14.05.2015 23:41:00
AES Tiete S.A. -- Moody´s confirms AES Tiete's ratings; changes outlook to negative
Sao Paulo, May 14, 2015 -- Moody´s América Latina (Moody´s) confirmed AES Tiete S.A.'s ("AES Tiete", or the "Company") Baa3 issuer rating on the global scale, and Aa1.br on the national scale rating (NSR) and changed the outlook to negative from under review for downgrade. At the same time, Moody's confirmed the ratings Baa3/Aa1.br of AES Tiete'sBRL 300 million senior unsecured amortizing debentures with final maturity in March 2020 and also changed the outlook to negative from under review for downgrade. The ratings Baa3/Aa1.br ratings of the BRL498 million unsecured debentures issued in May 2013 were also confirmed and the outlook changed to negative from under review for downgrade. This concludes the review for downgrade that was initiated on February 13, 2015.