09.04.2015 18:53:00

Technicolor S.A. -- Moody's upgrades Technicolor's CFR to B1 from B2; stable outlook

London, 09 April 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service has today upgraded Technicolor SA's (Technicolor) corporate family rating (CFR) to B1 from B2, probability of default rating (PDR) to B1-PD from B2-PD, and the senior secured term loan ratings to B1 from B2 borrowed by Tech Finance & Co S.C.A. The rating upgrade reflects the company's stronger-than-expected operating performance and continued financial discipline, the combination of which has strengthened Technicolor's credit metrics and significantly increased the company's buffer to absorb the anticipated loss of MPEG2 licensing revenues in 2016-17.

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