05.10.2016 23:27:00

WireCo WorldGroup Inc. -- Moody's upgrades WireCo WorldGroup, Inc.'s CFR to B3, ratings to be withdrawn; ratings for WireCo WorldGroup, Inc. (New) are unchanged

New York, October 05, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service upgraded the ratings of WireCo WorldGroup Inc. ("WireCo"). This follows WireCo's announcement on September 30, 2016 that Onex Corporation completed its investment in WireCo, which includes a $270 million equity investment, a new $460 million senior secured first lien term loan facility and a new $135 million senior secured second lien term loan facility. This concludes the review for WireCo WorldGroup, Inc. The ratings for WireCo WorldGroup, Inc. (New) are unchanged.

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