14.01.2013 18:25:00

Mercialys: Activity for 2012

Regulatory News:

The fourth quarter of 2012 puts an end to an extremely active year for proving once again the robustness and resilience of Mercialys (Paris:MERY) business model, with rental revenues driven by a strong organic growth and the completions of ‘Esprit Voisin’ projects.

The implementation of the new strategy of ‘Foncière Commerçante’ kept on going over the year. The first pilot tests were launched in 8 shopping centers during the second half of the year and we started to refocus our portfolio on assets with a size and a market positioning in line with our strategy of ‘Foncière Commerçante’.

I. Rental revenues and rental management indicators

2012 full year rental revenues remained almost stable compared with 2011 at Euro 160.4 million taking into account the impact of the assets disposals.

Thousands of Euro FY 2011   FY 2012       % change
Invoiced rents 153,385 152,537 -0.6%
Lease rights / entry fees 7,621 7,881
Rental revenues 161,005 160,419 -0.4%

Invoiced rents as of December 31, 2012 amounted Euro 152.5 million, a slight decrease of -0.6% over 2012.

2012 was characterized by:

  • a steady organic growth in invoiced rents: +4.3 points (including indexation 2 : +2.0 points);
  • the impact of the completion of ‘Esprit Voisin’ development projects and the inclusion in the portfolio of 2011 and 2012 acquisitions: impact of +3.9 points on growth in invoiced rents;
  • the effect of asset sales carried out in late 20113 and the asset sales carried out in 2012, reducing our rental base: -7,6 points.

The change in invoiced rents during the year was also influenced by non-recurring items, mainly relating to base effects (positive non-recurring items recognized in 2011) and the strategic vacancy relating to on-going redevelopment programs, with a negative impact on growth in invoiced rents at end-2012 (-1.2 point).

Following a record year in 2011, the renewals and reletting activity maintained a strong pace in 2012 with 209 leases signed (compared with 255 in 2011), representing a growth in the annualized rental base of respectively +23% for renewals and +49%4 for relets.

Thanks to the implementation of a dedicated team in 2010, the Speciality Leasing activity also continued to post strong growth: invoiced rents were up +9.1% in 2012 at Euro 4.3 million (compared with Euro 3.9 million invoiced in 2011 and Euro 3.4 million invoiced in 2010).

Lease rights and despecialization indemnities received as of December 31, 20125 amounted to Euro 4.9 million, compared with Euro 10.2 million in 2011, breaking down as follows:

  • Euro 3.0 million in lease rights relating to ordinary reletting activities and despecialization indemnities (compared with Euro 4.8 million as of December 31, 2011),
  • Euro 1.9 million in lease rights relating primarily to the letting of the Quimper, Fréjus and Istres extension/ redevelopment programs completed in 2012 (compared with Euro 5.4 million as of December 31, 2011). 2011 benefited from significant extensions completions (Geispolsheim, Ajaccio, Marseille La Valentine, Annemasse, Auxerre and Villefranche) that generated an exceptional amount of lease rights received.

After the impact of deferrals required under IFRS (deferring of lease rights over the firm period of the lease), lease rights and despecialization indemnities recognized as rental revenues as of December 31, 2012 increased by +3.4% to Euro 7.9 million (compared with Euro 7.6 million as of December 31, 2011), as a result of significant lease rights received both in 2010 and 2011.

Rental management indicators as of December 31, 2012 remained at a good level

  • The current vacancy rate 6 as of December 31, 2012 remained stable at 2.4% compared to June 30, 2012;
  • 2012 recovery rate over 12 months as of December 31, 2012 remained satisfactory at 97.7% (vs 97.8% as of June, 2012 and 98.3% as of December 31, 2011);
  • The number of tenants under liquidation remained stable and at a marginal level.

II. Completion of ‘Esprit Voisin’ projects and assets disposals

8 projects completed in 2012 including 4 in Q42012

During Q4 2012, completions of Esprit Voisin projects kept on going at a steady pace:

  • The sites of Montauban and Istres benefited from a renovation and an extension of the shopping mall that increase their commercial position.
  • In Narbonne, an H&M store opened on an area acquired from the anchored hypermarket.
  • Finally, in November 2012, Mercialys completed the extension of Bordeaux-Pessac shopping center. As a reminder, Mercialys and Union Investment, a fund manager highly active in the real estate market, created in 2011 an OPCI fund designed to invest in mature retail properties. The fund is 80%-owned by Union Investment and 20% by Mercialys. Mercialys is in charge of asset management and letting of premises. In 2011, the fund acquired its first asset in Bordeaux-Pessac comprising a shopping center and a retail park. The extension developed under the ‘Esprit Voisin’ concept was sold to this OPCI fund on an off-plan basis.

Thus, a total of 66 new stores opened during Q42012 representing a full-year rental value of Euro 4.4 million (including Euro 2.5 million for Bordeaux-Pessac extension) and a newly created, redeveloped and/or renovated GLA of 38,300sqm.

In addition, a retail park developed by the Casino development teams opened in front of our existing shopping center at Fontaine- les-Dijon, reinforcing the position of this site.

4 projects had already been completed during the first-half of 2012 including:

  • 1 extension developed on areas acquired from the anchored hypermarket at the site of Agen Boé;
  • 2 extensions of the existing shopping mall at the sites of Fréjus and Rodez;
  • 1 redevelopment of a former Castorama store as new shops at the site of Quimper.

In total, 117 new retailers opened during 2012, representing a full-year rental value of Euro 8.2 million (including Euro 2.5 million for Bordeaux-Pessac extension) and newly created, redeveloped and/or renovated GLA of 68,000 m².

At the same time, 7 shopping centers were renovated in 2012 under the ‘Esprit Voisin’ concept.

Euro 302 million of assets sold

The asset rotation policy initiated by the Company in 2010 continued in 2012.

Thus, Mercialys sold 21 assets during 2012 representing an amount of Euro 232 million including transfer taxes at an average capitalization rate including transfer taxes of 6.25%. Furthermore, Mercialys accepted binding acquisition offers for 20 additional assets representing an amount of Euro 69 million including transfer taxes.

Recorded sales comprise 14 neighborhood shopping centers (Avignon Cap Sud, Geispolsheim, Larmor, Les Sables d’Olonne, Limoges, Lons le Saunier, Montpellier Gange, St André de Cubzac, St Etienne La Ricamarie, Torcy Monchanin, Toulouse Basso Combo, Troyes Barberey, Villenave d’Ornon and Villefranche), 1 extension sold on an off-plan basis (Bordeaux-Pessac) and 6 standalone lots (service outlet, cafeterias, offices).

Rental income from these properties, excluding the extension of Bordeaux-Pessac, amounts to Euro 12.0 million on a full year basis.

The accepted binding acquisition offers comprise Dijon Chenôve site, Brive downtown site, and 18 additional isolated assets.

In addition to those Euro 302 million of assets disposals, an amount of around Euro 120 million of assets sales is at an advanced negociation stage, and Euro 60 million of additional assets sales are in progress.

This press release is available on the www.mercialys.com website

Next events and publications:

  • February 13, 2013 (after market close) 2012 FY Results (Press release)
  • February 14, 2013 (10:00 am) 2012 FY Results (Meeting)

About Mercialys

Mercialys is one of France's leading real estate companies, solely active in retail property. Rental revenue in 2011 came to Euro 161.0 million and net income, Group share, to Euro 147.4 million.

It owned retail properties at June 30, 2012 representing an estimated value of Euro 2.7 billion (including transfer taxes). Mercialys has benefited from "SIIC" tax status (REIT) since November 1, 2005 and has been listed on compartment A of Euronext Paris, symbol MERY, since its initial public offering on October 12, 2005. The number of outstanding shares was 92,022,826 as of June 30, 2012 and 92,022,826 as of December 31, 2011.


This press release contains forward-looking statements about future events, trends, projects or targets.

These forward-looking statements are subject to identified and unidentified risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Please refer to the Mercialys shelf registration document available at www.mercialys.com for the year to December 31, 2011 for more details regarding certain factors, risks and uncertainties that could affect Mercialys's business.

Mercialys makes no undertaking in any form to publish updates or adjustments to these forward-looking statements, nor to report new information, new future events or any other circumstance that might cause these statements to be revised.

In Euro thousands   03/31/2007   06/30/2007   09/30/2007   12/31/2007 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 23,688 47,557 72,257 97723 23,688 23,869 24,700 25,465
Lease rights 447 881 1,287 1,773 447 434 406 486
Rental revenues 24,135 48,438 73,545 99,496 24,135 24,303 25,106 25,951
Change in invoiced rents 31.1% 22.3% 23.1% 21.1% 31.1% 14.7% 24.5% 15.7%
Change in rental revenues 28.8% 22.2% 22.8% 20.9% 28.8% 16.3% 23.9% 15.7%
In Euro thousands   03/31/2008   06/30/2008   09/30/2008   12/31/2008 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 27,626 55,884 83,775 113,613 27,626 28,258 27,892 29,838
Lease rights 516 1,111 1,842 2,588 516 595 731 746
Rental revenues 28,142 56,995 85,618 116,201 28,142 28,853 28,623 30,583
Change in invoiced rents 16.6% 17.5% 15.9% 16.3% 16.6% 18.4% 12.9% 17.2%
Change in rental revenues 16.6% 17.7% 16.4% 16.8% 16.6% 18.7% 14.0% 17.8%
In Euro thousands   03/31/2009   06/30/2009   09/30/2009   12/31/2009 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 30,630 62,875 97,591 130,911 30,630 32,245 34,716 33,320
Lease rights 680 1,643 2,650 3,326 680 963 1,007 676
Rental revenues 31,310 64,518 100,241 134,237 31,310 33,208 35,723 33,996
Change in invoiced rents 10.9% 12.5% 16.5% 15.2% 10.9% 14.1% 24.5% 11.7%
Change in rental revenues 11.3% 13.2% 17.1% 15.5% 11.3% 15.1% 24.8% 11.2%
In Euro thousands   03/31/2010   06/30/2010   09/30/2010   12/31/2010 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 35,127 70,547 106,995 144,695 35,127 35,420 36,447 37,700
Lease rights 803 1,842 2,934 4,811 803 1,039 1,092 1,877
Rental revenues 35,930 72,390 109,929 149,506 35,930 36,459 37,539 39,577
Change in invoiced rents 14.7% 12.2% 9.6% 10.5% 14.7% 9.8% 5.0% 13.1%
Change in rental revenues 14.8% 12.2% 9.7% 11.4% 14.8% 9.8% 5.1% 16.4%
In Euro thousands   03/31/2011   06/30/2011   09/30/2011   12/31/2011 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 36,887 75,583 113,733 153,385 36,887 38,696 38,150 39,652
Lease rights 1,581 3,571 5,314 7,621 1,581 1,990 1,742 2,307
Rental revenues 38,468 79,154 119,046 161,005 38,468 40,686 39,892 41,959
Change in invoiced rents 5.0% 7.1% 6.3% 6.0% 5.0% 9.2% 4.7% 5.2%
Change in rental revenues 7.1% 9.3% 8.3% 7.7% 7.1% 11.6% 6.3% 6.0%
In Euro thousands   03/31/2012   06/30/2012   09/30/2012   12/31/2012 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4
Invoiced rents 38,592 77,141 114 ,771 152,537 38,592 38,549 37,630 37,767
Lease rights 1,888 3,849 5,859 7,881 1,888 1,961 2,010 2,022
Rental revenues 40,480 80,990 120,630 160,419 40,480 40,510 39,640 39,789
Change in invoiced rents 4.6% 2.1% 0.9% -0.6% 4.6% -0.4% -1.4% -4.8%
Change in rental revenues 5.2% 2.3% 1.3% -0.4% 5.2% -0.4% -0.6% -5.2%

1 Think and act as a retailer

2 In 2012, for the majority of leases, rents were indexed either to the change in the construction cost index (CCI) or to the change in the retail rent index (ILC) between the second quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2011 (respectively +5.01% and +2.56%)

3 See press release on 2011 results published on January 16, 2012

4 Vacant basis at the last known rent

5 Cash amount received before IFRS smoothing accounting (over the first 3 years of leases)

6 Excluding strategic vacancy

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