23.02.2005 23:01:00
Santa Barbara Hosts Dedication for Clean Renewable Fuel Cell Power at
Santa Barbara Hosts Dedication for Clean Renewable Fuel Cell Power at Its El Estero Wastewater Treatment Facility Fuel Cell Power Plants Provide 500 Kilowatts of 'Ultra-Clean' Power and Continues City's Commitment to Environmental Leadership
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NasdaqNM:FCEL), Alliance Power and the City of Santa Barbara announced today the dedication of two Direct FuelCell(R) (DFC(R)) power plants at the El Estero Wastewater Treatment Facility. The DFC power plants that generate 500 kilowatts of renewable power are now providing electricity and heat for the facility's wastewater treatment system and are reducing harmful emissions by operating on the methane gas generated from the anaerobic gas digestion process.
"This fuel cell project at the El Estero Wastewater Treatment Facility has a two-fold positive impact for us - it reduces our energy costs while continuing our commitment to environmental leadership," said Marty Blum, Mayor of the City of Santa Barbara. "We are pleased that the measurable benefits are now being realized by the ratepayers and residents of Santa Barbara."
The Mayor received a Certificate of Recognition for its Environmental Stewardship from California Assemblymember Pedro Nava of the State's 35th District. Caroline Vance, Santa Barbara Field Representative, made the presentation.
"Fuel cell technology is environmentally sound, a reliable energy source, and holds the potential to stimulate our economy," said Congresswoman Lois Capps, U.S. Representative for California's 23rd District. "I am pleased that the Central Coast of California is at the forefront of this important innovation that will significantly improve our immediate energy needs."
"We are very supportive and excited about this project as it demonstrates that stationary fuel cells can effectively convert renewable fuels such as wastewater treatment gas from this facility into clean, efficient energy," said Ron Friesen, Executive Director of the California Fuel Cell Collaborative. "The innovative leadership of the City, Alliance Power and FuelCell Energy, as well as support from the State of California, is enabling the commercialization of fuel cells for practical customer applications."
"The rising cost of electricity prompted us to explore more cost effective alternatives for energy at the El Estero plant," said Tony Nisich, Public Works Director for the City of Santa Barbara. "This project provides exceptional overall value for the City of Santa Barbara. In addition to saving money, we will substantially reduce air pollution emissions by using the methane gas as the hydrogen source for the fuel cells."
The reduction of harmful emissions is projected to be significant. Each year, Nisich estimated nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide would be reduced by 35,000 pounds and 500 tons, respectively, by using fuel cells instead of flaring the methane gas.
"This project, our eighth digester gas application, is evidence that wastewater treatment facilities are a repeatable business for our 'ultra-clean' DFC power plants," said Stephen R. Torres, Western Region Vice President of Marketing and Sales of FuelCell Energy. "This also demonstrates the role that strong government incentive programs such as the Self Generation Incentive Program in California can play in bringing renewable energy sources to the commercial marketplace with tangible ratepayer and environmental benefits."
"The California market is proving to be ideal for onsite fuel cell power generation for customers who demand clean, efficient and reliable energy at competitive prices," said James Michael, President of Alliance Power. "Our partnership with FuelCell Energy has produced three projects during the past year, and we are establishing reference units for prospective customers that we believe will stimulate additional fuel cell business opportunities."
Wastewater Treatment Facilities - A Unique Opportunity
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities with anaerobic gas digesters present an important opportunity for FuelCell Energy. The methane generated from the anaerobic gas digestion process is used as fuel for the Company's DFC power plants, which in turn generates the electricity to operate wastewater treatment equipment at the facility. Moreover, wastewater treatment gas is a renewable fuel eligible for government incentive funding for project installations throughout the world. The Company has announced seven other global wastewater treatment customers for its DFC power plants, including its first one-megawatt DFC1500 power plant in Washington State at King County and three other California sitings (Terminal Island for Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant for the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, and the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.). In a January 2000 study by the prepared by Onsite Sycom Energy Corp. for the U.S. Department of Energy, there is over 100 MW of combined heat and power application potential in California.
About the CPUC Self-Generation Incentive Program
The CPUC Self-Generation Incentive Program was created to encourage customers of electrical corporations to install distributed generation that operates on renewable fuel and/or contributes to system reliability. Existing law defines 'ultra-clean and low-emission distributed generation' as an electric generation technology that produces zero emissions during operation or that produces emissions that are equal to or less than limits established by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The program currently runs through 2007 and provides up to $67 million per year in incentive funding for ultra-clean and renewable generators, including fuel cells.
FuelCell Energy's DFC Power Plants Designated as 'Ultra-Clean' Technology in California
FuelCell Energy's DFC300A and DFC1500 power plants were state certified to meet CARB's stringent new distributed generation emissions standards for 2007. By meeting this standard, the Company's DFC power plants are categorized as an 'ultra-clean' technology, exempting them from air pollution control or air quality district permitting requirements by CARB. In addition, this certification qualifies the Company's products for preferential rate treatment by the CPUC, such as the elimination of 'exit fees' and 'standby charges' for customer electric generation utilizing 'ultra-clean' technologies.
About Direct FuelCells
FuelCell Energy's Direct FuelCells efficiently generate clean electricity at distributed customer locations, including municipal/industrial wastewater treatment facilities, telecommunications/data centers, hotels, universities, manufacturing, hospitals, prisons, federal and grid support. Direct FuelCells convert readily available fuels, such as natural gas or waste gas, to electrical power with greater efficiency than any competing technology of comparable size, including other fuel cells. This high-efficiency technology generates more electric power from less fuel and has the lowest emissions of any fossil based electric generating technology because the fuel is not burned. DFC power plants can be sited at or near users, and the heat byproduct can be used for cogeneration applications such as district heating, hot water or absorption chilling for air conditioning. Depending upon location, application and load size, the Company's DFC power plants in a cogeneration configuration can achieve an overall energy efficiency of between 70 and 80 percent. The sub-megawatt fuel cell power plant is a collaborative effort using Direct FuelCell(R) technology of FuelCell Energy and the Hot Module(R) balance of plant design of MTU CFC Solutions, GmbH, a subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler.
About FuelCell Energy, Inc.
FuelCell Energy, Inc., based in Danbury, Connecticut, is a world leader in the development and manufacture of high temperature fuel cells for clean electric power generation. The Company has developed commercial distribution alliances for its carbonate Direct FuelCell products with world class companies such as Alliance Power, Caterpillar, PPL Energy Plus, Chevron Energy Solutions and LOGANEnergy in the U.S.; Marubeni Corporation in Asia; MTU CFC Solutions in Europe; and Enbridge Inc. in Canada. FuelCell Energy developed its patented Direct FuelCell technology for stationary power plants with the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory.
FuelCell Energy is also developing next generation high temperature fuel cell products, such as a diesel fueled marine Ship Service Fuel Cell, a combined-cycle DFC/Turbine(R) power plant and solid oxide fuel cells through its partnership with Versa Power Systems for applications up to 100 kilowatts. More information is available at http://www.fuelcellenergy.com.
About Alliance Power, Inc.
Alliance Power, Inc. has developed economical and environmentally acceptable distributed generation (DG) facilities ranging in size from 1 MW to 49 MW. The company's unique approach to DG projects maximizes the use of existing utility infrastructure to reduce costs. Alliance Power performs all aspects of project implementation including siting, planning, permitting, designing, constructing, financing, and operating. The company has a proven team, and has the experience and technology to deliver DG power supplies on schedule - with economical and competitive rates. Alliance Power has a staff experienced in providing power generation development in a variety of settings and for a wide array of clients. Alliance Power's headquarters are located in Littleton, Colorado with regional offices across the U.S. More information is available at www.alliancepower.com.
About the City of Santa Barbara
The City of Santa Barbara is located on the Pacific Coast 95 miles NW of Los Angeles. Santa Barbara is a full service city with a population of 89,600. The birthplace of Earthday, Santa Barbara is as an environmental leader and continues to strive to find better ways to protect our local environment. More information is available at www.ci.santa-barbara.ca.us.
This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the Company's plans and expectations regarding the development and commercialization of its fuel cell technology. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that could cause such a difference include, without limitation, the risk that commercial field trials of the Company's products will not occur when anticipated, general risks associated with product development, manufacturing, changes in the utility regulatory environment, potential volatility of energy prices, rapid technological change, and competition, as well as other risks set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statement to reflect any change in the Company's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.
Business Editors/Energy Editors
DANBURY, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 23, 2005--
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NasdaqNM:FCEL), Alliance Power and the City of Santa Barbara announced today the dedication of two Direct FuelCell(R) (DFC(R)) power plants at the El Estero Wastewater Treatment Facility. The DFC power plants that generate 500 kilowatts of renewable power are now providing electricity and heat for the facility's wastewater treatment system and are reducing harmful emissions by operating on the methane gas generated from the anaerobic gas digestion process.
"This fuel cell project at the El Estero Wastewater Treatment Facility has a two-fold positive impact for us - it reduces our energy costs while continuing our commitment to environmental leadership," said Marty Blum, Mayor of the City of Santa Barbara. "We are pleased that the measurable benefits are now being realized by the ratepayers and residents of Santa Barbara."
The Mayor received a Certificate of Recognition for its Environmental Stewardship from California Assemblymember Pedro Nava of the State's 35th District. Caroline Vance, Santa Barbara Field Representative, made the presentation.
"Fuel cell technology is environmentally sound, a reliable energy source, and holds the potential to stimulate our economy," said Congresswoman Lois Capps, U.S. Representative for California's 23rd District. "I am pleased that the Central Coast of California is at the forefront of this important innovation that will significantly improve our immediate energy needs."
"We are very supportive and excited about this project as it demonstrates that stationary fuel cells can effectively convert renewable fuels such as wastewater treatment gas from this facility into clean, efficient energy," said Ron Friesen, Executive Director of the California Fuel Cell Collaborative. "The innovative leadership of the City, Alliance Power and FuelCell Energy, as well as support from the State of California, is enabling the commercialization of fuel cells for practical customer applications."
"The rising cost of electricity prompted us to explore more cost effective alternatives for energy at the El Estero plant," said Tony Nisich, Public Works Director for the City of Santa Barbara. "This project provides exceptional overall value for the City of Santa Barbara. In addition to saving money, we will substantially reduce air pollution emissions by using the methane gas as the hydrogen source for the fuel cells."
The reduction of harmful emissions is projected to be significant. Each year, Nisich estimated nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide would be reduced by 35,000 pounds and 500 tons, respectively, by using fuel cells instead of flaring the methane gas.
"This project, our eighth digester gas application, is evidence that wastewater treatment facilities are a repeatable business for our 'ultra-clean' DFC power plants," said Stephen R. Torres, Western Region Vice President of Marketing and Sales of FuelCell Energy. "This also demonstrates the role that strong government incentive programs such as the Self Generation Incentive Program in California can play in bringing renewable energy sources to the commercial marketplace with tangible ratepayer and environmental benefits."
"The California market is proving to be ideal for onsite fuel cell power generation for customers who demand clean, efficient and reliable energy at competitive prices," said James Michael, President of Alliance Power. "Our partnership with FuelCell Energy has produced three projects during the past year, and we are establishing reference units for prospective customers that we believe will stimulate additional fuel cell business opportunities."
Wastewater Treatment Facilities - A Unique Opportunity
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities with anaerobic gas digesters present an important opportunity for FuelCell Energy. The methane generated from the anaerobic gas digestion process is used as fuel for the Company's DFC power plants, which in turn generates the electricity to operate wastewater treatment equipment at the facility. Moreover, wastewater treatment gas is a renewable fuel eligible for government incentive funding for project installations throughout the world. The Company has announced seven other global wastewater treatment customers for its DFC power plants, including its first one-megawatt DFC1500 power plant in Washington State at King County and three other California sitings (Terminal Island for Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant for the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, and the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.). In a January 2000 study by the prepared by Onsite Sycom Energy Corp. for the U.S. Department of Energy, there is over 100 MW of combined heat and power application potential in California.
About the CPUC Self-Generation Incentive Program
The CPUC Self-Generation Incentive Program was created to encourage customers of electrical corporations to install distributed generation that operates on renewable fuel and/or contributes to system reliability. Existing law defines 'ultra-clean and low-emission distributed generation' as an electric generation technology that produces zero emissions during operation or that produces emissions that are equal to or less than limits established by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The program currently runs through 2007 and provides up to $67 million per year in incentive funding for ultra-clean and renewable generators, including fuel cells.
FuelCell Energy's DFC Power Plants Designated as 'Ultra-Clean' Technology in California
FuelCell Energy's DFC300A and DFC1500 power plants were state certified to meet CARB's stringent new distributed generation emissions standards for 2007. By meeting this standard, the Company's DFC power plants are categorized as an 'ultra-clean' technology, exempting them from air pollution control or air quality district permitting requirements by CARB. In addition, this certification qualifies the Company's products for preferential rate treatment by the CPUC, such as the elimination of 'exit fees' and 'standby charges' for customer electric generation utilizing 'ultra-clean' technologies.
About Direct FuelCells
FuelCell Energy's Direct FuelCells efficiently generate clean electricity at distributed customer locations, including municipal/industrial wastewater treatment facilities, telecommunications/data centers, hotels, universities, manufacturing, hospitals, prisons, federal and grid support. Direct FuelCells convert readily available fuels, such as natural gas or waste gas, to electrical power with greater efficiency than any competing technology of comparable size, including other fuel cells. This high-efficiency technology generates more electric power from less fuel and has the lowest emissions of any fossil based electric generating technology because the fuel is not burned. DFC power plants can be sited at or near users, and the heat byproduct can be used for cogeneration applications such as district heating, hot water or absorption chilling for air conditioning. Depending upon location, application and load size, the Company's DFC power plants in a cogeneration configuration can achieve an overall energy efficiency of between 70 and 80 percent. The sub-megawatt fuel cell power plant is a collaborative effort using Direct FuelCell(R) technology of FuelCell Energy and the Hot Module(R) balance of plant design of MTU CFC Solutions, GmbH, a subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler.
About FuelCell Energy, Inc.
FuelCell Energy, Inc., based in Danbury, Connecticut, is a world leader in the development and manufacture of high temperature fuel cells for clean electric power generation. The Company has developed commercial distribution alliances for its carbonate Direct FuelCell products with world class companies such as Alliance Power, Caterpillar, PPL Energy Plus, Chevron Energy Solutions and LOGANEnergy in the U.S.; Marubeni Corporation in Asia; MTU CFC Solutions in Europe; and Enbridge Inc. in Canada. FuelCell Energy developed its patented Direct FuelCell technology for stationary power plants with the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory.
FuelCell Energy is also developing next generation high temperature fuel cell products, such as a diesel fueled marine Ship Service Fuel Cell, a combined-cycle DFC/Turbine(R) power plant and solid oxide fuel cells through its partnership with Versa Power Systems for applications up to 100 kilowatts. More information is available at http://www.fuelcellenergy.com.
About Alliance Power, Inc.
Alliance Power, Inc. has developed economical and environmentally acceptable distributed generation (DG) facilities ranging in size from 1 MW to 49 MW. The company's unique approach to DG projects maximizes the use of existing utility infrastructure to reduce costs. Alliance Power performs all aspects of project implementation including siting, planning, permitting, designing, constructing, financing, and operating. The company has a proven team, and has the experience and technology to deliver DG power supplies on schedule - with economical and competitive rates. Alliance Power has a staff experienced in providing power generation development in a variety of settings and for a wide array of clients. Alliance Power's headquarters are located in Littleton, Colorado with regional offices across the U.S. More information is available at www.alliancepower.com.
About the City of Santa Barbara
The City of Santa Barbara is located on the Pacific Coast 95 miles NW of Los Angeles. Santa Barbara is a full service city with a population of 89,600. The birthplace of Earthday, Santa Barbara is as an environmental leader and continues to strive to find better ways to protect our local environment. More information is available at www.ci.santa-barbara.ca.us.
This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the Company's plans and expectations regarding the development and commercialization of its fuel cell technology. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that could cause such a difference include, without limitation, the risk that commercial field trials of the Company's products will not occur when anticipated, general risks associated with product development, manufacturing, changes in the utility regulatory environment, potential volatility of energy prices, rapid technological change, and competition, as well as other risks set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statement to reflect any change in the Company's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.
CONTACT: FuelCell Energy, Inc. Steven P. Eschbach, 203-825-6000 seschbach@fce.com
Copyright Business Wire 2005

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