25.03.2014 08:35:00

Essilor International (CG d'Optique) S.A. -- Moody's assigns A2 long-term issuer rating to Essilor

London, 25 March 2014 -- Moody's Investors Service has today assigned an A2 long term issuer rating to Essilor International (Compagnie Generale d'Optique) S.A. (`Essilor`), the parent company of the Essilor group. Moody's has concurrently assigned a (P)A2 long-term senior unsecured rating as well as a (P)P-1 short term rating to the EUR2.0 billion Euro Medium Term Note (MTN) program of Essilor. The outlook on the ratings is stable. The existing P-1 short-term issuer rating recently assigned to Essilor International (Compagnie Generale d'Optique) S.A. (Essilor) remains unaffected.

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