15.12.2017 18:51:00
ProfNet Experts Available on New Year's Resolutions, Reducing Stress, More
NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.
You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network – it's easy and free! Just fill out the query form to get started: http://prn.to/queryform
- Homeowners 40% More Likely to Experience Water Damage This Winter
- How to Talk to Your Children About Terrorism
- 10 Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress for Improved Fitness
- Family-Run Businesses and Holiday Stress
- 5 Tips to Spark Connection Between Grandparents and Grandkids
- New Year's Resolutions (56 experts)
- Supervisory Content Editor – Voice of America (DC/NY/CA)
- Deputy Editor – Celebrity Weekly (Dubai)
- Writer/Editor – LRP Publications (FL)
- 6 Practices to Weave Into Your Writing Process in 2018
- Blogger Conferences: Top Events to Attend in 2018
- How to Find Evergreen Content
Homeowners 40% More Likely to Experience Water Damage This Winter
Jim Magliaro
Risk Consulting Technical Leader
"A water leak can do major damage to your home in as little as 20 minutes, and even a small one can drain your wallet. We surveyed homeowners who've had a leak in the past few years and half of them spent $5,000 or more on clean up and repairs. With our data indicating that homeowners are 40% more likely to experience water damage during the cold winter months ahead than any other time of the year, the best and simplest step every homeowner should take is installing a water leak detection device to protect their home and wallet."
Magliaro can speak to why homeowners face a heighted risk of water leaks in the winter, the actions they can take around their home to prevent a leak from occurring, the potential financial implications of a water leak and how to ensure homeowners have sufficient levels of insurance protection in place. Magliaro was recently featured on the "Today" show discussing these very topics (see link below) and is available to connect live and provide written responses to questions or appear on camera.
"Today" clip: https://www.today.com/home/how-avoid-bursting-pipes-costly-repairs-winter-t119612
Contact: Morgan Fine, morgan@blissintegrated.com
How to Talk to Your Children About Terrorism
Dr. John Huber
Mainstream Mental Health
Dr. Huber, a clinical forensic psychologist, is available to share advice for parents on how to talk to your children about terrorism: "Avoid showing fear around kids and talking about terrorist attacks in front of them. Have children express how they feel and not allow them to keep their emotions bottled up inside. Tell children that the police and authorities will work to keep us safe. When you see a police-car passing by with your children, point out there's a police officer and authorities trying to keep us safe."
Based in Texas, Dr. Huber is the chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for more than 20 years, Dr. Huber is a clinical forensic psychologist, and a practitioner with privileges at two long-term acute care hospitals.
Website: www.mainstreammentalhealth.org
TV Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE5d3daJnAQ
Contact: Ryan McCormick, ryan@goldmanmccormick.com
10 Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress for Improved Fitness
Jonathan Jordan
Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Massage Therapist and Fitness Blogger
Jonathan Jordan Fitness
Jordan is available to share 10 practical, scientifically proven methods for reducing stress that can take as little as one minute a day: "Thanks to today's fast-paced, technology-centric world, coupled with sedentary lifestyles, we are bombarded constantly with low and high levels of mental, physical, emotional and physiological stress. These chronic stresses are inhibiting our body's natural self-repair mechanisms that fix broken proteins, kill cancer cells, retard aging and fight infections. We are the most overweight, under-active generation in history, existing on diets of processed foods and suffering from damaging mindsets. We're walking around under-slept like zombies and are beating the $@#!*% out of our adrenal glands."
As a Tier 3+ personal trainer and group fitness instructor at Equinox in San Francisco's Financial District, Jordan has helped hundreds of busy professionals achieve healthy and sustainable fitness goals. Formerly a partner at a top consulting firm, Jordan understands the physical and mental challenges that his clients experience on a daily basis, and he takes each client's unique lifestyle demands into consideration when creating their fitness programs.
ProfNet Profile: http://www.profnetconnect.com/jonathan_jordan/
Website: www.jj-fit.com
Expert Contact: jj@jj-fit.com
Family-Run Businesses and Holiday Stress
Michael Klein, PsyD
MK Insights LLC
During the holiday season, gathering with family brings joy – and, often, stress -- and that is typically compounded when working in a family-run/owned business. Says Dr. Klein: "When you work in, or own, a family business, holiday gatherings can be filled with stress not only based on family dynamics, but from various business-related issues. To have a joyous and successful family gathering, it is critical for individuals in family-owned businesses to keep work topics at work."
Based in Massachusetts, Dr. Klein is the author of "Trapped in the Family Business."
Expert Contact: mklein@mkinsights.com
5 Tips to Spark Connection Between Grandparents and Grandkids
Robert Martin
Bridge to a Cure
"Grandparents can be an emotional rock, a wise friend and a playful elder -- the 'go-to person' when parents aren't available. Here are some tips for grandparents to build closer relationships with their grandkids: 1) Be in touch regularly: That might mean Skyping or calling once a week, however you can connect with your grandkids. Don't just visit over the holidays. 2) Surprise them with outings: Pick them up early in the day and take them on surprise outings; only the kids' parents know where they are going, such as to a baseball game, a kayak or fishing trip, or a visit to a kids' museum or animal shelter. It could be something they've never done before. 3) Use terms of endearment: I call my granddaughter Keira 'Gumdrop' and I called my granddaughter Clara 'Cupcake.' My two young grandsons are 'Scooter' and 'Slugger.' When I say goodbye in person, in notes or on the phone, I always use the same phrase: 'I love you -- big time!' 4) Encourage them to think outside the box: I like to brainstorm ideas for solving problems like city traffic. There is a right answer that is safe, and there is a home run that has risks. I ask them, what is the home run? What does it look like? 5) Do things they wouldn't expect grandparents to do: When I ran the New York City Marathon, my grandchildren couldn't stop talking to their friends about it."
Martin, a children's advocate and author, writes books with his granddaughter Keira Ely, including the bestsellers "The Case of the Missing Crown Jewels," and "SuperClara -- A Young Girl's Story of Cancer, Bravery and Courage." He founded the nonprofit Bridge to a Cure Foundation to tear down the deadly barriers impeding the timely development of pediatric cancer treatments and cures.
Online Press Kit: http://robertmartin.onlinepresskit247.com
Website: www.RobertMartinAuthor.com
Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com
EXPERT ROUNDUP: New Year's Resolutions (56 experts)
Following are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to share tips for making and keeping New Year's resolutions:
Behavior/Making Resolutions:
Making Resolutions
Dr. Christopher Wolfe
Associate Professor of Psychology
Saint Leo University
"At their core, most New Year's resolutions seek to create a positive change in some aspect of life, most often an area that has caused worry, shame, regret. We make resolutions to create the chance to change these foibles and missteps in the next year."
Saint Leo University Polling Institute recently asked several questions surrounding New Year's Resolutions for 2018. In all, 29.8 percent of respondents plan to make resolutions. The most typical responses were: lose weight (55.7 percent), save more money (56 percent), travel more (29.5 percent) and spend more time with family (26.5 percent). Another 23.2 percent resolved to vacation more and 20.2 percent said they would look for a new job. Said Dr. Wolfe: "The desire to lose weight remains a top goal for more than half of respondents. Good health is a necessary base level, in this theory, for achieving all other rungs on the ladder toward a better self, and therefore makes sense as a top resolution across the last several polls."
Poll results: http://polls.saintleo.edu/americans-still-say-they-will-make-new-years-resolutions-newly-released-saint-leo-university-poll-shows/
Contact: Mary McCoy, mary.mccoy02@saintleo.edu
Goal-Oriented Questions to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Dr. Bradley Nelson
Dr. Nelson is available to discuss goal-oriented questions to stop self-sabotage: "Are you unable to reach goals you've set for yourself? Does it seem that there are always obstacles in your path, keeping you from becoming the person you want to be? You could be your own worst enemy, unknowingly sabotaging yourself with behaviors that you might not even suspect could be causing harm. Self-sabotage can show up in surprising places and may seem impossible to overcome." The most common culprit in unconscious self-sabotage is emotional baggage -- unresolved negative emotions (Dr. Nelson calls them trapped emotions) that cause us to act in ways that prevent us from achieving goals we say we want to achieve. Dr. Nelson can share questions from The Body Code system he created to help people identify and resolve emotions that are blocking them from achieving their goals, including: What needs to be released for (me to accomplish this goal)? Am I OK with achieving (my goal)? Do I deserve to (achieve my goal)? Am I blocked from (achieving my goal)? Is anything negative related to (me accomplishing my goal), such as more work, potential negative effect on others, etc.? When people are able to recognize and release themselves from emotional baggage, it frees them to achieve their goals.
A holistic chiropractic physician and medical intuitive, Dr. Nelson is one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. He has certified thousands of practitioners worldwide in helping people overcome unresolved anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions and the physical symptoms associated them. His bestselling book, "The Emotion Code," provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's healing power. He is based in St. George, Utah.
Book: www.EmotionCodeGift.com
Online press kit: http://drbradleynelson.onlinepresskit247.com
Websites: www.DrBradleyNelson.com and www.theemotioncode.com
Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com
Crafting Goals and Resolutions
Dean Lindsay
Motivational Speaker
Lindsay is available to discuss goals and resolutions across the board -- business, fitness, health, career, etc. He says it's about crafting goals and resolutions, not making them: "The decision to be motivated to progress towards a goal is a personal choice."
Lindsay, a popular consultant and motivational keynote speaker, is the author of "How to Achieve Big Phat Goals." Solid, well-thought-out goals make it easier for people to achieve them. By setting PHAT (Pretty Hot And Tempting) goals, personal goals that are attractive and alluring, individuals are compelled to progress, and continually move forward with purpose.
Contact: Lori Ames, lori@theprfreelancer.com
Tips for Achieving Your Resolutions
Allison Johnsen
Manager of Business and Program Development for Behavioral Health
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, Ill.
Johnsen, a licensed psychotherapist and certified professional coach, shares the following tips for achieving your resolutions: "1) Make them doable, reasonable, one small chunk at a time. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, start with a smaller number. You can re-up for more when hitting the goal. Resolutions that are very challenging often get dropped because we 'fail' and give up. 2) Accountability: Seek the goal with some support, someone to cheer you on, a buddy who is trying to achieve the same or similar. 3) Pick just one, not several -- set yourself up for success, not failure. Maybe choose a series of smaller goals. Achieve one, then start on the next. 4) When you 'blow it,' like smoke a cigarette or eat a cheesecake or skip the gym for days, don't give up; just re-up your goal and get going again. 'Relapsing' is normal, not failure. 5) Mindset and attitude are keys. We chastise ourselves and give up. Rather, expect to fall; get up again and keep going."
Contact: Kim Waterman, Kimberly.waterman@nm.org
Dr. Marco Palma
Director of the Human Behavior Lab
Texas A&M University
In his recent research article published in the January 2018 edition of the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (see link below), Dr. Palma uses biometrics to resolve the two competing models of decision-making as it relates to self-control. One model suggests that self-control is a finite resource that is depleted, like a battery that loses its charge over time. The other model suggests that it is like a light switch that is turned on and off. Says Dr. Palma: "Our new understanding of self-control provides lessons for sticking with our New Year's resolutions. First, remember that slow and steady progress is best. If you want to get fit, start by walking a quarter mile, not running five miles. Achieve enough to stay motivated, but don't overdo it to the point of frustration. Second, remember that small acts of self-control build over time. Instead of cutting all carbs or sugar out of your diet, consider giving up just one piece of bread (about 70 calories), and one can of soda (about 130 calories), per day. Over time, consuming 200 fewer calories per day will result in weight loss. And finally, realize that little acts of self-control in one area will improve your self-control in other areas. Getting traction with a healthier diet, for example, will increase your confidence and motivation to achieve another goal."
Research article: https://tinyurl.com/y75qqhrr
Website: https://agrilife.org/hbl/
Expert Contact: mapalma@tamu.edu
PR Contact: jeff.pool@ag.tamu.edu
Breaking Bad Habits/Creating New Empowering Habits
Joe Campo
Daft Trunk
Campo, an entrepreneur, lifestyle visionary and music enthusiast, shares these tips for breaking bad habits and creating new, empowering habits: "Create a soundtrack of songs that you connect with and make you smile. I enjoy an intense series of Hans Zimmer tracks followed with 'Meridian,' Odesza's new and super-uplifting release. For the first 30 minutes of every day, before looking at your phone, take time for yourself. Sit or stand in one place and listen to your soundtrack. In this time, breathe deep and think of beautiful moments in your life, big and small, to be grateful for. I find recalling the smallest moments give me the most joy. Throughout the day, pull up a song listened to in the morning session and get back to those happy memories that were making you feel grateful. Doing this forces us to smile, helps that hamster wheel running in our minds to slow, and allows us to be more aware of the little bits of greatness in our life that happen every day, all day long."
Website: www.dafttrunk.com
Expert Contact: Joe@dafttrunk.com
Setting Goals
Heather Sadowski
Wellness Director
University of Richmond
"It's important to focus on why we set these goals in order to succeed in achieving them. Some of those reasons may be: to see positive changes; to be better versions of ourselves; to challenge ourselves; to prevent boredom; to prepare for big events; to learn and grow; to inspire others. We also need to focus on SMART goals, which includes making them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based. This assists with accountability and decreases the vagueness of a general statement. I have found that keeping in mind seven key phases has been beneficial to goal-setting success and tackling challenges that may have to be overcome along the journey of reaching a goal: 1) Set goals you are passionate about. 2) Break up larger goals into more manageable, short-term goals. 3) Do something daily to work towards your goals. 4) Adapt and adjust. 5) Acknowledge and accept boredom. 6) Schedule break time. 7) Reward yourself along the way."
Bio: https://recreation.richmond.edu/contact/staff/hsadowk/
Contact: Pryor Green, pryor.green@richmond.edu
Creating Resolutions With a Positive Mindset
Karen Brown
Velocity Leadership Consulting
"Many people create resolutions with an 'I should' mentality. 'Should' is a powerful word in the unconscious mind, and it causes feelings of disappointment, failure, lack of energy and resentment. A positive mindset is all about optimization for desired results. Instead of 'I should,' use 'I will' or 'I desire' to optimize your mindset and stay focused on your goals. Then, keep a running list of daily accomplishments toward your goals -- personal and professional. Seeing them on paper creates feelings of victory, achievement, energy and inclusivity. Limiting beliefs live in the unconscious mind. We decide we can do it and we go for it, or we decide we can't do it and we don't go for it. It's that fast and simple. And it's continuous -- the process is repeated hundreds of times every day, with personal and professional things. Setting resolutions doesn't change the unconscious mind, but learning how to change your unconscious limiting beliefs allows you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and achieve your resolutions."
Brown is a business psychology coach, IRONMAN World Championship finisher, and the author of "Unlimiting Your Beliefs: 7 Keys to Greater Success in Your Personal and Professional Life," where she shares tips and examples of how anyone can discover their true potential. She can discuss: personal goals including fitness, changing habits, etc.; four motivational styles and recommendations for each style; overcoming limiting beliefs to achieve personal and professional goals; understanding the role that the unconscious mind plays in keeping resolutions.
Websites: www.velocityleadershipconsulting.com and www.karenbrownauthor.com
Contact: Denise Bonniwell. denise@dcbcomm.com
Career-Related Resolutions
Amanda Augustine
Career Advice Expert
Augustine, a Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) and Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), is available to discuss any career-related resolutions for the new year, including: how to land a new job in 2018; how to get hired for your dream job in 2018; whether it will be easier to find a job in 2018; how to make/take more vacation time in 2018; how to ask for a raise; how to negotiate a title change; how to overhaul your resume; how to get your resume new-year ready; etc. She has more than 17,000 Twitter followers and has been quoted in hundreds of media outlets.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jobsearchamanda/
Website: https://www.topresume.com
Contact: Lisa Hagendorf, lisa@centerpiecepr.com
Office Wellness-Related Resolutions
Betsey Banker, CWWS, CWWPM
Wellness Manager
Banker has over a decade of experience working for a leading manufacturer of ergonomic and sit-stand display mount solutions and has experienced firsthand the transformative impact that movement can have on worker wellbeing. She is a catalyst and coach, helping others to understand and embrace the importance of movement within their own lives and those they influence. Her responsibilities include raising awareness of the harmful impacts of a sedentary workstyle, creating tools to aid organizations in the adoption and implementation of movement-friendly workstations and helping them achieve measurable results.
Website: https://www.ergotron.com/en-us/
Contact: Taylor Paglia, ergotron@inkhouse.com
Being More Productive at Work
Emily Hunter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management, Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University
Hunter has conducted numerous studies on workplace productivity. One study on "how to take better workday breaks," co-authored with Cindy Wu, Ph.D., associate professor of management, showed that taking mid-morning, frequent, short breaks – during which employees engage in activities they prefer – result in boosts in energy, concentration and motivation (see https://tinyurl.com/y8sjo798). Another study looked at the consequences and benefits of interruptions during work and family time (https://tinyurl.com/ybkajgvs).
"When you give to one domain, you must take from the other. There are only so many hours in the day," Hunter said. "Interruptions from family 'take' from work in the form of work goal obstructions, negative emotions and lower satisfaction with investment in work." Hunter said that proper planning could turn these interruptions into benefits that help employees meet work and family goals.
Bio: https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/index.php?id=941665&expert=emily.hunterphd
Contact: Eric Eckert, eric_m_eckert@baylor.edu
Five Keys to Making Your Financial Resolutions Stick
Pamela Yellen
Bank On Yourself
Yellen, a bestselling author and financial investigator, is available to discuss five keys to making your financial resolutions stick." They are: 1) Understand that real, permanent change is usually driven by your own desire, rather than outside pressure; 2) Enlist allies to help you stay on track. An ally -- whether a professional for hire, a friend or other mentor -- can help you reinforce your commitment; 3) Set incentives and consequences for sticking to or breaking your commitments; 4) Skip the pity party when you fall short -- those who rebound the fastest set aside emotional thinking and formulate a plan to get back on track; and 5) Don't set yourself up for failure by insisting on an all-or-nothing change. Instead, keep your focus on where you are going and your long-term savings goals. "Don't let past failures sabotage future efforts," says Yellen. "While about 45 percent of us usually make reservations, only 8 percent achieve them, research shows. A less well-known fact: Most successful New Year's goal-setters faltered for five consecutive years, or even more, before they ever succeeded."
Based in Santa Fe, N.M., Yellen is author of the New York Times best-selling book, "The Bank On Yourself Revolution: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street, and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future." She investigated more than 450 financial strategies seeking an alternative to the risk and volatility of stocks and other investments, which led her to a time-tested, predictable method of growing wealth now used by more than 500,000 Americans.
Online press kit: http://pamelayellen.onlinepresskit247.com
Website: www.BankOnYourself.com
Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com
Financial Resolutions
Altair Gobo, CFP
U.S. Financial Services, LLC, Fairfield, N.J.
Gobo, a media-savvy financial expert, offers these tips to begin your new year's financial resolution: "1) Plan: Whether it's losing weight, saving for a home, providing for a child's education or your retirement, they all require an examination on the quantitative and qualitative aspects – or, simply put, dollars and sense. How can you measure your success (or failure) if you don't have a plan to look back at? 2) Write it down: The easiest way is to put your goals in writing, then assess if they are realistic or not (don't expect to have $1 million in two years if you make $50,000 a year). 3) Discipline: Once you've agreed that your goal is doable, the key is discipline. Put together a plan of action and stick to it! 4) Set goals: If I planned on losing 20 lbs. but only lost 19, I could say I failed or I could say that, without trying, I would have never lost the 19 lbs. Without setting goals, you can never reach them. It would be great if we met or exceeded every goal we ever set, but that's not life. Again, an old saying: 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' 5) Take the good with the bad: It's human nature to get discouraged, but it's important that we deal with it, get up and move on. 6) Assess and be honest with yourself: How much do you owe? How much do you have? How much do you earn? 7) Analyze your cash flow: How much is coming in/how much is going out. If there's money left over, don't spend it -- save it. Depending on your situation, maybe increase IRA/401(k) contributions, or develop a systematic investment plan that automatically withdraws that extra money and puts it in a portfolio that you've set up. 8) Make more: If there's no money left over, you have only two options: make more or spend less. If you can't earn more, take a real hard look at your expenses. 9) Spend less: Try to cut some costs. Do you really need that $5 cup of latte every morning? You'd be surprised at how much you could save every month by making a few adjustments in your spending habits."
Gobo is an adjunct faculty member, faculty coordinator and academic advisor at Farleigh Dickinson University's financial planning program and on the advisory board at Montclair State University. He has served as president and chairman of the board of directors at the Northern New Jersey Chapter of the International Association for Financial Planning. He is media-savvy and has been a guest on CNBC, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, Bloomberg and CNN. He's also author of "Getting to the Green: Golf, Financial Planning and Life, Not Necessarily in That Order."
Contact: Tracy G. Minsky, tracy@merylmossmedia.com
Retirement Planning
David Freitag
Financial Planning Consultant
"The most important takeaway for retirement planning in 2018 is getting it right. A startling finding from a recent MassMutual survey revealed that 62 percent of people nearing retirement age failed a basic true/false quiz about Social Security filing options. Lacking the proper knowledge and information about Social Security may put retirement planning in jeopardy. In fact, many may be leaving Social Security retirement benefits they are entitled to on the table, by incorrectly assuming what benefits may be available in retirement. Depending on their age, a couple planning to retire at age 62 in 2018 has at least 81 different filing strategy options available to them. Some older couples will have well over 100 ways to take their benefits. This makes 'getting it right' challenging. Additionally, if you are under age 60, the only way you can access your Social Security statement is online, and the information needs to be accurate to ensure that you receive the right level of Social Security retirement benefits when the time comes. If nothing else in 2018, set up access to your information and ensure it is accurate at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/."
Contact: Paula M. Tremblay, ptremblay@massmutual.com
Evaluating Your Financial Plan
Kevin Brauer
Affinity Federal Credit Union
With 2018 around the corner, it's time for families to begin evaluating their financial plan for the new year. Brauer is available to discuss: why your family financial plan must be more than just a spending budget; what you'll need to consider when developing your family financial plan (e.g., age of your parents, where you are in your life cycle, college tuition, retirement planning, the age of your car, if you'd like to buy a house, and more); why and how every family needs to put an emergency fund in place, even if you don't think you can or need to do so. Says Brauer: "Though putting a spending budget in place seems like the right place to start, most families stop there, which can be a crucial error. Families often look at their finances too narrowly, failing to consider possible emergencies and other major life occurrences down the road."
Based in Basking Ridge, N.J., Brauer has been interviewed in outlets including Forbes and NJBIZ.
Website: www.affinityfcu.com
Contact: Brian Hyland, bhyland@sternstrategy.com
Personal Finance
Thomas Walsh
Certified Financial Planner, Client Service and Portfolio Manager
Palisades Hudson Financial Group
"Find the strategy that you can live with both financially and psychologically, and then stick to it. The best time to act is now. Focus on reducing high-interest debts and building an emergency fund with six to 12 months of expenses. Organize your debts by interest rate so you know where to focus. Don't accept the notion that all debt must be cleared from your personal balance sheet before you can begin to focus efforts on saving for retirement."
Website: http://www.palisadeshudson.com
Contact: Henry Stimpson, Henry@StimpsonCommunications.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Kyle Winkfield
Managing Partner
O'Dell, Winkfield, Roseman and Shipp, Washington, D.C.
Winkfield educates and empowers his audiences, including viewers, his clients, listeners, readers, and anyone else that wants to join the journey of understanding financial freedom and lifestyle security. In a world where most professionals lead with industry jargon, complex formulas and "what if" catastrophes, Winkfield speaks from the heart and experience. As a best-selling author, a regular guest financial and retirement expert on Fox Baltimore, and a contributor to publications including TIME, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and Nasdaq, Winkfield shares his insight, and knowledge on a weekly basis with audiences across the country. Winkfield is proud member of the Million Dollar Roundtable, an organization that acknowledges the elite professionals of the financial industry. He is also an active member of the Independence Excellence Group, a think tank composed of financial professionals across the nation who meet quarterly to share new retirement ideas and strategies.
Website: http://www.owrsfirm.com
Contact: Nick Vecore, nick.vecore@mandomarketing.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Melissa Fort
Financial Consultant
Fort Wealth Management, Austin, Texas
Fort is a Certified Senior Advisor and serves as a financial consultant and client concierge. She strives to help Austin area residents map out and implement a successful plan for retirement. She owned and managed a successful business in the investment world for more than 20 years and has also worked for two Fortune 500 companies. She holds a life and health insurance license in the State of Texas.
Website: https://www.fortwm.com
Contact: Nick Vecore, nick.vecore@mandomarketing.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Ryan Moore
Ryan the IRAGuy, Corpus Christi, Texas
After the big economic downturn of 2008, Moore started looking for way to help the retired people in his community stop making very costly mistakes with their IRAs and 401(k)s and help them avoid outliving their retirement savings. Moore is very knowledgeable and passionate about helping Americans avoid making IRA mistakes and finding ways to guarantee their income for the rest of their lifetime.
Website: http://www.ryantheiraguy.com
Contact: Nick Vecore, nick.vecore@mandomarketing.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Steve Yager
Steve Yager & Associates, Livonia, Mich.
Yager is a detail-minded professional with more than 30 years of experience in the financial service industry. He has created a different all-inclusive approach to retirement planning that takes into consideration all aspects of one's goals and needs.
Website: https://www.ygr.org
Contact: Nick Vecore, nick.vecore@mandomarketing.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Michael Windle
Retirement Planning Specialist
C. Curtis Financial, Plymouth, Mich.
Windle is a retirement planning specialist for C. Curtis Financial Group, and is a financial advisor and Registered Representative with Kalos Capital, Inc. Windle holds a Series 7 License and is responsible for staying up-to-date on the various investment options available to clients.
Website: http://www.ccurtisfinancial.com
Contact: Nick Vecore, nick.vecore@mandomarketing.com
Personal Finance: Making Better 'Money Moves'
Kyle Nakatsuji
CEO and Founder
As a personal finance expert, Nakatsuji can discuss how consumers can make a conscious effort to be more aware of how much they spend on required monthly expenses (like auto insurance, gas/electric bills, etc.). While people make unnecessary purchases, they also overpay for things they're forced to have and pay for every month. Nakatsuji can weigh in on how people can make the resolution to save money on compulsory services to create the financial freedom to rationally buy other things they really want -- and make better "money moves" as a result.
Website: www.clearcover.com
Contact: Kellie Flaherty, clearcoverpr@walkersands.com
Personal Finance Resolutions
Uri Pomerantz
Pomerantz is available to provide insight/tips on personal finance resolutions like saving and investing money, setting your goals, etc. He is the CEO of Twine, a new smart savings app that enables couples to manage their finances collaboratively, overcome behavioral barriers to saving, and reach financial goals faster via automated personalized portfolios. Twine is part of John Hancock Digital, a digital innovation group within John Hancock that is focused on scaling the company's technology to improve the financial lives of consumers. Prior to joining John Hancock Digital, Pomerantz was co-founder and CEO of Guide Financial, and founder of Bright Frontier Financial before that. He holds an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
Website: https://twine.com
Contact: Alex Merriweather, amerriweather@inkhouse.com
Retirement Planning and IRAs
Ed Slott, CPA
Founder, Ed Slott & Company
Creator, IRAhelp.com
Slott is a New York-based nationally recognized IRA expert, television personality, and best-selling author who has dedicated his life to educating Americans on saving for retirement and the intricacies of IRAs. He was named "The Best Source for IRA Advice" by The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today wrote, "It would be tough to find anyone who knows more about IRAs than CPA Slott." He is the author of "The Retirement Savings Time Bomb … And How to Defuse It" and "Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune." His most recent books include "Fund Your Future: A Tax-Smart Savings Plan in Your 20s and 30s" and "The Retirement Decisions Guide: 125 Ways to Save and Stretch Your Wealth." He is the host of the 2015 public television show "Ed Slott's Retirement Road Map," which airs in markets nationwide. He is a frequent columnist and resource for national media and has hosted many best-selling public television specials. Through his firm, Slott provides the highest level of IRA training to financial professionals, CPAs and attorneys; and through his website, he offers free resources to consumers.
Website: http://irahelp.com
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning
Greg Hammer
Tax and Wealth Advisor
Hammer Financial Group, Inc.
Hammer specializes in coordinated, holistic financial planning for Lake County, Ind., and Chicago-area residents who are approaching retirement or currently retired. Bringing tax preparation and planning, Medicare supplements, estate planning, insurance and investments all under one roof, he aims to provide complete and convenient financial solutions for the best interest of the clients he serves. Hammer trains and coaches independent financial advisors nationwide on how to build their business to better serve the holistic financial needs of American families. In particular, he has helped develop and refine processes to integrate tax preparation and Medicare supplement services into a financial advisory practice -- a unique addition within the financial industry designed for the ultimate convenience and benefit of clients at and near retirement. He earned a B.A. in Applied Mathematics with a focus in economics from Yale University and has more than 23 years of experience in the financial services industry. In addition to his series 6, 63, 65 and 26 and life and health licenses, Hammer maintains Master Elite Membership with Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group for continued study and mastery of IRAs and applicable tax laws.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning and Wealth Management
Nancy Coutu, CFP, CLU, ChFC
Money Managers Financial Group
Money Managers Financial Group (MMFG) is an Oak Brook-based independent financial planning firm that has been helping Chicagoland residents achieve financial independence for their retirement years since 1987. Coutu has more than XX years of combined experience in the financial services industry and works to build, manage and protect her clients' assets through investment, retirement, income and estate planning strategies. Dedicated to financial literacy and providing straightforward advice, Coutu regularly speaks on financial and retirement planning topics throughout Chicago and has been called upon by Fortune 500 companies to create and implement custom financial programs for corporate employees. Coutu is a Registered Representative and licensed life and health professional. She is also a member of the Ed Slott Master Elite IRA Advisory Group and DuPage Estate Planning Council.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning and Wealth Management
John Gajkowski, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CMFC, CRPC, RICP
Money Managers Financial Group
Money Managers Financial Group (MMFG) is an Oak Brook-based independent financial planning firm that has been helping Chicagoland residents achieve financial independence for their retirement years since 1987. Gajkowski has more than XX years of experience in the financial services industry and works to build, manage and protect his clients' assets through investment, retirement, income and estate planning strategies. Dedicated to financial literacy and providing straightforward advice, Gajkowski regularly speaks on financial and retirement planning topics throughout Chicago and has been called upon by Fortune 500 companies to create and implement custom financial programs for corporate employees. Gajkowski is a Registered Representative and licensed life and health professional. He is also a Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP).
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement and Long-term Care Planning
Hans E. Scheil, CFP
Cardinal Advisors
Scheil is the author of "The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement," which has reached number one in Amazon's Retirement Planning category, and the CEO of North Carolina-based Cardinal Advisors. He is also the author of "The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement Workbook," a supplement to his original book that includes additional examples and guidance on retirement planning issues. Throughout his 40 years in the financial services industry, Scheil has worked with clients age 65+ to help provide them with the financial solutions they need to live a long and successful retirement. In his book, Scheil addresses the major problems retirees can face and provides strategies for overcoming them. Scheil is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), as well as a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Chartered Advisor for Senior Living (CASL). He also holds Life and Health insurance licenses in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and is an investment advisor representative.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning and Wealth Management
Skip Johnson
Great Waters Financial
Great Waters Financial, a financial planning firm located throughout the Minnesota with offices in Minneapolis, Richfield, Plymouth, White Bear Lake and Duluth, specializes in providing comprehensive financial planning and strategic retirement solutions to pre-retirees and retirees. Dedicated to consumer education, the firm has reached thousands of Minnesotans through its courses at local colleges and universities, as well as frequent contributions on local television news shows on a wide variety of financial planning topics. Johnson is life insurance and securities licensed and is a member of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning and Wealth Management
Elijah Kovar
Great Waters Financial
Great Waters Financial, a financial planning firm located throughout the Minnesota with offices in Minneapolis, Richfield, Plymouth, White Bear Lake and Duluth, specializes in providing comprehensive financial planning and strategic retirement solutions to pre-retirees and retirees. Dedicated to consumer education, the firm has reached thousands of Minnesotans through its courses at local colleges and universities as well as frequent contributions on local television news shows on a wide variety of financial planning topics. Kovar is life insurance and securities licensed and is a member of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Retirement Planning and Wealth Management
Justin Halverson, RICP
Great Waters Financial
Great Waters Financial, a financial planning firm located throughout the Minnesota with offices in Minneapolis, Richfield, Plymouth, White Bear Lake and Duluth, specializes in providing comprehensive financial planning and strategic retirement solutions to pre-retirees and retirees. Dedicated to consumer education, the firm has reached thousands of Minnesotans through its courses at local colleges and universities as well as frequent contributions on local television news shows on a wide variety of financial planning topics. Halverson is life insurance and securities licensed and is a member of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group.
Contact: Mindy Eras, mindy@advisorpr.com
Financial Resolutions
Andy Smith
Certified Financial Planner
Financial Engines
Smith is a Certified Financial Planner with Financial Engines, America's largest independent investment advisor, and host of the nationally syndicated "Investing Sense" radio show. He brings unique insights and real-life anecdotes from his years of experiences helping investors set and achieve their financial goals, both in-person and on-air. He can share financial resolutions around topics such as: evaluating your goals and sticking to a budget; optimizing your 401(k); the importance of retirement income planning; and how to analyze your debt.
Radio show: https://www.investingsense.com
Website: https://financialengines.com
Contact: Caroline Roers, financialengines@allisonpr.com
Retirement-Saving Resolution
Nick Holeman, CFP
Financial Planning and Retirement Expert
Betterment for Business
Holeman, certified financial planner at technology-led 401(k) provider Betterment for Business, can provide specific New Year's resolutions around ensuring people are meeting their overall financial goals while still saving enough for retirement. The new year marks a time to assess your whole financial picture, and retirement must be a part of that planning process. Holeman can offer resolutions that Americans should be making to ensure they are retirement-ready, such as turning on auto-escalation, funding your IRA, setting up an emergency fund and turning on auto-deposits. In his role at Betterment for Business, Holeman is responsible for training all new advisors, working with high-net-worth customers and improving the quality of automated advice Betterment gives to its more than 300,000 customers. Prior to Betterment, Holeman built tax and retirement plans for Pure Financial Advisors and received his Master's in Financial & Tax Planning and his BA in International Business, both from San Diego State University.
Website: https://www.bettermentforbusiness.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickholeman/
Contact: Megan Enright, betterment@v2comms.com
Fitness/Weight Loss:
Resolve to Move More
Katy Bowman, MS
Nutritious Movement
"Resolve to move more in the new year instead of exercising more. While an hour-long workout can feel great, it only accounts for 4% of your 24 hours! Focus on the other 96% of your time by choosing to walk to work, take the stairs, even grind your coffee by hand. All these seemingly small movements add up to big health benefits."
A biomechanist by training and a problem-solver at heart, Bowman has the ability to blend a scientific approach with straight talk about sensible solutions and an unwavering sense of humor. Her award-winning blog and podcast, "Katy Says," reach hundreds of thousands of people every month. Her books, the bestselling "Move Your DNA," "Diastasis Recti," "Don't Just Sit There," "Dynamic Aging," "Movement Matters," and more, have been critically acclaimed and translated worldwide. In between her book-writing efforts, Bowman directs and teaches at the Nutritious Movement Center Northwest, travels the globe to teach the Nutritious Movement courses in person, and spends as much time outside as possible with her husband and two young children. She is a regular source for national health publications and is regularly featured on radio, television talk shows and news segments. IDEA named her one of their "Top 14 Rising Stars in Fitness."
Website: https://nutritiousmovement.com
Contact: Melissa McNeese, melissa-fitpr@verizon.net
Retrofit Your Weight-Loss Resolution
Jennifer Plotnek, LCSW-C
Lead Behavior Coach
Retrofit, Inc.
"After the last bit of eggnog has been sipped and Christmas cookies have been eaten, we often vow to live healthier in the new year. But New Year's resolutions fail, because we set unrealistic goals, fail to track our progress or simply forget about them in the midst of our busy lives."
Plotnek is the lead behavior coach for Retrofit, a leading provider of weight-management and disease-prevention programs. She can offer tips on how to retrofit your weight-loss resolutions, create lasting healthy lifestyle changes and make the New Year feel like an exciting time for self-improvement.
Contact: Nora Dudley, nora@retrofitme.com
Fitness Resolution: Joining a Gym
Justin Sydnor
Associate Professor, Risk and Insurance
Leslie P. Schultz Professor in Risk Management and Insurance
University of Wisconsin
Somehow, at the beginning of the New Year, deciding to join a gym is easy, especially if great deals and financial incentives are being offered. A new study from the Wisconsin School of Business finds that even financial incentives can't help us break the cycle of signing up for a new gym membership, then failing to maintain our exercise habits. The additional incentives offered early during the new gym membership did not lead to increased visit rates. One key finding was that those people who attended infrequently over their first months of membership believed that they were likely to visit often and did not believe their likelihood of visiting often would be influenced by the incentive. Says Sydnor: "When it comes to going to the gym, there's a real gap between what people think they will do and what they actually end up doing. We found that new members are wildly overoptimistic about how often they will visit the gym and that most experience a steep decline in trips to the gym within the first few weeks of joining. Recognizing that fact and helping people set realistic and reasonable goals for themselves from the outset, may be more effective."
Bio: https://bus.wisc.edu/faculty/justin-sydnor
Contact: Justin Sydnor, justin.sydnor@wisc.edu
Eight Tips for Fitness Resolutions
Brian Babka, MD
Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, Ill.
Dr. Babka offers eight tips for fitness resolutions: 1) Start slow, with smaller realistic goals on way to bigger goals. If you haven't been off the couch in a while, resolving to run a marathon will set you up for failure. Try a smaller obtainable goal, such as walking three times a week, to help you get to the bigger goal. 2) Be specific in both small exercise/activity and diet changes. A vague "eat healthy" goal may leave you floundering. Instead, set some specific healthy eating goals, such as "don't skip breakfast." 3) Find ways to double dip with family, friends and pets – it can make healthy resolutions fun and keep you more accountable. Have fun family competitions, include the kids in healthy meal prep, or commit to daily dog walks. 4) Remember rest and recovery. Allow your body, and mind, to repair and strengthen in between workouts. However, this isn't an excuse to lay in bed all day. "Use light active rest/recovery rather than a 'zero' day," says Dr. Babka. 5) Do not check weight daily. Your weight will fluctuate, which can become frustrating. "A daily weigh-in is chasing a number instead of creating a better lifestyle," says Dr. Babka. "Checking weight every couple of weeks to once per month can be more rewarding." Focus on how you feel instead of the numbers of the scale. 6) Do not get frustrated, as the consistency will lead to adaptation. Keep a log of your accomplishments and review them when you are feeling frustrated. "Stay positive and visualize success. Eventually the fitness, strength, speed will come," says Dr. Babka. 7) Recognize change. "It will become apparent when healthy decisions start to grow off each other, and it will eventually become a new life habit," says Dr. Babka. "Recognize and celebrate change. You will not want to undo previous decisions and hard work." 8) Find the inner athlete within yourself. Find your sport, your passion, an activity you love that will keep you motivated. "We are all athletes," says Dr. Babka. "Remember the active you will always be faster and stronger than the 'on the couch' you."
Contact: Kim Waterman, Kimberly.waterman@nm.org
Fitness Resolution: Injuries and Pain Management
Dr. Theodore Price
University of Texas
Forty-two percent of Americans made New Year's resolutions for 2017, and the #1 resolution was "lose weight/healthier eating." With a weight-loss resolution, an exercise injury is typically involved -- it could be simply working out too hard at the gym after a vigorous routine. Sixty-four percent of all fitness-related injuries are soft-tissue injuries, and New Year's resolutions can quickly turn to pain relief goals. Price is available to discuss how to avoid getting addicted to medications. He can also discuss how to stop long-term chronic pain without opioids.
Full bio: https://tedsbrainscience.com/pages/the-brains
Contact: Holly Rosen Fink, holly@getsocu.com
A New Approach to Dieting
Meredith David, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University
David has researched successful dieters and how they were different from others. The results of her dieting research have received national attention. Says David: "Our research shows that instead of creating rules to avoid one's favorite treats, dieters should focus on eating healthy foods that they enjoy. Dieters who restrict themselves from consuming the foods they love most may be setting themselves up for failure. Instead, they may be better off by allowing occasional 'treats' and focusing attention on healthy foods that they enjoy and making it a point to include those tasty but healthy foods in their diet."
Bio: https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/index.php?id=941665&expert=meredith.davidphd
Contact: Eric Eckert, eric_m_eckert@baylor.edu
Weight Loss
Susan L. Besser, M.D., MBA, FAAFP, CIME, Diplomate American Board of Obesity Medicine
Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore
Dr. Besser, a primary care provider specializing in family medicine with Mercy Personal Physicians at Overlea, is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. She provides comprehensive primary care for the entire family. Her practice is focused on ongoing, patient-physician relationships. She works together with patients over time to achieve their health goals and develop long-standing lifestyle choices. She treats common and acute primary conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cough and cold. Her continued, ongoing care and approach allows Dr. Besser the opportunity to provide accurate and critical diagnosis of more complex conditions and disorders. In those cases, Dr. Besser offers patients access to Mercy's wide-ranging team of specialists and works in coordination with those physicians to develop and monitor treatment plans.
Expert Contact: sbesser@mdmercy.com
PR Contact: Dan Collins, dcollins@mdmercy.com
Weight Loss
Nancy Courduff
Clinical Dietitian
Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore
Courduff sees patients at Stella Maris, Central Maryland's largest geriatric/long-term care facility and part of Mercy since 1997.
Expert Contact: ncourduff@stellamaris.org
PR Contact: Dan Collins, dcollins@mdmercy.com
Fitness and Weight Loss
Shannon "The Cannon" Hudson
Founder and CEO
9Round Kickboxing
Hudson is the former IKF Light Middleweight Kickboxing Champion of the World. He won his title on Oct. 1, 2011 with a sixth-round TKO victory. He trained under legendary boxing trainer Xavier Biggs, brother of 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Tyrell Biggs. Hudson began martial arts at the age of 7 and has continued training ever since then. He has a 5th Degree Black Belt in Japanese Shotokan Karate and a 4th Degree Black Belt under Joe Lewis's Fighting System JLFS. After more than 70 bouts inside the ring, competing in Canada and Europe, Hudson could not find a place where the average person could be exposed to the "top secret" training of some of the best fighters in the world. That is where his vision for 9Round began. He knew that if he could take the grueling workouts he did in the ring, and create a non-intimidating, convenient circuit workout format, then the average person could enjoy the benefits of boxing and kickboxing without getting hit. Hudson is a family man himself with two children, so keeping the workout short but still effective was key when creating the 9Round concept. Hudson released a business book entitled "Zero to 100" in early 2016, which is a candid memoir of the journey from one 9Round location to the first 100 location being opened. This book made Hudson a best-selling author on Amazon. Shannon enjoys public speaking and motivating others by thinking outside the box.
Website: https://www.9round.com
Contact: Heather McClain, hmclain@onideas.com
Setting New Year's Resolutions that Positively Impact the World
Daisy Freund
Director, Farm Animal Welfare Strategies
As people begin setting New Year's resolutions to improve themselves and their lifestyles, how can we instead set more mindful resolutions to also improve the world we live in? Improving yourself or bettering your lifestyle is about more than adjusting eating habits or working out; it's also about making decisions in your day-to-day life that will directly have a positive impact on the world. Freund says: "The rapid industrialization of our food system has led to widespread problems such as foodborne illnesses, worker exploitation, animal abuse, and environmental degradation. Making more mindful food choices in your day-to-day life drastically improves the environment, the economy, farming conditions and your overall wellbeing, and with every purchase of more sustainably produced food, consumers are contributing to the movement to make our food supply healthier for people, animals and the planet."
Freund can discuss examples of resolutions people can make to take action and create positive changes in 2018, including learning to differentiate between meaningful and meaningless food labels to take a stand against factory farms, buying locally grown and raised seasonal foods, purchasing higher-welfare or plant-based food, learning how to purchase the right portion sizes to prevent food waste, and choosing organic groceries that don't pollute our air and water.
Contact: Rachael Lewis, rachael.lewis@aspca.org
Healthy Bedtime Resolutions
Dr. Sujay Kansagra
Sleep Health Consultant, Mattress Firm
Director, Pediatric Neurology Sleep Medicine, Duke University
At the start of a new year, people generally focus on being more active and having a healthy diet, but most forget that sleep is also an important pillar for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With this in mind, Dr. Kansagra can share some sleepy-time tips and resolutions: "1) We all could use more Zzzs. According to a recent survey by Mattress Firm, 67% of Americans wish they got more sleep. A solid snooze of 7-9 hours is not just a suggestion; sleep helps our bodies recover from a stressful day and prepare for the morning ahead. 2) Screens and sleep don't mix: The technology we often use before bed (computer, TV, phone, etc.) emits a harmful blue light that can actually keep us awake. Watching TV or surfing the web until you feel sleepy can disrupt the secretion of a natural sleep hormone called melatonin, leaving you to a night of restless sleeping. 3) Create a regular bedtime routine: Having a consistent nighttime routine helps get our bodies in the mindset that it's time for bed, which makes catching some Zzzs a breeze. Not only should we aim for eight hours, but going to bed and waking up at the same time each day can help synchronize your sleep time with your internal clock."
Dr. Kansagra is the director of Duke University's Pediatric Neurology Sleep Medicine Program and author of four books, including "My Child Won't Sleep." He has been featured on HLN, NPR, Thrillist, POPSUGAR, CNN and Reader's Digest, among others, and can be found regularly discussing sleep, medicine and education with his 120,000 Twitter followers.
Article: https://blog.mattressfirm.com/sleep-health/sleep-like-expert/
Twitter: @medschooladvice
Contact: Brownlee Fielder, bfielder@jacksonspalding.com
Resolve to Stand Taller: Posture Affects Confidence, Image, Weight Loss and Health
Dr. Tom Carpenter
Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer and Chiropractor
"It's mind boggling to realize the effect that poor posture has not only on one's physical appearance, but one's mental state as well. Most obviously, proper posture alleviates neck, back and shoulder pain. But slouching can also affect digestion and breathing, inhibit circulation, increase risk of developing diabetes cardiovascular disease and cause fatigue and tension headaches. Moreover, studies have shown that slouching is associated with increased feelings of depression, lower energy, stress and negative perception. (Someone 'with a backbone' sitting straight and tall at the desk is perceived far more positively than a 'spineless' employee hunched over the computer.) And being hunched over makes one look heavier than if they stood straight and tall, which elongates the body. When you look better, you feel better."
Website: www.standcorrected.co
Contact: Linda Parry Murphy, linda@productlaunchers.co
Getting Organized
Chris Wong
"Get organized" is a leading resolution annually, and Wong has written/been interviewed extensively regarding digital record keeping: "While everyone may have their own type of filing system at home for important documents and information, it may not be organized or secure. Common methods such as boxes of hardcopy files, safe deposit boxes, or home computers and mainstream file-sharing apps are simply not designed for organization or to keep sensitive information secure. Digital record keeping can help families work together to finally 'get organized' in the new year."
Website: http://www.lifesite.co
Expert Contact: Chris@LifeSite.co
PR Contact: Sheri Wachenheim, swachenheim@mintadv.com
Meditating in the New Year
Dr. Pilar Jennings
Dr. Jennings is available to explain how to make meditation an everyday practice in the new year, and why it's significant. She has a private practice in NYC, where she integrates traditional therapy with Buddhist meditation and practices. Says Dr. Jennings: "Even a simple mindfulness meditation for five minutes each day can help reduce anxiety, clear the mind, and increase feelings of wellness. This is a doable and sustainable resolution with far-reaching rewards."
Website: http://drpilarjennings.com
Contact: Beth Grossman, BethGrossman555@gmail.com
Create Action Lists Instead of Goals
Tim Elmore
Growing Leaders
"Don't simply create a list of goals. View it as an 'action' list and a 'standard' list. What are the actions you plan to take and what are the standards you plan to live by over the next year? You want to be better in January 2018 than you were in January 2017. To do this, don't prioritize your schedule -- schedule your priorities. This means you must put into your calendar those things you say are the most important habits and attitudes you can embrace. Our character is simply made up of the habits and attitudes we possess daily."
Elmore recommends addressing these questions to create the goals, actions and standards for 2018: 1) What is your greatest dream for 2018? What daily actions must you engage in to fulfill them? 2) What standards will you live by throughout the next year: health standards, family standards, financial standards, friendship standards, personal/spiritual standards? 3) In what areas of your life do you most want to grow in 2018? 4) What books/magazines/podcasts will you read/listen to next year to achieve those growth goals? 5) What mentors will you seek out to achieve those growth goals? 6) What events will you attend to achieve those growth goals? 7) What will you do Monday through Friday to be intentional about your growth?
Growing Leaders is a nonprofit leadership training and development organization that equips young people with the skills to be leaders in their schools, communities and careers.
Website: www.growingleaders.com
Contact: Berry Brady, berry@fulltiltconsulting.com
Clearing out Clutter at Home
Elise King
Assistant Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences | Interior Design
Baylor University
King, who is herself streamlined when it comes to knickknacks and the clothes closet, says there is "an ebb and flow over time" of non-essential vs. busy when it comes to architectural styles and interior design -- including "stuff." These days, what is increasingly emerging is not only digital clutter, but "digital debris" that spills over into the physical, she says. This can include Amazon's "dash buttons," tangled cords and printer paper, digital art, DVRs, etc. She is available to offer six tips to organize your home (see https://tinyurl.com/yabuvr8z).
Bio: https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/index.php?id=941665&expert=elise.kingmidm
Contact: Eric Eckert, eric_m_eckert@baylor.edu
Breaking Away From the Smartphone
James Roberts
Director, Centre for Nonprofit Leadership and Service; Professor – Marketing
Baylor University
Roberts is available to offer nine tips to help you break away from your smartphone (see https://tinyurl.com/ybpxch33). Says Roberts: "Although the stated purpose of technology like smartphones is to help us connect with others, it does not. Ironically, the very technology that was designed to bring humans closer together has isolated us from these very same people."
Along with his colleague Meredith David, Roberts has conducted numerous studies on the effects of smartphone technology on relationships. The studies on "phubbing" -- phone snubbing -- have garnered national and international interest, given the pervasiveness of smartphone technology.
Bio: https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/index.php?id=941665&expert=james.robertsphd
Contact: Eric Eckert, eric_m_eckert@baylor.edu
Resolving to Be More Generous
Andy Hogue, Ph.D.
Director, Philanthropy and Public Service Program; Senior Lecturer, Honors Program
Baylor University
Hogue advises Americans to resolve to be more generous in the new year: "One of the things we've talked about a lot in the course with 21- and 22-year-olds, who have very limited incomes themselves, is what generosity means. What does it mean to be a generous person? Whatever our station, however much money or resources we have, we all have something to share and something to give. I like the idea of thinking in terms of a New Year's resolution, sort of resolving to be more generous and helping people to think in those ways."
Bio: https://expertfile.com/experts/andy.hogue
Contact: Eric Eckert, eric_m_eckert@baylor.edu
Stress Management and Relaxation
Alexandra Janelli
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Coach
Modrn Sanctuary
Janelli is considered one of New York City's premier hypnotherapists and life coaches. She has worked with Academy Award nominees, world-renowned photographers, singers, top-level executives, and professionals across many sectors of business, as well as students and children. She has been featured on MTV; Elle; O, The Oprah Magazine; Men's Fitness; Swell City Guide; Dossier Journal; The New Yorker; Time Out Chicago, and various other publications for her hypnotherapy and creativity. She helps clients push through and past their blocks to achieve their goals with the power of her hypnotherapeutic-based approach. Her luxury wellness center, Modrn Sanctuary, is an integrative holistic health and wellness center that offers hypnotherapy, nutritional, craniosacral, acupuncture, cupping, physical therapy, chiropractics, reiki, skincare, past-life regression, Ayurveda, yoga, crystal light therapy, halotherapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. She is a graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the first nationally accredited hypnosis program, where she received an Advanced Training Graduate Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Handwriting Analysis. She is also a Certified Life Coach from the iPEC Coach Training Program, which is accredited by the International Coach Federation (IFC), the governing organization that sets and monitors standards for professional coaching ethics, training, and practices. In 2010, Janelli founded Theta Spring Hypnosis in Chicago and then moved her practice to New York City. A born-and-raised New Yorker, Janelli can cater to a wide variety of clientele through her caring and attentive listening. She specializes in the treatment of anxiety with a variety of clients, and has been called "an expert in stress management and relaxation."
Website: www.modrnsanctuary.com
Contact: Sydney Masters, Sydney@RCouriHayCPR.com
Resolutions for Families With Special Needs Children
Kelly Piacenti
Head of SpecialCare
Piacenti, a mom of a child with special needs, says: "Without proper planning, a well-intentioned parent or relative could interfere with a child with special needs eligibility for benefits like Social Security income benefits or Medicaid. Also without proper planning, assets intended to cover care expenses for your special needs child could end up in the hands of third-party creditors. If you have a child with special needs, if you do nothing else in 2018, check your beneficiary information to ensure you are not putting your child's financial future at risk, and if you have not drafted a Letter of Intent and set up a Special Needs Trust or/or ABLE account, please consider doing so, especially if your child may require some level of life-long care."
Contact: Paula M. Tremblay, ptremblay@massmutual.com
Helping Your Child Do Better in School
David Lord
JumpStart Games
Lord is the CEO of JumpStart Games, the leader in learning-based games for kids and a trusted brand by millions of parents and teachers for more than 20 years, and is on a mission to use technology to make education accessible and fun for all global learners. Lord and his team know that keeping kids engaged in learning is the best pathway to success. He and his team are experts in game-based learning in the classroom space to create a 360-degree educational experience for all learners on complex topics and with an emphasis on the individualized learning experience.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidlord/
Website: http://www.jumpstart.com
Contact: Chloe Schwartz, chloe@kelandpartners.com
Resolving to Sell Your Home
Sumant Sridharan
Sridharan is a real estate tech expert available to provide commentary for those making a resolution to buy or sell their home in the new year. Sridharan can provide insights on the best ways to follow through on this resolution, from finding the best agent, to prepping their home and marketing a property, to finding the right time to sell based on where they live.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sumantsridharan/
Website: www.homelight.com
Contact: Megan Enright, homelight@v2comms.com
Getting Better Sleep
Mike Schmidt
The new wave in the consumerization of home health care and personal health data, specifically when it comes to the sleep industry, will grow even more in 2018. Schmidt and his team are committed to raising awareness around sleep apnea and keeping patients compliant with their life-saving CPAP therapy. SoClean is the first and only automated CPAP sanitizing device currently on the market, and uses safe and natural ozone technology to kill 99.9% of CPAP germs, bacteria and other pathogens that can be found in a CPAP device. Since its creation, SoClean has grown to become a leader in the sleep apnea and CPAP space.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-schmidt-18a49620/
Website: https://www.soclean.com
Contact: Chloe Schwartz, chloe@kelandpartners.com
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Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line at profnetalerts@cision.com
- 6 practices to weave into your writing process for 2018. With 2017 coming to a close, we came up with six habits to weave into your writing process to help set you up for success in the new year: http://prn.to/writinghabits
- Blogger Conferences: Top Events to Attend in 2018. This a monthly column of what's happening in the blog world. Here are top events to attend in the 2018: http://prn.to/2018events
- HOW TO FIND EVERGREEN CONTENT. Holiday deadlines don't always lead to your most creative writing. Keep these five things in mind when readying your news site for the holidays: http://prn.to/PRNJevergreen
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View original content with multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/profnet-experts-available-on-new-years-resolutions-reducing-stress-more-300572105.html
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