09.02.2017 21:27:00

Global Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Industry

NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) in Shipments (in Million Units). The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2015 through 2022. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs. The report profiles 39 companies including many key and niche players such as -

Datang Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Eastcompeace Smart Card Co., Ltd.
Ebtikar Card Systems
Gemalto NV

Read the full report: http://www.reportlinker.com/p0960400-summary/view-report.html


Study Reliability and Reporting Limitations I-1 Disclaimers.............. I-2 Data Interpretation & Reporting Level I-2 Quantitative Techniques & Analytics I-2 Product Definitions and Scope of Study I-3


1. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW.............. II-1 SIM Cards - Market Review and Outlook II-1 Emerging Markets Drive Growth in Subscriber Base II-2 Low Mobile Penetration in Least Developed Countries Present Untapped Potential..............II-2 Proliferation of Mobile Phone Users - A Major Growth Driver II-3 Table 1: Global Unique Subscribers 2010 to 2020 (in Billions) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-4

Table 2: Global Unique Subscriber Penetration (%): 2015 & 2020 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-4 Growing Smartphone Penetration Buoys Market Opportunities II-5 Opportunity Indicators..............II-6 Table 3: World Market for Smartphones (2016 & 2020): Breakdown of Annual Shipments in Thousand Units by Geographic Region/Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. II-6

Table 4: Smartphone Penetration Rate (%) for Select Countries Worldwide as a Percentage of Population Owning a Phone: 2016 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-7 SIM Volume Growth Decouples From Mobile Shipments II-7 Ranking of Factors Impacting SIM Card Sales II-8 SIM Cards - Traversing the Technology Graph II-9 Competition Triggers SIM Upgradations II-9

2. KEY MARKET TRENDS & GROWTH DRIVERS II-11 Embedded SIMs in Smartphones: The Next Big Leap in Mobile Technology.............. II-11 Embedded SIM cards - A New SIM for Connected Consumers II-11 Multi-SIM Ownership - Market Variations II-12 Continued Migration to 4G Spur LTE SIM Card Sales II-13 Table 5: Global LTE SIM Card Market (2015): Percentage Breakdown of LTE SIM Card Volume by Region/Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............II-15

Table 6: Global Connections by Technology (2010-2020) (In Billions) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-15 Proliferation of Smart Mobile Computing Devices Spurs Growth II-15 Migration to 3G & 4G Networks to Spur Sales of UICC & USIM Cards II-16 Nano-SIM Cards Drive Growth..............II-17 Table 7: SIM Card Market by Format (2015): Percentage Share Breakdwon of Shipment Volume for Mini SIM Cards, Micro SIM Cards, and Nano SIM Cards (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. II-17 Penetration of Ultra Low Cost Phones Rakes in Demand for Low Capacity SIM Cards.............. II-18 Growth in NFC SIM Cards Market Cools Down II-18 SIM Card Commoditization Takes Hold in Developing Countries II-19 SIM Card Registration: A Pressing Need II-19 SIM Migration Packs Help Upgrade to Higher Capacity SIM Cards II-19 Reprogrammable SIMs: A New Proposition II-20

3. PRODUCT OVERVIEW.............. II-22 SIM: A Definition.............. II-22 Formats.............. II-22 SIM Card Sizes.............. II-22 Mini Subscriber Identity Module (Mini-SIM) II-23 Micro Subscriber Identity Module (Micro-SIM) II-23 Nano Subscriber Identity Module (Nano-SIM) II-23 Embedded SIM / Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card ( eUICC).............. II-23 Higher SIM Card Memory Capacity: The Order of the Day II-24 Functions of a SIM Card..............II-24 Usage Standards in Mobile Phones II-25 SIM Operating Systems..............II-25 Data Stored in SIM..............II-25 An Overview of the Data Stored II-25 Integrated Circuit Card Identifier or ICC-ID II-25 International Mobile Subscriber Identity or IMSI II-26 Authentication Key or Ki..............II-26 Authentication Process..............II-26 Contacts and SMS Messages in SIM II-27 Types of SIM Cards..............II-27 Low Capacity SIM Card..............II-27 Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) II-27 Applications of UICC Card..............II-28 Enhanced Security..............II-28 Smart and Secure Storage Device II-28 Personalization.............. II-28 Provision of Network Access Applications II-28 SIM Security - An Overview..............II-29 Securing Data with PIN Lock..............II-29 Recording IMEI Number..............II-29 Pricing.............. II-29 Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) II-30 Multiple-Subscriber Identity Module devices II-30 e-Subscriber Identity Module..............II-30 Multi-Subscriber Identity Module II-30

4. RECENT INDUSTRY ACTIVITY..............II-31 Smart Launches Super Speed LTE SIMS and Giga Surf 50 in Philippines.............. II-31 Senterra to Acquire Oasis Smart..............II-31 Safran to Divest Morpho Detection II-31 Safran Consolidates Group Companies II-31 Spirent Inks Agreement with Oasis Smart for IoT Solutions II-31 Giesecke & Devrient and Vodafone Partners for Vodafone Secure Login.............. II-31 Jasper and Giesecke & Devrient Inks Deal on Global SIM II-31

5. FOCUS ON SELECT KEY PLAYERS..............II-32 Datang Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (China) II-32 Eastcompeace Smart Card Co., Ltd. (China) II-32 Ebtikar Card Systems (UAE)..............II-32 Etisalat (UAE).............. II-33 Gemalto NV (Netherlands)..............II-33 Giesecke & Devrient (Germany)..............II-33 KONA I (Korea).............. II-34 Oberthur Technologies (France) II-34 Safran S.A (France).............. II-34 Solacia (South Korea)..............II-34 Telit Communications PLC (Italy) II-35 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. (Singapore) II-35 Wuhan Tianyu Information Industry Co., Ltd. (China) II-35

6. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE..............II-36 Table 8: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-36

Table 9: World Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. II-37

Table 10: World 14-Year Perspective for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Percentage Breakdown of Unit Shipments for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-38


1. THE UNITED STATES.............. III-1 A.Market Analysis.............. III-1 Current & Future Analysis..............III-1 Wearable Devices, eSIMs and Business Model: New Drivers and Challenges.............. III-1 NFC SIM Cards Market Simmers Down III-1 Evolving Sale-Channel Dynamics III-2 Dual SIM Market in the US..............III-2 B.Market Analytics..............III-3 Table 11: US Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-3

Table 12: US Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-4

2. CANADA.............. III-5 A.Market Analysis.............. III-5 Current & Future Analysis..............III-5 B.Market Analytics..............III-5 Table 13: Canadian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-5

Table 14: Canadian Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-6

3. JAPAN.............. III-7 A.Market Analysis.............. III-7 Current & Future Analysis..............III-7 Smartphone Market in Japan..............III-7 Efforts to Improve Tourists' Connectivity to lend Growth III-7 B.Market Analytics..............III-8 Table 15: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-8

Table 16: Japanese Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-9

4. EUROPE.............. III-10 A.Market Analysis.............. III-10 Current & Future Analysis..............III-10 Dual SIM Phone Shipments Buoy Growth III-10 B.Market Analytics..............III-11 Table 17: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-11

Table 18: European Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. III-12

Table 19: European 14-Year Perspective for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Percentage Breakdown of Unit Shipments for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-13

4a. FRANCE.............. III-14 A.Market Analysis.............. III-14 Current & Future Analysis..............III-14 Table 20: Percentage Breakdown of Mobile Penetration Rate in France for Years 2010-2015 (excluding M2M cards) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-14 Strategic Corporate Developments III-14 Key Players.............. III-15 B.Market Analytics..............III-16 Table 21: French Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-16

Table 22: French Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-17

4b. GERMANY.............. III-18 A.Market Analysis.............. III-18 Current & Future Analysis..............III-18 Dual SIM Handsets Popular among German Migrants III-18 Strategic Corporate Developments III-18 Key Player.............. III-18 B.Market Analytics..............III-19 Table 23: German Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-19

Table 24: German Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-20

4c. ITALY.............. III-21 A.Market Analysis.............. III-21 Current & Future Analysis..............III-21 Key Player.............. III-21 B.Market Analytics..............III-22 Table 25: Italian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-22

Table 26: Italian Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-23

4d. THE UNITED KINGDOM..............III-24 A.Market Analysis.............. III-24 Current & Future Analysis..............III-24 Strategic Corporate Developments III-24 B.Market Analytics..............III-25 Table 27: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-25

Table 28: UK Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-26

4e. SPAIN.............. III-27 A.Market Analysis.............. III-27 Current & Future Analysis..............III-27 B.Market Analytics..............III-27 Table 29: Spanish Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-27

Table 30: Spanish Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-28

4f. RUSSIA.............. III-29 A.Market Analysis.............. III-29 Current & Future Analysis..............III-29 Dual SIM Handsets High on Demand in Russian Market III-29 B.Market Analytics..............III-29 Table 31: Russian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-29

Table 32: Russian Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-30

4g. REST OF EUROPE.............. III-31 A.Market Analysis.............. III-31 Current & Future Analysis..............III-31 Kazakhstan.............. III-31 Fierce Competition Continues in Kazakh SIM Market III-31 Romania.............. III-31 Rising Tablet and Smartphone Sales Push Mobile Telephony Market.............. III-31 Table 33: Leading Operators in Romanian SIM Card Market (2015): Percentage Breakdown of Leading Operators - Orange, Vodafone, Telekom Romania and RCS&RDS (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-32 Key Player.............. III-32 B.Market Analytics..............III-33 Table 34: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-33

Table 35: Rest of Europe Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-34

5. ASIA-PACIFIC.............. III-35 A.Market Analysis.............. III-35 Current & Future Analysis..............III-35 A Lucrative market for SIM Cards III-35 Dual SIM Cards on the Growth Curve III-36 B.Market Analytics..............III-37 Table 36: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-37

Table 37: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-38

Table 38: Asia-Pacific 14-Year Perspective for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Percentage Breakdown of Unit Shipments for China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-39

5a. CHINA.............. III-40 A.Market Analysis.............. III-40 Current & Future Analysis..............III-40 China Leads the Pack in LTE SIM Card Shipment Market III-40 Growth in Dual-SIM Smartphones Augers Well for Market Growth III-41 Table 39: Mobile Phones Market in China (2015): Percentage Share Breakdown of Dual SIM Handset and Single SIM Handset (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-41 Key Players.............. III-41 B.Market Analytics..............III-43 Table 40: Chinese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-43

Table 41: Chinese Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-44

5b. INDIA.............. III-45 A.Market Analysis.............. III-45 Current & Future Analysis..............III-45 Growth in Mobile Phone Users Pushes Market Prospects III-45 Young Users, the Main Fulcrum of Multi-SIM Growth in Indian Market.............. III-46 Table 42: Indian Multi-SIM Market (2015): Percentage Breakdown for Multi-SIM Users by Age Group (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-46

Table 43: Indian Multi-SIM Market (2015): Percentage Breakdown for Multi-SIM Users by Consumer Segment (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-47 B.Market Analytics..............III-47 Table 44: Indian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-47

Table 45: Indian Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-48

5c. REST OF ASIA-PACIFIC..............III-49 A.Market Analysis.............. III-49 Current & Future Analysis..............III-49 Australia.............. III-49 Indonesia.............. III-49 Indonesia Joins List of Countries Requiring SIM Registration III-50 South Korea.............. III-50 Myanmar.............. III-50 Product Launch.............. III-51 Key Players.............. III-51 B.Market Analytics..............III-52 Table 46: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-52

Table 47: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-53

6. LATIN AMERICA.............. III-54 A.Market Analysis.............. III-54 Current & Future Analysis..............III-54 Liberalization and Growth of Telecommunication Sector III-54 Key Statistical Findings..............III-55 Table 48: Latin American Growth in LTE Connections (2014-2018) Breakdown by Volume of Connections in Millions of Users (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-55

Table 49: Smartphone Penetration Rate (%) for Select Countries in Latin America as a Percentage of Mobile Phone Users: 2015 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-55 B.Market Analytics..............III-56 Table 50: Latin American Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-56

Table 51: Latin American Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. III-57

Table 52: Latin American 14-Year Perspective for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards by Geographic Region/Country - Percentage Breakdown of Unit Shipments for Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin American Markets for Years 2009, 2016 & 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-58

6a. BRAZIL.............. III-59 A.Market Analysis.............. III-59 Current & Future Analysis..............III-59 Factors Impacting Market Growth III-59 B.Market Analytics..............III-60 Table 53: Brazilian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-60

Table 54: Brazilian Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-61

6b. MEXICO.............. III-62 A.Market Analysis.............. III-62 Current & Future Analysis..............III-62 B.Market Analytics..............III-62 Table 55: Mexican Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-62

Table 56: Mexican Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)..............III-63

6c. REST OF LATIN AMERICA..............III-64 A.Market Analysis.............. III-64 Current & Future Analysis..............III-64 B.Market Analytics..............III-64 Table 57: Rest Of Latin American Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart).............. III-64

Table 58: Rest of Latin American Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-65

7. REST OF WORLD.............. III-66 A.Market Analysis.............. III-66 Current & Future Analysis..............III-66 Africa.............. III-66 Statistical Highlights of African SIM Card Market III-66 Table 59: Pan Africa SIM Penetration Rate: Percentage Breakdown of Pan Africa SIM Penetration for Total and Adult Population for Years 2008-2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-66

Table 60: Multi-SIM in South African Mobile Market (2014): Percentage Breakdown of Multi-SIM for leading Players - Vodacom, MTN, Cell C and Telkom Mobile (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-67 Middle East.............. III-67 Iranian Mobile Technology Penetration III-67 Table 61: Mobile Phone Operators in Iran. Percentage breakdown of Mobile Phone Operators - MCI, Irancell, RighTel (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-68 Key Players.............. III-68 B.Market Analytics..............III-69 Table 62: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2015 through 2022 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-69

Table 63: Rest of World Historic Review for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Cards Market Analyzed with Number of Shipments in Million Units for Years 2009 through 2014 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-70


Total Companies Profiled: 39 (including Divisions/Subsidiaries - 41)

The United States (4) Canada (1) Europe (11) - France (3) - Germany (2) - The United Kingdom (3) - Rest of Europe (3) Asia-Pacific (Excluding Japan) (15) Africa (5) Middle East (5)

Read the full report: http://www.reportlinker.com/p0960400-summary/view-report.html

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To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-subscriber-identity-module-sim-industry-300405310.html

SOURCE Reportlinker

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