07.02.2018 07:30:00

Euronext Announces Volumes for January 2018

Regulatory News:

Euronext (Paris:ENX) (Amsterdam:ENX) (Brussels:ENX), the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone, today announced trading volumes for January 2018.

Cash trading

In January 2018, the average daily transaction value on the Euronext cash order book stood at €7,773 million, up +20.4% compared to January 2017 and stable from the previous month.

The average daily transaction value on ETFs order book1 was €286 million, up +16.9% compared to January 2017 and up +5.6% from the previous month. At the end of January 2018, 808 ETFS were listed on Euronext compared to 804 at the end of 2017.

Derivatives trading

In January 2018, the overall average daily volume on derivatives reached 561,231 contracts, up +25.9% compared to January 2017 and up +4.9% compared to the previous month. In detail,

  • the average daily volume on equity index derivatives reached 199,714 contracts, stable compared to January 2017 and down -6.5% from the previous month,
  • the average daily volume on individual equity derivatives reached 313,502 contracts, up +56.3% compared to January 2017 and up +10.6% from the previous month,
  • the average daily volume on commodities derivatives reached 48,016 contracts, up +6.5% compared to January 2017 and up +26.3% from the previous month.

At the end of January 2018, the open interest was up at 16,814,247 contracts (+27.6% compared to the end of January 2017).

FX spot trading

The average daily volume on the spot foreign exchange market of FastMatch, of which Euronext owns 90% of the capital since August 2017, stood at $20,774 million, up +22.0% compared to January 2017 and up +33.2% from the previous month.


In January 2018, Euronext had no new listings. €3.5 billion were raised on Euronext in corporate bonds of which €1.0 billion of green bonds from ENGIE; and €1.7 billion were raised in follow-on equity.

About Euronext

Euronext is the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone with nearly 1,300 listed issuers worth close to €3.6 trillion in market capitalisation as of end January 2018, an unmatched blue chip franchise consisting of 24 issuers in the Morningstar® Eurozone 50 Index? and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets. Its total product offering includes Equities, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, Euronext also operates Euronext GrowthTM (formerly known as Alternext) and Euronext AccessTM (formerly known as the Free Market). For the latest news, find us on Twitter (twitter.com/euronext) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/euronext).


This press release is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities. This press release is provided "as is” without representation or warranty of any kind. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, Euronext does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Euronext will not be held liable for any loss or damages of any nature ensuing from using, trusting or acting on information provided. No information set out or referred to in this publication may be regarded as creating any right or obligation. The creation of rights and obligations in respect of financial products that are traded on the exchanges operated by Euronext’s subsidiaries shall depend solely on the applicable rules of the market operator. All proprietary rights and interest in or connected with this publication shall vest in Euronext.

This press release speaks only as of this date. Euronext refers to Euronext N.V. and its affiliates. Information regarding trademarks and intellectual property rights of Euronext is located at www.euronext.com/terms-use.

© 2018, Euronext N.V. - All rights reserved.

1 From January 2018, volumes on ETFs are only measured on order book activity due to low revenue-impact of off-book activity. Based on the previous presentation to be abandoned, activity is €359 million, down -19.7% compared to January 2016 and down -36.7% compared to the previous month.

European Cash Market Monthly Activity
Jan-18 Dec-17 Jan-17 YTD 2018 YTD 2017
Nb trading days 22 19 22 22 22
NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS (Buy and sells) (reported trades included)      
  Jan-18 Dec-17 Change %


Jan-17 Change % YOY YTD 2018 YTD 2017 Change %


Total Cash Market 1 41,703,998 35,762,296 16.6% 35,824,108 16.4% 41,703,998 35,824,108 16.4%
ADV Cash Market 1 1,895,636 1,882,226 0.7% 1,628,369 16.4% 1,895,636 1,628,369 16.4%
TRANSACTION VALUE ( € million - Single counted)            
Eur million Jan-18 Dec-17 Change %


Jan-17 Change % YOY YTD 2018 YTD 2017 Change %


Total Cash Market 1 171,015.6 147,881.6 15.6% 142,068.1 20.4% 171,015.6 142,068.1 20.4%
ADV Cash Market 1 7,773.4 7,783.2 -0.1% 6,457.6 20.4% 7,773.4 6,457.6 20.4%
Number of Issuers                
  Jan-18 Dec-17 Change %


Jan-17 Change % YOY December 2017 Change %  
EURONEXT 2 1,252 1,255 -0.2% 1,290 -2.9% 1255 -0.2%
SMEs 705 723 -2.5% 742 -5.0% 723 -2.5%
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market        
(mln of €) Jan-18 Dec-17 Change %


Jan-17 Change % YOY YTD 2018 YTD 2017 Change %


Nb New Listings 0 2 1 0 1
Money Raised New Listings

incl over allotment

0 28 - 0 - 0 0 -
of which Money Raised New Listings 0 27 - 0 - 0 0 -
Follow-ons on Equities 1,704 4,426 -61.5% 3,437 -50.4% 1,704 3,437 -50.4%
Corporate Bonds 3 3,483 2,363 47.4% 2,770 25.7% 3,483 2,770 25.7%
Financials Bonds 19,876 7,519 164.3% 22,376 -11.2% 19,876 22,376 -11.2%
Public/SemiPublic Bonds 5,448 462 1078.4% 6,048 -9.9% 5,448 6,048 -9.9%
Others 18,434 699 2536.0% 6,457 185.5% 18,434 6,457 185.5%
Total Money Raised 4 48,945 15,498 215.8% 41,089 19.1% 48,945 41,089 19.1%
of which SMEs
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market        
(mln of €) Jan-18 Dec-17 Change %


Jan-17 Change % YOY YTD 2018 YTD 2017 Change %


Nb New Listings 0 1 0 0 0
Money Raised New Listings

incl over allotment

0 28 - 0 - 0 0 -
of which Money Raised New Listings 0 27 - 0 - 0 0 -
Follow-ons on Equities 106 512 -79.4% 108 -1.7% 106 108 -1.7%
Corporate Bonds 3 0 100 - 0 - 0 0 -
Financials Bonds 0 15 - 0 - 0 0 -
Others 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -
Total Money Raised 4 106 655 -83.9% 108 -1.7% 106 108 -1.7%
1 Shares, warrants, ETFs, bonds
2 Euronext, Euronext Access and Euronext Growth
3 Corporate bonds figures revised as from January 2017 to exclude Euronext listed financials issuers and to regroup them in a broader newly created financial bonds category. Public/Semi-Public bonds category not reported before, created as from January 2017
4 included New Listings incl over allotment, Follow-ons on Equities, Corporate Bonds on Euronext Listed Issuers

European Derivatives Market Monthly Activity
Jan-18 Dec-17 Jan-17 YTD 2018 YTD 2017
Nb trading days 22 19 22 22 22
Volume (in lots)                                
        Jan-18   Dec-17   Change % MOM   Jan-17   Change % YOY   Jan 2018 till Jan 2018   Jan 2017 till Jan 2017   Change %


Equity 11,290,733 9,441,570 19.6% 8,807,011 28.2% 11,290,733 8,807,011 28.2%
of which AtomX 106,802 45,894 106,802 63,479
Index 4,393,699 4,056,591 8.3% 4,394,181 0.0% 4,393,699 4,394,181 0.0%
of which AtomX 14,802 23,629 14,802 19,100
Futures 3,008,112 2,940,792 2.3% 3,472,027 -13.4% 3,008,112 3,472,027 -13.4%
of which AtomX 14,802 23,629 14,802 19,100
Options 1,385,587 1,115,799 24.2% 922,154 50.3% 1,385,587 922,154 50.3%
of which AtomX 0 0 0 0
Individual Equity 6,897,034 5,384,979 28.1% 4,412,830 56.3% 6,897,034 4,412,830 56.3%
of which AtomX 92,000 22,265 92,000 44,379
Futures 7,353 18,046 -59.3% 27,434 -73.2% 7,353 27,434 -73.2%
of which AtomX 2,000 1,500 2,000 8,000
Options 6,889,681 5,366,933 28.4% 4,385,396 57.1% 6,889,681 4,385,396 57.1%
of which AtomX 90,000 20,765 90,000 36,379
Commodity 1,056,350 722,460 46.2% 992,277 6.5% 1,056,350 992,277 6.5%
Futures 988,105 664,400 48.7% 928,858 6.4% 988,105 928,858 6.4%
Options 68,245 58,060 17.5% 63,419 7.6% 68,245 63,419 7.6%
Other 0 0 7,587 0 7,587
Futures 0 0 0 0 0
Options 0 0 7,587 0 7,587
Total Futures 4,003,570 3,623,238 10.5% 4,428,319 -9.6% 4,003,570 4,428,319 -9.6%
Total Options 8,343,513 6,540,792 27.6% 5,378,556 55.1% 8,343,513 5,378,556 55.1%
Total Euronext 12,347,083 10,164,030 21.5% 9,806,875 25.9% 12,347,083 9,806,875 25.9%
ADV (in lots)                                
        Jan-18   Dec-17   Change % MOM   Jan-17   Change % YOY   Jan 2018 till Jan 2018   Jan 2017 till Jan 2017   Change %


Equity 513,215 496,925 3.3% 400,319 28.2% 513,215 400,319 28.2%
of which AtomX 4,855 2,415 4,855
Index 199,714 213,505 -6.5% 199,736 0.0% 199,714 199,736 0.0%
of which AtomX 673 1,244 673
Futures 136,732 154,779 -11.7% 157,819 -13.4% 136,732 157,819 -13.4%
of which AtomX 673 1,244 673
Options 62,981 58,726 7.2% 41,916 50.3% 62,981 41,916 50.3%
of which AtomX 0 0 0
Individual Equity 313,502 283,420 10.6% 200,583 56.3% 313,502 200,583 56.3%
of which AtomX 4,182 1,172 4,182
Futures 334 950 -64.8% 1,247 -73.2% 334 1,247 -73.2%
of which AtomX 91 79 91
Options 313,167 282,470 10.9% 199,336 57.1% 313,167 199,336 57.1%
of which AtomX 4,091 1,093 4,091
Commodity 48,016 38,024 26.3% 45,104 6.5% 48,016 45,104 6.5%
Futures 44,914 34,968 28.4% 42,221 6.4% 44,914 42,221 6.4%
Options 3,102 3,056 1.5% 2,883 7.6% 3,102 2,883 7.6%
Other 0 0 345 0 345
Futures 0 0 0 0 0
Options 0 0 345 0 345
Total Futures 181,980 190,697 -4.6% 201,287 -9.6% 181,980 201,287 -9.6%
Total Options 379,251 344,252 10.2% 244,480 55.1% 379,251 244,480 55.1%
Total Euronext 561,231 534,949 4.9% 445,767 25.9% 561,231 445,767 25.9%
Open Interest                    
        Jan-18   Dec-17   Change % MOM   Jan-17   Change % YOY
Equity 16,169,673 14,093,432 14.7% 12,572,787 29%
Index 1,397,386 1,247,257 12.0% 1,053,344 32.7%
Futures 595,820 540,643 10.2% 527,270 13.0%
Options 801,566 706,614 13.4% 526,074 52.4%
Individual Equity 14,772,287 12,846,175 15.0% 11,519,443 28.2%
Futures 13,687 10,716 27.7% 13,334 2.6%
Options 14,758,600 12,835,459 15.0% 11,506,109 28.3%
Commodity 644,574 619,824 4.0% 598,421 7.7%
Futures 434,501 435,917 -0.3% 391,527 11.0%
Options 210,073 183,907 14.2% 206,894 1.5%
Other 0 0 4,505
Futures 0 0 0
Options 0 0 4,505
Total Futures 1,044,008 987,276 5.7% 932,131 12.0%
Total Options 15,770,239 13,725,980 14.9% 12,243,582 28.8%
Total Euronext 16,814,247 14,713,256 14.3% 13,175,713 27.6%

Jan-18 Dec-17 Jan-17 YTD 2018 YTD 2017
Nb trading days 22 20 21 22 21
Fastmatch Volume (in USD millions, single counted)                    
    Jan-18   Dec-17   Change %


  Jan-17   Change % YOY   YTD 2018   YTD 2017   Change %


Total FastMatch Market 457,033 311,964 46.5% 357,461 27.9% 457,033 357,461 27.9%
ADV FastMatch Market 20,774 15,598 33.2% 17,022 22.0% 20,774 17,022 22.0%

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