26.10.2016 23:43:00

Bass Pro Group, L.L.C -- Moody's confirms Bass Pro's CFR at Ba3; outlook positive

New York, October 26, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") today confirmed Bass Pro Group, L.L.C.'s ratings ("Bass Pro"), including its Ba3 Corporate Family Rating, Ba3-PD Probability of Default Rating and the B1 rating on its Senior Secured Term Loan due 2020. At the same time, Moody's assigned a B1 rating to the company's proposed $3.87 billion Senior Secured Credit Facilities, consisting of a 7-year $3.37 billion Senior Secured Term Loan and a $500 million 1.5-year Senior Secured Asset Sale Term Loan. The ratings outlook is positive.

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