicatedMineral Resources: This press release uses the terms "indicatedmineral resources." We advise US investors that while this term isrecognized and required by Canadian regulations, the US Securities andExchange Commission does not recognize it. US investors are cautionednot to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in thesecategories will ever be converted into mineral reserves.
Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information: Some statementscontained in this news release are forward-looking statements withinthe meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are inherentlyuncertain and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actualresults to differ materially. Such statements include commentsregarding: the exploration assessment, and possible development,mining and processing of material from Hwini-Butre and Benso; thetiming for the completion of a feasibility study; potential extensionof Wassa mine life, and production, cash costs and capital investmentimpacts; and the budgeted exploration expenditures for Hwini-Butre andBenso. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materiallyinclude variations in ore tonnes and grade; variations in relativeamounts of material type; the estimation of mineral resources; delayor failure to receive board or government approvals and permits;timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms;technical, permitting, mining or processing issues; fluctuations ingold price and costs; and a determination to use funds for otherpurposes. There can be no assurance that future developments affectingthe Company will be those anticipated by management. Please refer tothe discussion of risk factors in our Form 10-K for 2005. The forwardlooking statements contained in this press release constitutemanagement's current estimates, as of the date of this press release,with respect to the matters covered thereby. We expect that theseestimates will change as new information is received and that actualresults will vary from these estimates, possibly by material amounts.While we may elect to update these estimates at any time, we do notundertake to update any estimate at any particular time or in responseto any particular event. Investors and others should not assume thatany forward looking statements in this press release representmanagement's estimate as of any date other than the date of this pressrelease.
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Rohstoffe in diesem Artikel
Goldpreis | 3 082,95 | 26,73 | 0,87 |