26.03.2015 23:44:00
Arizona Board of Regents -- Moody's corrects the ratings on certain CUSIPs of the Arizona State University (AZ), System Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2015C to Aa3 from Aa2
New York, March 26, 2015 -- Moody's is correcting the ratings on the Arizona State University (AZ), System Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2015C, CUSIPs 04048RMT0, 04048RMU7, 04048RMV5, 04048RMW3, 04048RMX1 and 04048RMY9 to Aa3 from Aa2 to reflect that these CUSIPs relate to the Arizona State University (AZ), System Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2015C sale (rated Aa3). Due to an internal administrative error, these CUSIPs had previously been linked to the University of Arizona (AZ), System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2015B sale (rated Aa2).