07.10.2013 18:42:00
Alliance Healthcare Services, Inc. -- Moody's lowers the rating on Alliance's upsized sr. sec. credit facilities to B1 from Ba3; B1 CFR affirmed
New York, October 07, 2013 -- Moody's Investors Service lowered Alliance Healthcare Services, Inc.'s ("Alliance") upsized senior secured credit facilities rating to B1 from Ba3. Alliance's intends to issue an additional $70 million senior secured term loan due 2019, bringing the total credit facilities to $490 million. Proceeds will be used in combination with $20 million of revolver draw and $10 million of cash to pay-off Alliance's $100 million senior notes due 2016. Concurrently, Moody's lowered Alliance's Probability of Default Rating to B2-PD from B1-PD and affirmed the company's Corporate Family Rating at B1. The outlook remains negative.
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