01.04.2015 19:50:00

Cima Renta Fija Argentina Plus FCI -- Moody's takes actions on two bond fund ratings under review for downgrade

Buenos Aires City, April 01, 2015 -- Moody's Latin America Agente de Calificación de Riesgo confirmed the bond fund ratings of Cima Renta Fija Argentina Plus and maintained the review for downgrade of the ratings of Convexity Renta Fija Argentina. Both funds have been under review for downgrade since last December due to the deterioration of the average credit quality of their portfolios. The confirmation of Cima Renta Fija Argentina Plus bond fund ratings follows the improvement of the adjusted average credit quality of the fund and the expectation that it will remain at this level. Over the coming months, Moody's will monitor and assess the trend in weighted average credit quality of Convexity Renta Fija Argentina which has not shown a similar level of consistent improvement and therefore remains under review.

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