03.10.2014 07:30:00

Euronext Announces Monthly Trading Volumes for September 2014

Regulatory News:

Euronext (Paris:ENX) (Amsterdam:ENX) (Brussels:ENX), the primary exchange in the Eurozone, today announced trading volumes for September 2014.

  • The September 2014 average daily transaction value on the Euronext cash order book stood at €5,958 million (+7.7% compared to September 2013). Overall the third quarter average daily transaction value reached €5,718 million (+11.1% compared to Q3 2013).
  • In September 2014, the average daily volumes on commodity derivatives were up by 33% to 58,671 contracts when compared with September 2013, while the activity on individual equity derivatives was down by 20% to 223,123 contracts and the activity on equity index derivatives was down by 6% to 226,771 contracts.
  • The number of derivatives contracts traded in the third quarter of the year slightly decreased to 34.3 million lots compared to the same quarter in 2013 (34.5 million lots). At the end of September the total open interest stood at 14,913,561 contracts.
  • €674 million of follow-on equity was raised on Euronext by issuers in September, of which €351 million by EnterNext SMEs. €3.6 billion was raised in corporate bonds.
  • The total commodity derivatives open interest exceeded one million contracts on 11 September and stood at 1,106,577 contracts at month-end.
  • The mini future contracts on the AEX and CAC 40 reached a record high on 4 September at respectively 1,440 and 1,028 contracts traded. A total of 137,767 mini derivatives contracts have been traded year-to-date.
  • The PSI 20 future contract reached a record average daily volume during September at 2,094 contracts traded (+79% compared to September 2013).
  • The ETF segment continued its strong growth with a new record for assets under management and its third most active day of the year on 4 September at €572 million traded.

European Cash Market Monthly Activity

Sep-14 Aug-14 Sep-13 Q3 2014 Q3 2013 YTD 2014 YTD 2013
Nb trading days 22 21 21 66 66 191 191
NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS (Buy and sells) (reported trades included)              
  Sep 2014 Aug 2014 Change %


Sep-13 Change % YOY Q3 2014 Q3 2013 Change % YTD 2014 YTD 2013 Change %


Total Cash Market (shares, warrants, trackers, bonds...) 29,543,292 28,368,012 4% 28,205,910 4.7% 90,182,060 88,351,574 2.1% 277,920,588 266,371,424 4.3%
ADV Cash Market (shares, warrants, trackers, bonds...) 1,342,877 1,350,858 -1% 1,343,139 0.0% 1,366,395 1,338,660 2.1% 1,455,082 1,394,615 4.3%
TRANSACTION VALUE ( € million - Single counted)                  
Eur million Sep-14 Aug-14 Change %


Sep-13 Change % YOY Q3 2014 Q3 2013 Change % YTD 2014 YTD 2013 Change %


Total Cash Market (shares, warrants, trackers, bonds...) 131,089.0 114,665.4 14.3% 116,152.8 12.9% 377,400 339,633 11.1% 1,187,915.3 1,058,666.7 12.2%
ADV Cash Market (shares, warrants, trackers, bonds...) 5,958.6 5,460.3 9.1% 5,531.1 7.7% 5,718 5,146 11.1% 6,219.5 5,542.8 12.2%
  Sep-14 Aug-14 Change %


Dec-13 Change % YTD          
N100 844.22 836.93 0.9% 809.95 4.2%
N150 1,988.1 2,018.3 -1.5% 1,910.8 4.0%
Alternext Index 893.1 909.3 -1.8% 865.2 3.2%
PEA Index 1,262.38 1,217.90 3.7% 1,083.47 16.5%            
Number of Issuers                      
  Sep-14 Aug-14 Change %


Sep-13 Change % YOY     December 2013 Change %  
EURONEXT (Euronext, Alternext and Free Market) 1,302 1,302 0.0% 1,303 -0.1% 1304 -0.2%
EnterNext 736 738 -0.3% 747 -1.5% 749 -1.7%
EURONEXT (Euronext, Alternext)
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market
(mln of €)                      
  Sep-14 Aug-14 Change %


Sep-13 Change % YOY Q3 2014 Q3 2013 Change % YTD 2014 YTD 2013 Change %


Nb New Listings 0 0 1 6 3 43 21
Money Raised IPO 0 0 0 1,725 46 3680.9% 8,368 963 768.7%
Follow-ons on Equities 674 179 276.3% 1,443 -53.3% 6,754 4,571 47.8% 20,891 19,808 5.5%
Follow-ons on Corporate Bonds 3,643 590 517.5% 6,008 -39.4% 6,342 14,179 -55.3% 43,404 49,620 -12.5%
of which ENTERNEXT
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market
(mln of €)                      
  Sep-14 Aug-14 Change %


Sep-13 Change % YOY Q3 2014 Q3 2013 Change % YTD 2014 YTD 2013 Change %


Nb New Listings 0 0 1 5 5 33 13
Money Raised IPO 0 0 0 138 46 202.0% 754 151 398.3%
Follow-ons on Equities 351 161 119.0% 204 72.2% 1,258 946 32.9% 3,361 2,012 67.1%
Follow-ons on Corporate Bonds 0 310 -100.0% 103 -100.0% 632 902 -30.0% 1,961 2,068 -5.2%
European Derivatives Market Monthly Activity
Sep-14 Aug-14 Sep-13 Q3 2014 Q3 2013 YTD 2014 YTD 2013
Nb trading days 22 21 21 66 66 191 191
Volume (in lots)                                                
            Sept 2014   Aug 2014   Change % MOM   Sep-13   Change % YOY   Q3 2014   Q3 2013   Change %   Jan 2014 till Sept 2014   Jan 2013 till Sept 2013   Change %


Equity 9,897,651 9,200,685 8% 10,927,974 -9% 30,556,010 31,542,366 -3% 95,950,287 104,610,620 -8.3%
Index 4,988,952 4,915,192 2% 5,088,976 -2% 15,098,755 14,644,602 3% 46,286,424 48,928,362 -5.4%
Futures 3,693,937 3,561,192 4% 3,704,053 0% 11,108,301 10,637,179 4% 34,166,123 35,963,066 -5.0%
Options 1,295,015 1,354,000 -4% 1,384,923 -6% 3,990,454 4,007,423 0% 12,120,301 12,965,296 -6.5%
Individual Equity 4,908,699 4,285,493 15% 5,838,998 -16% 15,457,255 16,897,764 -9% 49,663,863 55,682,258 -10.8%
Futures 210 53 296% 0 336 20 >500% 17,688 362 >500%
Options 4,908,489 4,285,440 15% 5,838,998 -16% 15,456,919 16,897,744 -9% 49,646,175 55,681,896 -10.8%
Commodity 1,290,767 1,025,871 26% 926,085 39% 3,666,574 2,879,858 27% 9,222,846 7,610,710 21.2%
Futures 1,041,140 775,427 34% 752,513 38% 2,910,158 2,341,640 24% 7,527,676 6,315,596 19.2%
Options 249,627 250,444 0% 173,572 44% 756,416 538,218 41% 1,695,170 1,295,114 30.9%
Other 19,493 7,213 170% 14,595 34% 33,367 38,776 -14% 70,842 161,286 -56.1%
Futures 0 0 81 0 195 7 1,363 -99.5%
Options 19,493 7,213 170% 14,514 34% 33,367 38,581 -14% 70,835 159,923 -55.7%
Total Futures 4,735,287 4,336,672 9% 4,456,647 6% 14,018,795 12,979,034 8% 41,711,494 42,280,387 -1.3%
Total Options 6,472,624 5,897,097 10% 7,412,007 -13% 20,237,156 21,481,966 -6% 63,532,481 70,102,229 -9.4%
Total Euronext 11,207,911 10,233,769 10% 11,868,654 -6% 34,255,951 34,461,000 -1% 105,243,975 112,382,616 -6.4%
ADV (in lots)                                                
            Sept 2014   Aug 2014   Change % MOM   Sep-13   Change % YOY   Q3 2014   Q3 2013   Change %   Jan 2014 till Sept 2014   Jan 2013 till Sept 2013   Change %


Equity 449,893 438,128 3% 520,380 -14% 462,970 477,915 -3% 502,358 547,700 -8.3%
Index 226,771 234,057 -3% 242,332 -6% 228,769 221,888 3% 242,337 256,169 -5.4%
Futures 167,906 169,581 -1% 176,383 -5% 168,308 161,169 4% 178,880 188,288 -5.0%
Options 58,864 64,476 -9% 65,949 -11% 60,461 60,719 0% 63,457 67,881 -6.5%
Individual Equity 223,123 204,071 9% 278,048 -20% 234,201 256,027 -9% 260,020 291,530 -10.8%
Futures 10 3 278% 0 5 0 >500% 93 2 >500%
Options 223,113 204,069 9% 278,048 -20% 234,196 256,026 -9% 259,928 291,528 -10.8%
Commodity 58,671 48,851 20% 44,099 33% 55,554 43,634 27% 48,287 39,847 21.2%
Futures 47,325 36,925 28% 35,834 32% 44,093 35,479 24% 39,412 33,066 19.2%
Options 11,347 11,926 -5% 8,265 37% 11,461 8,155 41% 8,875 6,781 30.9%
Other 886 343 158% 695 27% 506 588 -14% 371 844 -56.1%
Futures 0 0 4 0 3 0 7 -99.5%
Options 886 343 158% 691 28% 506 585 -14% 371 837 -55.7%
Total Futures 215,240 206,508 4% 212,221 1% 212,406 196,652 8% 218,385 221,363 -1.3%
Total Options 294,210 280,814 5% 352,953 -17% 306,624 325,484 -6% 332,631 367,027 -9.4%
Total Euronext 509,451 487,322 5% 565,174 -10% 519,030 522,136 -1% 551,016 588,391 -6.4%
Open Interest                        
            Sep-14   Aug-14   Change % MOM   Sep-13   Change % YOY
Equity 13,796,329 15,320,205 -10% 17,556,286 -21%
Index 1,088,362 1,157,087 -6% 1,209,148 -10.0%
Futures 474,028 448,188 6% 485,611 -2.4%
Options 614,334 708,899 -13% 723,537 -15.1%
Individual Equity 12,707,967 14,163,118 -10% 16,347,138 -22.3%
Futures 210 2 >500% 0
Options 12,707,757 14,163,116 -10% 16,347,138 -22.3%
Commodity 1,106,577 960,371 15% 926,725 19.4%
Futures 431,436 385,259 12% 386,884 11.5%
Options 675,141 575,112 17% 539,841 25.1%
Other 10,655 10,469 2% 14,260 -25.3%
Futures 0 0 83
Options 10,655 10,469 2% 14,177 -24.8%
Total Futures 905,674 833,449 9% 872,578 3.8%
Total Options 14,007,887 15,457,596 -9% 17,624,693 -20.5%
Total Euronext 14,913,561 16,291,045 -8% 18,497,271 -19.4%

About Euronext

Euronext is the primary exchange in the Euro zone with over 1 300 issuers worth €2.6 trillion in market capitalization, an unmatched blue chip franchise consisting of 20+ issuers in the EURO STOXX 50® benchmark and a strong diverse domestic and international client base.

Euronext operates regulated and transparent cash and derivatives markets. Its total product offering includes Equities, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise of running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. Euronext operates regulated markets, Alternext and the Free Market: in addition it offers EnterNext, which facilitates SMEs’ access to capital markets.


This press release is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities. This press release is provided "as is” without representation or warranty of any kind. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, Euronext does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Euronext will not be held liable for any loss or damages of any nature ensuing from using, trusting or acting on information provided. No information set out or referred to in this publication may be regarded as creating any right or obligation. The creation of rights and obligations in respect of financial products that are traded on the exchanges operated by Euronext’s subsidiaries shall depend solely on the applicable rules of the market operator. All proprietary rights and interest in or connected with this publication shall vest in Euronext.

This press release speaks only as of this date. Euronext refers to Euronext N.V. and its affiliates. Information regarding trademarks and intellectual property rights of Euronext is located at https://www.euronext.com/terms-use.

© 2014, Euronext N.V. - All rights reserved.

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