05.09.2014 19:08:00
Lock AS -- Moody's assigns B2 rating to Lindorff AB
London, 05 September 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has today assigned a B2 Corporate Family rating to Lock Lower Holding AS, the parent company of Lindorff AB (Lindorff). Moody's has also assigned a definitive B2 rating to the three senior secured notes of a combined amount of EUR1 billion and a definitive B1 rating to the EUR225 million revolving credit facility (RCF), all of them issued by Lock AS, a subsidiary of Lock Lower Holding AS. In addition, Moody's has assigned a Caa1 to the two senior notes of a combined amount of EUR450 million issued by Lock Lower Holding AS. The outlook is Stable on all ratings.
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