10.07.2014 15:53:00
Alfa-Bank -- Moody's: Alfa-Bank relatively well positioned in weakening Russian economy
London, 10 July 2014 -- Among Russia's three largest private banks, Alfa-Bank is best positioned to cope with the weakening outlook for the Russian economy says Moody's Investors Service in a new report published today. An economic downturn will put pressure on the asset quality and profitability of the country's financial institutions, including the three largest private banks by total assets that are the focus of the report, Alfa-Bank (deposits Ba1 stable, BFSR D stable/BCA ba2), Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation ("Otkritie")* (Ba3 stable, D- stable/ba3) and Promsvyazbank ("PSB", Ba3 on review for downgrade, D- on review for downgrade)/ba3).