27.05.2014 09:42:48
IRW-News: Altona Mining Ltd.: Altona Mining: JORC 2012 Ressourcenschätzung für Little Eva Vorkommen
IRW-PRESS: Altona Mining Ltd.: Altona Mining: JORC 2012 Ressourcenschätzung für Little Eva Vorkommen
27. Mai 2014 ASX: AOH, FSE: A2O
Altona Mining Limited (Altona oder das Unternehmen) gibt mit Freude eine JORC 2012 konforme Mineralische Ressourcenschätzung für ihr zu 100% im Eigentum befindlichen Little Eva Kupfer-Gold Vorkommen im nordwestlichen Queensland bekannt. Die Schätzung basiert auf neuen geologischen Modellen die sich aus einem sehr ausgedehnten Arbeitsprogramm ableiten das aus erneuten Bohrlochmessungen und Datenvalidierung bestand. Es wurden keine neuen Bohrungen durchgeführt und es gibt keine materiellen Änderungen zur früheren Schätzung vom 19. Dezember 2011.
Aktualisierte Little Eva Ressource bei 0,2% Kupfergrad als Betriebsschwellengrenze wie folgend:
Tonnen Kupfer Gold EnthaltenEnthalten
(Mio.) (%) (g/t) es es
Kupfer Gold
Gemessene 37.1 0.60 0.09 222,000 112,000
Angezeigte45.0 0.46 0.08 205,000 108,000
Geschlussf23.9 0.50 0.10 119,000 75,000
Total 105.9 0.52 0.09 546,000 295,000
Eine ausführliche Tabelle mit verschiedenen Betriebsschwellengrenzen finden Sie im Appendix 1 und eine Beschreibung der Beurteilungskriterien und Berichtskriterien die in der Schätzung benutzt wurden und diese detailliert aus Tabelle 1 zeigen gemäß dem Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2012) finden Sie in Appendix 2.
Das Little Eva Projekt in Deutscher Synchronisation: http://bit.ly/1mgw7cF
Die frühere Schätzung vom Dezember 2011 lag bei 100,3 Mio. Tonnen mit 0,53% Kupfer und 0,09g/t Gold was 534.000 Tonnen Kupfer und 284.000 Unzen Gold ergab.
Im Vergleich zur ersten Schätzung stieg die Tonnage um 6% an, das enthaltene Kupfermetall um 2% und das Goldmetall um 4%. Das Vertrauen in die Schätzung stieg nun auf 78% in die Gemessenen und Angezeigten Kategorien von zuvor 69% in der Schätzung von 2011. Beide Schätzungen berücksichtigen nicht die oxydische Mineralisierung.
Ein extensives Bohrlochbewertungsprogramm das 84% aller Ressourcenbohrungen abdeckte und ein Datenvalidierungsprogamm konzentrierten sich auf:
· Weitere Validierung und Korrekturen der Bohrkragenansätze, lochabwärts gerichtete Untersuchungen und Probendaten.
· Vereinheitlichung der Beschreibungen und Codierung der Lithologie, Verwitterung, Mineralisierung und Alterung.
· Bestimmen der Mineralisierungskontrollen.
· Aufbau eines 3D geologischen Modells aus den interpretierten Abschnitten.
· Aufbau eines Ressourcenmodells basierend auf den neuen geologischen Interpretationen unter Einsatz der gleichen Schätzmethode (MIK) wie bei der Schätzung 2011.
Das Little Eva vorkommen ist ein Proterozoische Eisen-Oxid-Kupfer-Gold Vorkommen das in der Region üblich ist. (z.B. Ernest Henry Mine). Beherbergt wird es in einem steil abfallenden linsenartigen metamorphosen vulkanischem Komplex (Little Eva Igneous Complex) der ca. 1,2 Km lang ist und bis zu 500 m breit. Der Komplex wird von variablen amygdaloidalen und flusspatig-phyrischen dazwischen liegenden vulkanischenm Felsen mit leichten felsichen Intrusiven beherbergt.
Hauptlithologien sind verschieden verwittert in Ansammlungen die aus Albit, Clacit, Quarz, Magnetit, Hämatit, Epidot, Chlorit, Cchalcopyrit, Pyrit und Chalcocit bestehen. Die häufigste intensive mineralisierung zeigt variable Venen und Breccias und intensiv verwitterte Zonen die mit Mächtigkeiten von 1-40 m variieren und steil nach Osten abfallen im Norden des Vorkommens und nach Nordwesten in den zentralen und südlichen Teilen des Vorkommens. Die Grade variieren auf bis zu 5% Kupfer und 1,6 g/t Gold in diesen Zonen was Durchschnitten von 0,84% und 0,13g/t jeweils entspricht. Die Mehrheit des vulkanischen Komplexes ist verwittert und mineralisiert mit tiefgradigem Kupfer welches weit verteilt ist.
Der vulkansiche Komplex ist in spätere Strukturen gebunden und wird von einer Reihe Unterstrukturen durchzogen.
Der vulkanische Komplex liegt innerhalb eines feinkörnigen und regelmäßigen kalkhltigen Metasediments. Metasedimente direkt neben dem vulknaischen Komplex können verwittert in gleichen Ansammlungen auftreten zum vulkanischen Komplex hin.
Die Hauptmineralisierung hat einen Deckel von ca. 15 bis 30 m Stärke der aus Kupferoxidmineraliserung besteht. (Goethit, Malachit).
Geologie und Mineralisierungen sehen Sie in den Abbildungen 1-5.
Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Alistair Cowden
Managing Director
Altona Mining Limited
Tel: +61 8 9485 2929
James Harris
Professional Public Relations
Tel: +61 8 9388 0944
Jochen Staiger
Swiss Resource Capital AG
Tel: +41 71 354 8501
Es gilt ausschließlich das Englische Original dieser Pressemitteilung
Über Altona Mining Ltd.
Altona Mining Limited ist ein Kupferproduzent in Finnland und besitzt ein großes Kupferentwicklungsprojekt in Australien.
Das Outokumpu Projekt des Unternehmens im Südosten Finnlands nahm die Produktion Anfang 2012 auf. Das Projekt schließt die Kylylahti-Untertagemine mit einer Jahreskapazität von 600.000 t und die Luikonlahti-Mühle ein. Die durchschnittliche Jahresproduktion liegt bei 9.000t Kupfer, 9.000 Unzen Gold und 1.600t Zink mit der Möglichkeit einer Produktionserweiterung. Die regionalen Ressourcen sind in zwei stillgelegten Minen und 4 noch nicht abgebauten Ressourcen innerhalb von 30km der Luikonlahti-Mühle beherbergt. Finnland ist Mitglied der Eurozone und hat eine lange Bergbauhistorie, eine stabile Steuergesetzgebung (20%) und keine weiteren Abgaben.
Altonas weiteres Herzstück ist das Roseby-Kupferprojekt nahe Mt. Isa in Queensland und eines der größten noch nicht entwickelten Kupferprojekte Australiens. Das erste angestrebte Entwicklungsziel mit 7 Mio. t pro Jahr ist die Kupfer-Gold-Tagebaumine und Aufbereitungsanlage Little Eva. Little Evas angestrebte Jahresproduktion1 soll bei 38.800 t Kupfer und 17.000 Unzen Gold für mindestens 11 Jahre Produktionsdauer liegen. Es konnte eine endgültige Machbarkeitsstudie abgeschlossen werden und das Projekt ist voll genehmigt. Altona ist derzeit in Verhandlungen mit potenziellen Partnern, um die Finanzierung dieses Großprojektes ermöglichen zu können.
Altona Mining ist an der Australian Securities Exchange und der Börse Frankfurt notiert.
1Siehe ASX-Pressemitteilung Cost review Delivers Major Upgrade to Little Eva vom 13. März 2014, die die Informationen hinsichtlich dieses Produktionsziels und die auf diesem Produktionsziel basierenden Finanzprognosen skizziert. Diese Pressemitteilung ist bei www.altonamining.com oder www.asx.com.au zu finden. Das Unternehmen bestätigt, dass alle wesentlichen Annahmen, die das Produktionsziel unterstützen und die auf diesem Produktionsziel basierenden Finanzprognosen, die in der oben genannten Pressemitteilung erwähnt werden, weiterhin gültig sind und sich nicht wesentlich geändert haben. Es gilt ausschließlich das Englische Original dieser Pressemitteilung.
Aussage der kompetenten Person
Die Informationen in dieser ASX-Pressemitteilung, die sich auf Explorationsergebnisse, Mineralressourcen oder Erzvorräte beziehen, basieren auf Informationen, die von Dr. Alistair Cowden BSc (Hons), PhD, MAusIMM, MAIG, Managing Director von Altona zusammengestellt wurden. Er ist Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens und verfügt über ausreichendes Wissen und Erfahrung über diesen hier vorliegenden Vererzungs- und Lagerstättentyp. Seine Tätigkeiten qualifizieren ihn als kompetente Person gemäß den Regeln des 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Dr. Alister Cowden stimmt den hier eingefügten Informationen, die auf seinen Informationen basieren, in Form und Kontext je nach Auftreten zu.
Weiter geht es im Englischen Original:
JORC 2012 and Competent Persons Statement
The Company has reported Resources and Reserves according to the 2012 edition of the JORC Code and a full Table 1 is appended.
1. Mineral Resources estimation: The Little Eva Mineral Resource Estimate that is reported in this ASX Release is based on information compiled by Mr Jani Impola, MSc, MAusIMM who is a full time employee of Altona Mining Limited and Mr Ian Glacken, MSc, FAusIMM(CP), CEng, who is a full time employee of Mineral Resource advisory firm Optiro, and who both have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code). Mr Impola and Mr Glacken consent to the inclusion in the release of the statement of their undertaking the resource estimation process in the form and context in which it appears.
2. Responsibility for entire release: Information in this ASX Release that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves and commentary in Table 1 on mining, metallurgy and environment is based on information compiled by Dr Alistair Cowden BSc (Hons), PhD, MAusIMM, MAIG and Dr Iain Scott PhD Min. Processing, BSc Met. (Hons), MAusIMM who are both a full time employee of the Company and who have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Dr Alistair Cowden and Dr Iain Scott consent to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.
Figure 1: Plan of interpreted Geology and block model of copper grade distribution for the Little Eva deposit
Figure 2: Cross Section A showing geology, drilling and block model of copper distribution (refer Figure 1)
Figure 3: Cross Section B showing geology, drilling and block model of copper distribution (refer Figure 1)
Figure 4: Cross Section B showing geology and drilling (refer Figures 1 and 3)
Figure 5: Cross Section C showing geology, drilling and block model of copper distribution (refer Figure 1)
Appendix 1
Table 1: May 2014 Little Eva Mineral Resource Estimate at 0.20% copper cut-off grade
Tonnes Copper Gold ContainedContained
(million)(%) (g/t) Copper Gold
(tonnes) (ounces)
Measured 37.1 0.60 0.09 222,000 112,000
Indicated 45.0 0.46 0.08 205,000 108,000
Inferred 23.9 0.50 0.10 119,000 75,000
Total 105.9 0.52 0.09 546,000 295,000
Table 2: May 2014 Little Eva Mineral Resource Estimate at 0.30% copper cut-off grade
Tonnes Copper Gold ContainedContained
(million)(%) (g/t) Copper Gold
(tonnes) (ounces)
Measured 24.6 0.78 0.12 192,000 94,000
Indicated 26.8 0.60 0.10 160,000 84,000
Inferred 14.6 0.66 0.13 96,000 60,000
Total 66.1 0.68 0.11 448,000 238,000
Table 3: December 2011 Little Eva Mineral Resource Estimate at 0.20% copper cut-off grade (provided for comparative purposes only)
Tonnes Copper Gold ContainedContained
(million)(%) (g/t) Copper Gold
(tonnes) (ounces)
Measured 36.3 0.63 0.08 227,000 99,000
Indicated 32.7 0.48 0.08 156,000 81,000
Inferred 31.5 0.48 0.10 150,000 104,000
Total 100.3 0.53 0.09 534,000 284,000
Table 4: December 2011 Little Eva Mineral Resource Estimate at 0.30% copper cut-off grade (provided for comparative purposes only)
Tonnes Copper Gold ContainedContained
(million)(%) (g/t) Copper Gold
Measured 24.6 0.81 0.10 198,000 76,000
Indicated 20.5 0.62 0.09 127,000 62,000
Inferred 18.5 0.64 0.13 119,000 79,000
Total 63.6 0.70 0.11 444,000 217,000
Note: Totals may not match sub-totals due to rounding.
Table 5: Summary of Mineral Resource Estimates for the Cloncurry Copper Project
TonnesGrade CopperGold TonnesGrade TonneGrade TonnesGrade
millioCu Au tonnesouncesmillioCu Au milliCu Au millioCu Au
n % g/t n % g/t on % g/t n % g/t
Little 105.9 0.52 0.09 546,00295,0037.1 0.60 0.09 45.0 0.46 0.08 23.9 0.50.1
Eva 0 0 0 0
Ivy Ann 7.5 0.57 0.07 43,00017,000- - - 5.4 0.60 0.08 2.1 0.40.0
9 6
Lady Clay14.0 0.56 0.20 78,00085,000- - - 3.6 0.60 0.24 10.4 0.50.1
re 4 8
Bedford 1.7 0.99 0.20 17,00011,000- - - 1.3 1.04 0.21 0.4 0.80.1
3 6
Sub-t129.1 0.53 0.10 684,00409,0037.1 0.60 0.09 55.3 0.49 0.09 36.7 0.50.1
otal 0 0 1 2
Blackard 76.4 0.62 - 475,00- 27.0 0.68 - 6.6 0.60 - 42.7 0.5-
0 9
Scanlan 22.2 0.65 - 143,00- - - - 18.4 0.65 - 3.8 0.6-
0 0
Longamund10.4 0.66 - 69,000- - - - - - - 10.4 0.6-
i 6
Legend 17.4 0.54 - 94,000- - - - - - - 17.4 0.5-
Great 6.0 0.61 - 37,000- - - - - - - 6.0 0.6-
Southern 1
Caroline 3.6 0.53 - 19,000- - - - - - - 3.6 0.5-
Charlie 0.7 0.40 - 3,000 - - - - - - - 0.7 0.4-
Brown 0
Sub-t136.7 0.61 - 840,00- 27.0 0.68 - 25.0 0.64 - 84.7 0.5-
otal 0 9
TOTAL 265.8 0.57 0.05 1,524,409,0064.1 0.63 0.05 80.3 0.54 0.06 121.4 0.50.0
000 0 6 4
See ASX release of 23 October 2007 and 26 July 2011 (Longamundi, Great Southern, Caroline and Charlie Brown), 23 April 2012 (Bedford, Ivy Ann and Lady Clayre), 03 July 2012 (Blackard and Scanlan) and 22 August 2012 (Legend) for full details of resource estimation methodology and attributions.
Note: All figures may not sum exactly due to rounding.
Little Eva is reported above a 0.2% copper lower cut-off grade, all other deposits are above 0.3% lower copper cut-off grade.
JORC Table 1
The table below is a description of the assessment and reporting criteria used in the Little Eva Resource and Reserve Estimation that reflects those presented in Table 1 of The Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2012).
Criteria Commentary
Sampling Techniques and Data
Sampling · The dataset incorporates 316 Reverse
techniques Circulation (RC) and 34 RC holes with
diamond tails holes for a total of 57,559
metres of
· 3,845 of a total 53,911 (7.1%) samples
were drill core and 50,066 (92.9%)
samples were RC chips.
· No other sample types were used in the
· Holes were nominaly drilled at dip angles
of either
o or 90o. Wherever possible, holes were
planned to intersect mineralisation at
optimal true width
· 94% of RC drilling was sampled at one
metre intervals with the remainder sampled
at either 2, 3, 4 or partial metre
lengths. Approximately 2kg of each
interval was submitted for geochemical
· Each sample was crushed and pulverised to
produce a representative charge for assay.
· 67% of diamond core was sampled at 1
metre intervals with a further 22% sample
at 2 metre intervals and the remainder
sampled at variable lengths according to
· Drill core sampling was guided by
geology. Either half or quarter core was
submitted for analysis to the
Drilling · RC drilling included 5.25, 5.375, 5.5
techniques and 6 size face-sampling hammers.
· HQ, HQ3, NQ, NQ2, NQ3 and BQ core sizes
were used in diamond
· Most recent diamond drill core has been
marked using inner tube inlaid systems
such as Ezy-Mark while the method for
orientation of core sourced from older
generation holes is
Drill sample · Diamond Core recovery is good, averaging
recovery 94%.
· RC samples were visually checked for
moisture and contamination and recoveries
estimated from the sample
· Best practice methods were used for
diamond coring to ensure the return of
high quality core
· During RC drilling, the cyclone and
splitter were routinely cleaned, ensuring
no material build
· Due to the subjective nature of RC sample
recovery estimation, no reliable
relationship with grade variation has been
established. No relationship between
drill core recovery and grade has been
Logging · A re-logging campaign was completed
during 2013. A total of 48,725 metres (64%
of drilling were re-logged for lithology,
alteration, mineralisation
characteristics, weathering/oxidation and
structure. Logging information was
recorded on paper and was later
transferred into the database.
· Diamond core was geologically logged
using predefined logging codes for
lithological, mineralogical and physical
characteristics (such as colour,
weathering and lithology). In addition,
structural measurements of major features
· RC logging was completed in single or
multi-metre intervals.
· Earlier drilling was logged onto paper
and transferred to a digital form for
loading into the drill
hole database. More recently logging was
completed directly onto a laptop in the
field using a proprietary geological
logging package with in-built validation.
Logging information was reviewed by the
responsible geologist prior to the final
· Chip trays were collected for each of the
RC intervals and core trays were
· Geotechnical logging of diamond core
consisted of recording core
recovery, RQD, fracture frequency and
nature, core state (i.e. whole, broken)
· Logging was generally qualitative in
nature with the exception of structural
and geotechnical measurements and the
estimation of sulphide
· Drill core was photographed and digitally
stored for visual
· Lithological logs exist for 100% of the
Little Eva database. Approximately 64% of
all metres were
relogged during 2013; this equates to
approximately 84% of holes used in the
Sub-sampling · CRA Exploration (CRAE) diamond drill core
techniques collected during the period 1963-1996 was
and sample sampled as sawn half core on approximately
preparation 2 metre
· Sampling of diamond core generated by
later exploration companies was guided by
logged visual mineralisation. Samples were
mostly 1 metre intervals, except where
sampling was more selective to preserve
geological boundaries. Core was generally
halved for initial assay sampling. If
later umpire or additional metallurgical
sampling was required, the remaining half
core was split to yield quarter core
· For Altona RC drilling, a trailer mounted
cyclone and triple deck splitter were used
to collect representative chip samples
from the drill rig in 1 or 2 metre
intervals. Wet intervals were sub-sampled
with a scoop or
· There is little information available on
the RC sampling procedures used by CRAE in
the period 1963-1996. 11% of the RC
drillholes used in the estimate are CRAE
RC holes from the period 1988-1996.
· Drillholes with identified quality issues
have been excluded from the estimation
· The preparation techniques employed for
the diamond and RC samples followed
industry best practice and were completed
by the relevant
· While peparation techniques vary they
usually comprise oven drying, crushing
and pulverising samples to established
· There is little information available on
the RC Quality Assurance and Quality
Control (QAQC) sampling procedures
employed by CRAE in the period 1963-1996.
· From 2002 to 2006 the following QAQC
- Regular field duplicate sampling of RC
samples at a ratio of 1:37; in 2004
duplicates were sent to both the primary
and secondary
- Post campaign duplicate re-sampling of 5%
to 10% of bulk rejects (2004
- Insertion of standard samples at a 1:40
ratio (2004
- Insertion of blank samples at a 1:40
- Screen fire assay checks against fire
assay for gold on a campaign
· From 2006 more rigorous QAQC practices
- RC field duplicates were collected either
directly from the cyclone or as a second
sample from the riffle splitter. Drill
core duplicates were either collected by
halving the sampled half core or were
split from
pulped half core.
- Primary field duplicates were collected
at a 1:20 ratio, with a second duplicate
collected at a 1:40 ratio. These second
duplicates were then submitted to a check
laboratory for umpire
- Universal field QAQC procedures included
the insertion of certified reference
standards at a 1:20 ratio to samples.
Standards included multiple elemental
abundances reflecting the variations of
those elements in the Little Eva
- Certified or in-house quartz sand blanks
were inserted at regular intervals of 1:40
· Duplicate scatter plots for data
generated later than 2003 indicate fair to
excellent precision for copper and gold
· Control plots for Standards submitted
after 2003 show few outliers, indicating
good to excellent
· The mass of RC chip samples received by
laboratories averaged 2.136 kg. This is an
appropriate sample size for this style of
mineralisation and elemental
Quality of Copper assaying was completed at a variety
assay data of different laboratories utilising
and various preparation and direct analytical
laboratory methodologies.
· Laboratories
- Australian Laboratory Services (ALS)
- Australian Mineral Development
- AMMTEC Laboratory
- Classic Laboratory Services
- SGS / Analytical Laboratories (ANALAB)
- Ultra Trace Pty Ltd
· Preparation Methods
- Aqua Regia (~36% of total)
- Perchloric Acid
- Mixed Acid (Hydrochloric, Perchloric,
Hydrofluoric) (~57% of
- 4 Acid (Near Total) (~4% of total)
- Total Digest
· Analytical Methods
- Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
(~57% of
- Inductively coupled plasma mass
spectroscopy (ICPMS)
- Inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectrometry (ICPOES) (~4% of
- Inductively coupled plasma atomic
copy (ICPAES) (~33.7% of total).
Gold assaying was completed at two
laboratories with the following
preparation and analytical
· Laboratories
- Australian Laboratory Services (ALS)
- SGS / Analytical Laboratories (ANALAB)
· Preparation Method
- 3 Acid
- Fire Assay
· Analytical Method
- Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
· No geophysical tools were used for
collection of elemental assay data
relevant to the Little Eva 2014
· Laboratory QAQC involves the use of
external company and internal lab
standards using certified reference
material, blanks, splits and replicates as
part of the in-house procedures. Specific
QAQC protocols vary across
· Umpire laboratory check samples were
submitted from 2004 to indepentently
verify reported results.
· The umpire sample checks indicate a high
degree of precision for primary copper
assay results generated after 2004, with
little evidence for bias.
· Umpire checks upon gold assays indicate
some discordance in 2004 drilling
esults (a minor proportion of the database)
and good reliability since that
Verification · Several assay validation checks have been
of sampling completed at different stages of the
and exploration process. Numerous external
assaying parties have reviewed significant
intersections during the life of the
· There are 10 sets of twinned drillholes at
Little Eva dataset. Overall mineralisation
trends are replicated in twin holes,
though variation exists in tenor and
location of mineralisation. This may
sometimes be attributed to
downhole survey issues or in other
instances drill directions relative to
mineralisation dip or discontinuity in
small scale mineralisation pods. In
isolated cases diamond drilling suggests
thin, high grade material may be reflected
as broader, moderate zones of
mineralisation. The discontinuity is
largely reflected in the nugget effect
highlighted by
· Historic paper delivered assay results
have been retained in hard copy format
and/or converted to scanned digital
versions. More recent assay results were
delivered in electronic
· Data is entered into the database using
standardised protocols which preserve the
upload user ID and time/date
· Subpopulations of historic database
records have been verified against
original paper
· Delivered digital results and the entire
database are stored upon company servers
which are protected by multiple tiers of
backup protocols. Additional data storage
and protection is provided by the current
laboratory provider ALS - which retains a
digital copy of data
· No assay results have been adjusted prior
to upload to the
Location of · Three dimensional spatial locations were
data calculated using collar locations and
points downhole survey measurements with curved
path geometries.
· In 2002, all historic drill collars
except four were surveyed by contractor
Hugh Patterson with a Differential Global
Positioning System (DGPS). During the
period 2003-2011, licensed surveyors M H
Lodewyk carried out DGPS collar surveys at
the conclusion of annual programs. Altona
purchased a DPGS unit in 2011 and has
surveyed all holes since this
· All drillhole collar spatial locations
are recorded within the resource database
using the Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone
· A summary of downhole survey methods at
Little Eva is given below.
- Most collars have been surveyed by both
magnetic and gyroscopic
- 12% of holes have a compass survey at the
drillhole collar only. This was common
practice for historic holes, drilled prior
to the year 2000.
- 11% of holes have a gyro survey at the
drillhole collar
- 56% of holes have magnetic downhole
camera surveys, usually at 50 metre
- 3% of holes have magnetic downhole
multi-shot surveys, usually at 10 metre
- 18% of holes have downhole gyroscopic
lly at 3 or 5 metre intervals.
· Variable quantities of magnetite present
in the rocks at Little Eva affects
magnetic survey and compass readings,
particularly within the intermediate host
· The resource estimate was completed using
the MGA54 Zone 54 national grid as
· The majority of drilling was completed
within the Local Eva New local grid
which has its northing axis oriented
parallel to the strike of the ore body.
Drillhole collar locations were
transformed from the local grid to the
MGA54 Zone 54 national grid within the
database using the two common point
· The surface topography was constructed
from survey data in the form of 0.5 metre
contours, collected by licensed surveyors
Bennett & Bennett Surveyors and Planners.
The DGPS collar survey location for Little
drillholes was compared to this topographic
surface, and the average variation was
16cm. This confirms that the topographic
surface is high
Data spacing · Drilling has dominantly been completed on
and 50 metre spaced lines oriented east-west
distribution in local grid orientation.
· 50% of the drilling is aligned at 55-60
degrees to
· 33% of the drilling is subvertical or
· 13% of the drilling is aligned at 55-60
degrees to
· 4% of the drilling is aligned in other
· 27 sections between local grid
coordinates 25400mN-26450mN have been
drilled to a 50m x 40m drilling density.
This represents 1,300 metres of strike
length across 95% of the resource, which
is deemed appropriate for establishing
geological continuity and to understand
grade continuity. Local scale variability
has been addressed by selecting a suitable
estimation method - Multiple Indicator
· CRAE composited 5,586 single metre RC
chip samples into two metre intervals for
holes LE034-LE076, representing 9.6% of
all sampling
· Universal Resources composited all
samples in its 2002 RC programme as two
metre intervals. Specific intervals of
interest were then resplit as 1 metre
samples following the result of intial
· RC holes drilled after 2002 were sampled
as single metre intervals and no
Orientation · Nominal east-west drill sections are
of data in normal to the strike of the
relation to mineralisation.
geological · The dip of the mineralisation varies from
structure 50 degrees to the east to subvertical.
Local grade continuity follows the dip of
the mineralisation in the north; flatter
local grade continuity is noted in the
central and southern domains. The bulk of
the drilling intersects local grade
continuity at between 60 and 90 degree
· A small number of drillholes were drilled
parallel to mineralisation trends, mostly
in the strongly mineralised northern
portions of Little Eva. These drillholes
were excluded from the estimation process.
As such, no biases are expected from the
Sample · Industry standard sample security
security measures were employed. Samples were
transported to the Company depot at the
end of each working day and secured.
Sample dispatch through reputable
commercial freight companies was completed
as soon as was practically
Audit or · A comprehensive audit of the sampling and
reviews assaying procedures used by the company
and of the results of the quality control
sampling programme was carried out by
independent consultants McDonald Speijers
in 2006, with no significant adverse
· Sampling and QC procedures employed by
CRAE prior to 1996 have been poorly
documented. Reports state that procedures
conformed to the CRAE standards of the
Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources
Database · Data used for estimation is stored within
integrity a SQL Server database and is managed using
DataShed software. The structure of the
drilling and sampling data is based on the
Maxwell Data
· Prior to 2006 data was logged onto field
sheets which were then entered into the
data system by data capture technicians.
· Since 2006 data has been logged directly
into digital logging systems and uploaded
to the database by the database
· Laboratory data has been received in
digital format and uploaded directly to
the database since
· In both cases the data was validated on
entry to the database, or on upload from
the earlier MS Access databases, by a
variety of means, including the
enforcement of coding standards,
constraints and triggers. These are
features built into the data model that
ensure that the data meets essential
standards of validity and
· Original data sheets and files have been
retained and are used to validate the
contents of the database against the
· Certain drillholes, such as those
associated with unreliable or
non-representative data including auger
holes, open percussion holes, trenches or
poorly located holes, were excluded for
resource calculation
· Extensive validation of existing collar, d
survey and assay data was completed in
2013/2014. Validation steps
- All collar surveys were compared against
original records.
- Downhole surveys were compared against
original records.
- A representative population (11.5%) of
copper and gold assays in the database
were validated against original records.
Selected assays
represent all main drilling programmes by
different owners between 1978 and 2011.
Errors were identified in less than 0.001%
of the database, confirming that the
copper and gold assays in the database are
of high
- Drillhole collar locations were compared
to the topographic surface.
- Downhole deviations of all drillhole
traces were examined and problematic
surveys were excluded.
- The downhole survey datum was checked to
ensure grid transformations were correctly
- All data (e.g. assay, bulk density, RQDs,
core recovery) was checked for incorrect
values by deriving minimum and maximum
- Lithology data was checked to ensure
standard rock type codes were used.
- Meta-data fields were checked to ensure
they were populated and that the data
recorded was
Site visits · Multiple site visit have been completed
by the Competent Persons other than Mr Ian
Geological · Confidence in the geological
interpretati interpretation of the deposit is moderate
on to high. The spatial extent and geometry
of separate lithological components is
well constrained by geological knowledge
acquired through the
relogging of historic drill core and chips
completed in
· The deposit is characterised by an
Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold style of
mineralisation common in the local region
and is hosted within a metamorphosed
igneous complex dominated by variably
amygdaloidal and feldspar-porphyritic
intermediate igneous rock crosscut by
later felsic
intrusives. The igneous complex is situated
within Proterozoic age fine grained,
frequently calcareous
· Primary lithologies have been altered to
varying degrees of intensity to assemblage
comprising of haematite,
albite, carbonate, silica, magnetite, epidot
, chlorite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and
· The lithologies are inferred to have
been cross cut by several generations of
· The geological context has been defined
by diamond and RC drilling. This
information is supported by surface
mapping and geophysical
terpretation, including magnetics and
· A new geological interpretation was
completed for 13 detailed 100 metre spaced
sections. Prior interpretations were used
for other
· Geological surfaces were interpolated to
creation of three dimensional solids for
mineralisation and
· All holes, including those between
detailed sections, were then used to snap
lithological and mineralisation contacts
in three dimensional
· There are no alternative detailed
interpretations of geology. The geology
interpretation has been
ed and is believed to be highly robust.
· The current geology model was updated in
2013 after an extensive re-logging
· Economic mineralisation is mostly hosted
within a fault-bounded package of
dominantly intermediate igneous rocks.
This package is mostly well-mineralised;
however, a weakly mineralised to barren
halo exists at its
eastern and southern margin with
metasediments. The western mineralisation
boundary is generally parallel to the
contact between the igneous package with
metasediments. Thus in less densely
drilled areas (mostly at depth), the
wireframe of the igneous package was used
to constrain
· A felsic intrusive body is present along
the faulted western contact between the
igneous package and meta-sediments.
Mineralisation within this felsic
intrusive varies to that in the nearby
intermediate igneous rock. Strongly
mineralised zones recognised in adjacent
intermediate rocks can be traced into the
felsic intrusive. The mineralisation that
surrounds these strongly mineralised zones
is not as well developed within the felsic
intrusive; thus this was separated into a
unique weakly mineralised domain for grade
· The main mineralisation domains, North,
Central, South and Southeastern were
defined using grade constraints in
conjunction with lithological contacts
between the igneous complex and
- A general grade cut-off of 0.15% copper
was used to define the boundaries between
mineralised and weakly-mineralised or
- The North domain is defined by generally
higher copper grade averaging
approximately 1% and hosted by steaply
east dipping sheet of intensly altered
igneous complex. Southern and western
contacts are interpreted to be fault
- The Central domain is defined by moderate
(0.3% to 0.5% copper) grade mineralisation
hosted by the altered igneous complex and
bounded by fault structures to the north,
south, and west. Subdomains of breccia
hosted high grade mineralisation (modelled
using 0.5% copper cut off) strike
northeast and dip steeply to the
- The South domain is generally low (<0.3%
copper) to moderate (0.3% to 0.5% copper)
grade mineralisation hosted by the
altered igneous complex and bounded by
fault contacts. Dip of mineralisation is
shallower than the in the central
- The Southeastern domain forms a block of
igneous complex seperated from the main
mineralisation by fault structures.
Internaly this block is structurally
divided into several low, moderate or high
grade sheets of mineralisation with
varying strikes and dips, though generally
to the southwest.
All domains were subdivided using a base of
oxidation surface to separate oxide
mineralisation and primary sulphide
Dimensions · The main zone of mineralisation inclusive
of the North, Central and South domains,
strikes north-south to NNW-SSE and the dip
varies between 60 degrees to East in the
north to subvertical in the central and
· Mineralisation has a strike length of
1300 metres and the width varies from 20
metres (north) to over 300 metres
(central). Mineralisation has been
intersected between the elevations of
165mRL and
· The deposit remains open to the south and
Estimation · Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK) was used
and to estimate copper grades into parent
modelling blocks (25m x 25m x 10m) using up to
techniques eleven indicator cut-offs with associated
indicator variograms per domain for
primary mineralisation. Ordinary block
kriging was used to interpoloate
indicators. Indicators were
post-processed to calculate e-type mean
grades (for validation) and the grades and
fractions above cut-offs for a selective
mining method. An Indirect lognormal
support correction was applied for the
change of support from points to Selective
Mining Unit (SMU) support (6.25m x 6.25m x
5m). The distribution above the topmost
threshold was modelled using a hyberbolic
extrapolation which was fitted to the
actual composite data from the bin
threshold up to a top cut value. The MIK
copper grades at the panel support were
post-processed to yield SMU-support grades
using a local MIK (LMIK) algorithm based
upon the local Uniform Conditioning (LUC)
algorithm. Gold grades were estimated at
SMU support using the copper and gold
grades and a collocated cokriging method,
which preserves the generally-high
copper-gold correlation. Both copper and
gold were reported above a 0.2% copper
cut-off at the SMU
· Ordinary Kriging (OK) estimates for
copper were also made at the SMU scale to
provide a ranking model for the LMIK
· 14 unique domains have been estimated.
Two estimation passes were used for all
the domains. The first pass has search
radii of 150m x 150m x 30m with a minimum
of 12 and a maximum of 24 samples in
search. The second pass searched 250m x
250m x 50m with a minimum of 6 and maximum
of 24 samples. Search ellipse
orientations were the same as variography
orientations. No octant restrictions were
used, and as such the maximum distance of
extrapolation from data points is equal to
the search radii specified above. Most of
the blocks were informed in the 1st pass
and commonly the 24 sample restriction was
met before reaching maximum search
· Sample data was composited to a one metre
length. A minor quantity of small
composite lengths remained and these were
excluded from grade
· Composites were declustered using a 50 x
50 x 40 cell declustering
· Extreme outliers of the gold sample
population were top cut. No top cut was
applied to copper.
· Directional variograms were modelled for
whole domains and indicator variograms for
selected indicator percentiles (up to 11).
Modelled indicator variograms showed 50-70
metre variogram ranges with 20-45% nuggets
· Geovariances Isatis and Snowdens
Supervisor software was used for
· The public domain Stanford University
GSLIB software was used for resource
estimation. Dassault Systemes Surpac
software provides a front-end interface
for GSLIB, and this was used to run
· Isatis was used for the LMIK copper
post-processing and the collocated
kriging for gold estimation.
· An OK estimation was compiled and
comparison with the E-type (panel average)
estimate was within acceptable limits.
· Comparison with the previous May 2011
Little Eva MIK model showed no material
· No by-product metallurgical assumptions
have been built into the estimate. These
are not relevant to the extraction of
copper and gold by conventional
· No internal, external dilution or ore
loss due to deleterious elements or other
non-grade variables of economic
significance were
· The block model was constructed using 25m
x 25m x 10m parent block size with
standard subcelling to 6.25m x 6.25m x 5m
, which represents the mining SMU.
Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis was
performed to optimise the block size,
search distances and sample
· The selective mining unit (SMU) size was
defined at 6.25m x 6.25m x 5m. This is in
line with assumptions made regarding
current mine plans, production rates and
· Only copper and gold were integrated in
the resource calculation. Correlation
between these two variables is moderate to
good, with domain
sample correlation coefficients varying
between 0.6 and 0.7. The collocated
cokriging of gold makes use of the
copper-gold correlation to pair high
copper and gold
· Top cut analysis was carried out for all
the domains for copper and gold.
The top cut was decided using the following
- Continuity of the high grade tail in the
- Log probability plots
- Change in the coefficient of variation
- Spatial location and clustering of high
- Mean and variance plot analysis for
ity of mean grade to top cutting
· Top cuts were applied to gold as top cut
analysis indicated that extreme outliers
had some influence on the sample
· No top cut was applied to the copper as
top cut analysis indicated minimal
influence from extreme outliers on the
sample population.
r, copper top cuts were selected and used
for the maximum data value allowed for
upper tail extrapolation, a parameter used
during MIK post-processing to calculate
the recoverable
· An external and independent review of
this Mineral Resource
estimate was undertaken by Optiro Consultant
s. Internal validation was carried out by
Altona, comparing the MIK E-type and the
OK panel estimates and this was reviewed
Optiro and found to be satisfactory.
SMU-level gold estimates were validated
against gold composites and the
copper-gold correlation at the SMU scale
was compared to the composite correlation.
Visual validation of all models was
carried out in plan and
Moisture · Tonnes have been estimaed on a dry basis.
Cut-off · Resources are reported above 0.20% and
parameters 0.30% copper cut-offs using a recoverable
resource technique with the change of
support to the SMU scale. By definition
this reflects the planned scale of mining
· These cut-off grades have been adopted as
they permit a bulk tonnage
Mining · The resources are estimated and reported
factors or using a recoverable resource technique
assumptions (LMIK) which assumes selective mining at
the scale of the SMU.
· The SMU selected was 6.25m x 6.25m x 5m.
· The selected SMU is compatible with a
large scale bulk tonnage mining
Metallurgical· Extensive mineralogical and metallurgical
factors or testwork has been completed on the Little
assumtpions Eva
· Testwork indicates that a 96% copper
recovery will be achieved at a concentrate
grade of 25% copper. Gold recovery is 85%
at a concentrate grade of 4
· No metallurgical assumptions have been
built into the resource estimate and none
Environmental· The Little Eva resource is a component of
factors or the Little Eva Development Project and
assumptions accordingly is encapsulated within the
granted Environmental Management Plan
· The EMP considers a broad range of
environmental considerations
- Flora and Fauna
- Soils
- Radiation
- Atmospheric Emissions
- Hydrogeology
· Baseline and ongoing studies form part of
· Analysis of simulated tailings fluids and
solids prepared through laboratory scale
test work indicates favourable
environmental results. Simulated sulphide
and oxide tailings were found to be benign
in terms of potential for formation of
acidic, saline or
metalliferous drainage.
· Consequently, no adverse environmental
considerations have been built into the
Bulk density · In total 1,862 bulk density measurements
have been taken from Little Eva core.
· Samples were sourced from multiple holes
across the extent of the
deposit in both the oxide and sulphide
mineralisation zones. Spatially, samples
cover 1,000m of strike length and 200m of
· Measurements were completed using the
industry standard weight in air / weight
in water
· The mean bulk density value for each
modelled lithology was used for tonnage
- The lithology wireframes and oxidation
surfaces were used to flag the block model
and the bulk density samples.
- For each lithology within fresh rock, the
mean bulk density value was calculated
from sample data and assigned to the block
model. A value of 2.8 t/m3 was assigned to
intermediate rock; 2.63 t/m3 for felsic
intrusive; and 2.7 t/m3 for
- Insufficient bulk density measurements
existed within the oxide zone, and a
nominal value of 2.5 t/m3 was assigned to
the block model. The oxide zone is not
in the Mineral Resource.
· Bulk density has no correlation with
copper or gold
· Bulk density has a broad correlation with
lithology and alteration.
· Bulk density averages for fresh rock were
calculated from statistically signficant
volumes of samples. A total of 1386
samples were used for intermediate rock;
371 for meta-sediments; and 70 for
elsic intrusive. The felsic intrusive
comprises a relatively small volume of the
Classificatio· Classification for Little Eva is based
n upon the continuity of geology,
mineralisation and grade, using
drillhole and density data spacing and quali
, variography and estimation statistics
(number of samples used, estimation pass,
and slope of
· Mineral resources have been classified on
the basis of confidence in
geological and grade continuity using the
drilling density, geological model,
modelled grade continuity and conditional
bias measures (slope of the regression and
Kriging efficiency) as criteria.
- Measured Mineral Resources have been
defined in areas of 50m x 40m drill
spacing with low variance in grade and
good grade and geological continuity.
- Indicated Mineral Resources have been
defined in areas of 50m x 40m drill
spacing where grade variance is moderate.
- Inferred Mineral Resources have defined
generally in areas of 100m x 100m drill
spacing. Inferred Mineral Resources have
een modelled down to 100m RL (250 metres
· The classification appropriately reflects
the quality of and confidence in the
grade estimates expressed by the Competent
Audits or · An external and independent review of the
reviews resource estimate was undertaken by
Optiro consultants.
Discussion · No formal confidence intervals have been
or relative derived by
fidence geostatistical or other means; however, the
use of quantitative measures of estimation
quality such as the
Kriging efficiency and the slope of
regression allow the Competent Person to
be assured that appropriate levels of
precision have been attained within the
relevant resource confidence categories.
· These levels of confidence and accuracy
relate to the quarterly estimates of grade
and tonnes for the deposit, which have
used in the Definitive Feasibility Study
updated and released on 13 March
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