13.11.2008 06:30:00

Arkema: 3rd Quarter 2008 Results

Regulatory News:

Arkema (Paris:AKE):

(In millions of euros)  

3rd quarter 2007


3rd quarter 2008



Sales   1,380   1,450   +5.1%
EBITDA   127   134   +5.5%
EBITDA margin 9.2% 9.2%

Vinyl Products

Industrial Chemicals

Performance Products







Recurring operating income   75   72   (4.0)%
Non-recurring items   (9)   (8)   n/a
Adjusted net income   47   47   -
Net income group share   37   40   +8.1%


At the close of the Board of Directors meeting which reviewed Arkemas consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2008, Thierry Le Hénaff, Chairman and CEO of Arkema, stated:

"The good results of the 3rd quarter demonstrate the further structural improvements ongoing throughout the group and its ability to resist to a tougher economic environment. This new EBITDA growth is supported by high price increases and also the productivity and focused growth projects. These projects should generate 100 million EBITDA gain expected for 2008. Over the first nine months, the EBITDA increased strongly by 10% compared to the previous year.

Sales in the 3rd quarter 2008 rose by 5.1% to 1,450 million. The significant price increases in all business units of the group (+11.4%) have more than compensated for weak demand in some end markets and the unfavorable impact of change and variations in the scope of business.

EBITDA was up by 5.5% to 134 million against 127 million in the 3rd quarter 2007. Implementation of productivity initiatives, start-ups of new units and development of new products have continued during the 3rd quarter, in line with the targeted of 100 million EBITDA gain from structural projects over 2008. This performance was achieved in a more challenging economic environment characterized by a slowdown of demand in the construction and automotive sectors, the strong volatility of raw materials and the negative impact of the euro/US Dollar exchange rate.

Recurring operating income amounted to 72 million, taking into account higher depreciation charges.

Non-recurring items stood at (8) million in the 3rd quarter 2008 against (9) million last year.

Adjusted net income was stable at 47 million while net income (group share) was up 8% to 40 million.


Vinyl Products sales rose by 12.8% to 378 million, against 335 million in the 3rd quarter 2007, supported by price increases and a solid demand in caustic soda. Despite strong PVC price increases, the ethylene and natural gas costs continue to weigh heavily on unit margins. The segments EBITDA therefore stood at 7 million (against 18 million in the 3rd quarter 2007). Productivity initiatives continue to be actively implemented and the strict control of fixed costs fully offset the effect of inflation on fixed costs over the third quarter.

Industrial Chemicals sales rose by 9.6% to 661 million in the 3rd quarter 2008. This improvement was mainly due to the very significant price increases in every business unit in this segment which compensated for the impact on PMMA volumes of the slowdown in the automotive market and the somewhat limited impact of hurricanes in the United-States. EBITDA for this segment amounted to 86 million, which is a steady improvement over the third quarter 2007. This demonstrates the importance of the structural projects that were put in place such as the productivity measures implemented in Thiochemicals, Fluorochemicals and Acylics, the start-ups of new production units, new developments and the successful integration of Coatex.

Performance Products sales reached 410 million in the 3rd quarter 2008, up by 4.5% excluding the translation effect and the impact of variations in the scope of business. EBITDA was stable at 44 million up 10% at constant scope of business. Productivity measures under implementation in Functional Additives and Polyamides and price increases in all business units of this segment which offset higher raw material costs, contributed to the stability of results despite the decrease of the US dollar versus the euro and the slowdown of construction which affected Functional Additives business.


(In millions of euros)  

9 months 2007


9 months 2008



Sales   4,357   4,451   +2.2%
EBITDA   411   451  


EBITDA margin 9.4% 10.1%

Vinyl Products

Industrial Chemicals

Performance Products







Recurring operating income   252   269   +6.7%
Non-recurring items   (88)   (18)   n/a
Adjusted net income   166   187   +12.7%
Net income Group share   104   172   +65.4%


In the third quarter, the change in working capital was positive at +27 million despite high raw material costs and their impact on sales price. Over the first nine months of the year, the change in working capital stood at (91) million reflecting strong price increases and high raw material costs, together with the usual seasonality of business.

Cash flow related to operations and investments in the first nine months of 2008 stood at (54) million against +192 million in the first nine months of 2007, which included, in particular, proceeds from portfolio management operations amounting to +136 million (compared to (19) million related to acquisitions made in the first nine months of 2008).

Arkema has a credit line with a maturity in March 2013 for an amount of 1.1G. Net debt at the end of September stood at 580 million against 459 million at the end of December 2007, corresponding to a ratio of net debt on shareholders equity of 28%, which confirms the quality and strength of the balance sheet.


Since the beginning of the third quarter, Arkema further implemented its growth projects with:

  • the project for a new 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate production unit at Carling (France). This new 50,000 tonnes production unit will strengthen Arkemas acrylic business,
  • the expansion of its hydrazine hydrate and derivatives business with 10 million invested at ifs production site in Lannemezan (France),
  • the successful start-up of the doubling of its hydrogen peroxide production capacity in Shanghai (China). This expansion to 80,000 tonnes/year of the production will enable Arkema to meet the demand of Asian markets.

Finally, as part of its efforts made to improve productivity, Altuglas International, a subsidiary of Arkema, announced the shutdown of its plant in Pomezia (Italy) which produced PMMA cast sheets and blocks.


Thierry Le Hénaff, Chairman and CEO of Arkema, commenting on the prospects at the close of the Board of Directors meeting, stated:

"Since mid-October, we observe a sudden ongoing slowdown of demand in some markets, especially in the automotive and construction, amplified by destocking which strongly limits the visibility on the economic environment in the 4th quarter of 2008. Fortunately, due to the ongoing action plan, 2008 EBITDA margin should be close to our 10% target.

In this context, Arkemas priority is to continue to implement its structural projects especially in order to reduce significantly its fixed costs and to strictly manage its working capital by adjusting, if needed, the utilization of its production capacities. End of 2008, the cumulative fixed cost savings should exceed 330 million versus 2005.

In an uncertain and difficult environment, Arkema will accelerate the implementation of its strategy to increase its resistance. The quality of our balance sheet, our capacity to accelerate the transformation of the company and to improve its cost structure as well as new projects being considered are strong assets to face the year ahead.

A presentation of the results is available in the "Results & Presentations section of the Companys website (www.finance.arkema.com).


March 5, 2009   2008 Full year results
June 15, 2009   Annual General Meeting of Shareholders


At its meeting on November 12th 2008, the Board of Directors reviewed the AFEP-MEDEF recommendations, dated October 6th 2008 regarding compensation for executive directors of listed companies.

The Board considers that these recommendations were consistent with the corporate governance principles of the company.

The Board decided that the AFEP-MEDE code which is modified to take into account these recommendations, will be the basis on which the company will prepare reports required by article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code, as of the current year.


The information disclosed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial conditions, results of operations, business and strategy of Arkema. Such statements are based on managements current views and assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate and are subject to risk factors such as, among others, changes in raw materials prices, currency fluctuations, implementation pace of cost-reduction projects and changes in general economic and business conditions. Arkema does not assume any liability to update such forward-looking statements whether as a result of any new information or any unexpected event or otherwise. Further information on factors which could affect Arkemas financial results is provided in the documents filed with the French Autorité des marchés financiers.

Quarterly financial information is not audited.

Business segment information is presented in accordance with Arkemas internal reporting system used by the management.

The main performance indicators used are as follows:

Operating income: this includes all income and expenses of continuing operations other than financial result, equity in income of affiliates, and income taxes.

Other income and expenses (non-recurring items): these correspond to a limited number of well-identified non-recurring items of income and expense of a particularly material nature that the Group presents separately in its income statement in order to facilitate understanding of its recurring operational performance. These items of income and expense notably include:

  • impairment losses in respect of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets,
  • gains or losses on sale of assets,
  • certain large restructuring and environmental expenses which would hamper the interpretation of recurring operating income,
  • certain expenses related to litigation and claims or major damages, whose nature is not directly related to ordinary operations,
  • costs related to the spin off of Arkemas businesses.

Recurring operating income: this is calculated as the difference between operating income and other income and expenses as previously defined.

EBITDA: this corresponds to recurring operating income increased by depreciation and amortization (previously referred to as recurring EBITDA).

Adjusted net income: this corresponds to the net income - Group share adjusted for:

  • other income and expenses, after taking account of the tax impact of these items,
  • income and expenses from taxation of an exceptional nature, the amount of which is deemed significant,
  • the net income from discontinued activities.

Working capital: this corresponds to the difference between inventories, accounts receivable, other receivables and prepaid expenses and income tax receivables on the one hand and accounts payable, other creditors and accrued liabilities and income tax liabilities on the other hand.

Net debt: this is the difference between current and non-current debt and cash and cash equivalents.

A global chemical player, Arkema consists of 3 coherent and related business segments: Vinyl Products, Industrial Chemicals, and Performance Products. Present in over 40 countries with 15,200 employees, Arkema achieves sales of 5.7 billion euros. With its 6 research centers in France, the United States and Japan, and internationally recognized brands, Arkema holds leadership positions in its principal markets.



in m


in m





in m


in m




Sales   1,380   1,450  


  4,357   4,451   +2.2%
Vinyl Products 335 378

+ 12.8%

1,085 1,162 + 7.1%
Industrial Chemicals 603 661 + 9.6% 1,911 2,018 + 5.6%
Performance Products 441 410 (7.0)% 1,357 1,267 (6.6)%
Corporate 1 1 4 4
EBITDA 127 134 +5.5% 411 451 +9.7%
Vinyl Products 18 7 (61.1)% 79 38 (51.9)%
Industrial Chemicals 75 86 +14.7% 222 276 +24.3%
Performance Products 44 44 - 148 163 +10.1%
Corporate (10) (3) (38) (26)
EBITDA margin 9.2% 9.2% 9.4% 10.1%
Vinyl Products 5.4% 1.9% 7.3% 3.3%
Industrial Chemicals 12.4% 13.0% 11.6% 13.7%
Performance Products 10.0% 10.7% 10.9% 12.9%
Depreciation and amortization (52) (62) +19% (159) (182) +14%
Recurring EBIT 75 72 (4.0)% 252 269 +6.7%
Vinyl Products 12 (2) (116.7)% 61 10 (83.6)%
Industrial Chemicals 51 54 +5.9% 147 185 +25.9%
Performance Products 23 23 - 84 100 +19.0%
Corporate (11) (3) (40) (26)
NR items (9) (8) (88) (18)
Equity in income of affiliates 2 3 3 6
Financial results (3) (12) (12) (26)
Income taxes (26) (15) (66) (58)
Net income - continuing operations 39 40 89 173
Net income - discontinued operations - - 17 -
Net income Group share 37 40 +8.1% 104 172 +65.4%
EPS (diluted) 0.61 0.66 +8.2% 1.71 2.83 +65.5%
Adjusted EPS (diluted) 0.77 0.77 - 2.73 3.08 +12.8%
Adjusted net income   47   47   -   166   187   +12.7%
Capital expenditures 74 86 +16.2% 182 189 +3.8%
Vinyl Products 30 27 62 56
Industrial Chemicals 24 40 60 86
Performance Products 19 18 57 45

Net cash flow1

              192   (54)    
                12/31/07   09/30/08    
Working capital 1,112 1,265

WC as % of sales2

21.1% 21.8%
Net debt 459 580
NR pre-spin off items 122 84


              30%   32%    

1Calculated as cash flow from operating activities plus cash flow from investing activities

2Calculated as working capital end of period divided by 4 times quarterly sales

3Calculated as net financial debt + NR pre-spin off items divided by shareholders equity


SALES UP +5.1%

  • +8.7% organic growth (at constant exchange rate and scope of business)
  • Price increases in each business unit
  • Slowdown of automotive and of construction markets affected volumes in PVC downstream, PMMA and Functional Additives.
  • Volumes in some business units in Industrial Chemicals were affected by hurricanes in the US
      Volume     Price   Scope     FX rate
Arkema     (2.7)%     +11.4%   (0.5)%     (3.1)%
Vinyl Products     +     +++   +     -
Industrial Chemicals     --     +++   ++     --
Performance Products     ---     +++   ---     --

Legend : "= : +/- 0.5%


"+ : [+0.5% - +2.5%]


"++ : [+2.5% - +5%]


"+++ : >+5%


"- : [(0.5)% - (2.5)%]

"-- : [(2.5)% - (5)%]

"--- : <(5)%

EBITDA UP +5.5% AT 134m

Positive   Negative
Price increases in each business units /$ exchange rate
Restructuring and ongoing productivity initiatives Increase in raw material costs
Start-ups of growth projects Margin squeeze in Vinyl Products
  • Estimated negative impact from the /$ exchange rate conversion effect: (4.5) million
  • Limited contribution from M&A: acquisition of Coatex and PMMA (ex-Repsol) compensated by divestitures of urea formaldehyde resins and superabsorbant polymers business.


  • Good demand in caustic soda
  • Slowdown of construction in Europe
  • Higher volumes in PVC compared to a low 3rd quarter 2007 affected by shutdowns in Fos and Lavéra (France)
  • Price increases to compensate for higher ethylene and natural gas prices but remaining margin squeeze in PVC
  • Strong focus on costs (restructuring plans and ongoing productivity initiatives to compensate for inflation on fixed costs).


  • EBITDA up 14.7% and EBITDA margin at 13%
  • Significant price increase in each of the business units
  • Weaker automotive demand affected volumes in PMMA
  • Volumes in some business units were affected by hurricanes in the US
  • Significant contribution from growth projects (Fluorochemicals in Calvert-City and new developments in DMDS in Thiochemicals)
  • Positive contribution from M&A with the successful integration of Coatex
  • Benefits from restructuring plans implemented at Pierre-Bénite (Fluorochemicals), Lacq (Thiochemicals) and Carling (Acrylics)
  • Negative impact of US dollar vs. euro exchange rate
  • Acrylics remain in low cycle conditions with a slight increase in margins


  • +4.5% organic growth sustained by strong price increases in each business unit to compensate for higher raw material costs
  • +10% EBITDA growth at constant scope of business
  • Slowdown in construction affected results of Functional Additives
  • Negative impact of US dollar vs. euro exchange rate
  • Strong contribution from restructuring initiatives in polyamides and Functional Additives


  • (8) million compared to (9) million in 3Q07.


Items   9m07   9m08   Comments on 9m08
Recurring Capex   (161)   (168)    
Variation in WC   9   (91)   Seasonality and price increases
NR items   (60)   (44)   Mainly restructuring charges
NR pre spin off   (58)   (42)   Including 14m for chlorochemicals capex
Impact from M&A   136   (19)   Mainly acquisition of Repsols PMMA and OdorTech
Net cash flow   192   (54)    
Rec. FCF before working capital   165   142   Recurring FCF excludes variation in WC, NR items, M&A
Net debt (in m)   12/31/07   09/30/08
Net debt   459   580
Remaining pre-spin off NR items   122   84
Equivalent net debt (12/31/07)   581   664
Gearing   30%   32%
  • Payment of dividend of 46 million
  • Impact of the share capital increase reserved for employees of 19 million
  • Buyback of 659,274 shares for 22 million (out of which 358,444 shares were bought in Q308 for 11 million)
  • 28% gearing (32% gearing including  84 million NR pre spin-off)
Remaining pre-spin off NR items as of end of year (in m)   12/31/07   09/30/08
Provisions booked end 2005   115   97
Cash deposit (European antitrust litigations)   (18)   (24)
Vinyl restructuring plan capex   25   11
Non-recurring pre-spin off items   122   84


  • Over the first nine months, the EBITDA increased strongly by 10% compared to the previous year
  • Since mid-October, sudden ongoing slowdown of demand in some markets, especially in the automotive and construction, amplified by destocking which strongly limits visibility on the economic environment in the 4th quarter of 2008.
  • Fortunately, due to the ongoing action plan, 2008 EBITDA margin should be close to the 10% target.
  • Arkemas priority is to continue to implement its structural projects especially in order to reduce significantly its fixed costs and to strictly manage its working capital by adjusting, if needed, the utilization of its production capacities.
  • End of 2008, cumulative fixed cost savings should exceed 330 million versus 2005
  • Arkema will accelerate the implementation of its strategy to increase its resistance.
  • The quality of its balance sheet, its capacity to accelerate the transformation of the company and to improve its cost structure as well as new projects being considered are strong assets to face the year ahead.


  • Project for a new 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate production unit at Carling (France) to strengthen Arkemas acrylic business. The 50 ktonnes unit will come on stream in fall 2009.
  • Arkema invested 10 million to expand its hydrazine hydrate derivatives production capacities in Lannemezan (France).
  • Start-up of the expansion of the hydrogen peroxide production capacity in Shanghai (China). The doubling of the Shanghais production capacity at 80,000 tonnes/year will enable Arkema to meet the growing demand of Asian markets and increases Arkemas global hydrogen peroxide production capacity to approximately 400,000 tonnes/year.
  • Altuglas International announced the shutdown of its plant in Pomezia (Italy) which produced PMMA cast sheets and blocks. The current production will be split between the two other European cast sheet plants of Altuglas International (Saint-Avold in France and Bronderslev in Denmark).

ARKEMA Financial Statements

Consolidated financial statements - At the end of September 2008


3rd Quarter 2008

End of September 2008

3rd Quarter 2007

End of September 2007

(In millions of euros) Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated
(audited) (audited)
Sales 1,450 4,451 1,380 4,357
Operating expenses (1,247) (3,772) (1,168) (3,688)
Research and development expenses (39) (118) (38) (114)
Selling and administrative expenses   (92)   (292) (99)   (303)
Recurring operating income   72   269 75   252
Other income and expenses   (8)   (18) (9)   (88)
Operating income   64   251 66   164
Equity in income of affiliates 3 6 2 3
Financial result (12) (26) (3) (12)
Income taxes   (15)   (58) (26)   (66)
Net income of continuing operations   40   173 39   89
Net income of discontinued operations   -   - (1)   17
Net income   40   173 38   106
Of which minority interests   -   1 1   2
Net income - Group share   40   172 37   104
Earnings per share (amount in euros) 0.66 2.84 0.61 1.72
Diluted earnings per share (amount in euros) 0.66 2.83 0.61 1.71
Depreciation and amortization (62) (182) (52) (159)
Recurring EBITDA 134 451 127 411
Adjusted net income   47   187 47   166



(non audited) (audited)
(In millions of euros)
Intangible assets, net 450 460
Property, plant and equipment, net 1,566 1,525
Equity affiliates: investments and loans 50 42
Other investments 25 24
Deferred income tax assets 17 18
Other non-current assets 138 117 (1)
Inventories 1,082 1,017
Accounts receivable 1,123 1,000
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 127 160
Income taxes recoverable 13 14 (1)
Other current asset 5 1
Cash and cash equivalents 71 58
Total assets of discontinued operations - -
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   2,421   2,250
TOTAL ASSETS 4,667 4,436
Share capital 612 605
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings 1,581 1,432 (2)
Treasury shares (22) -
Cumulative translation adjustment (106) (140)
Minority interests   22   21
Deferred income tax liabilities 43 54
Provisions 801 850 (2)
Non-current debt 69 61
Accounts payable 747 786
Other creditors and accrued liabilities 311 290
Income taxes payable 21 15
Other current liability 6 6
Current debt 582 456
Total liabilities of discountinued operations - -
(1) Starting 2007, the Tax Research Credit is reclassified from Income taxes to Other non-current assets.
(2) Includes the adjustment related to Arkema France Pensions (Retraites chapeaux) accounted for as error correction, which increases the pensions provisions for 17 M.

End of Sept 2008

End of Sept 2007

(In millions of euros)
(non audited) (non audited)
Cash flow - operating activities
Net income 173 106
Depreciation, amortization and impairment of assets 192 179
Provisions, valuation allowances and deferred taxes (54) 11
(Gains)/losses on sales of assets (26) (57)
Undistributed affiliate equity earnings (6) (3)
Change in working capital (91) 9 (1) (2)
Other changes 8 5
Cash flow from operating activities   196   250
Cash flow - investing activities
Intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment, additions (189) (182)
Change in fixed assets payables (37) (30) (2)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (13) (3)
Increase in long-term loans (38) (13) (1)
Total expenditures (277) (229)
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 28 38
Change in fixed assets receivables (14) -
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash sold - 105
Proceeds from sale of other investments - 1
Repayment of long-term loans 13 26
Total divestitures 27 171
Cash flow from investing activities   (250)   (58)
Cash flow - financing activities
Issuance of shares 18 5
Purchase of treasury shares (22) -
Dividends paid to Parent company shareholders (46) -
Dividends paid to Minority shareholders - -
Increase/ Decrease in long-term debt 96 (16)
Increase/ Decrease in short-term borrowings and bank overdrafts 33 (276)
Cash flow from financing activities   79   (288)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 25 (96)
Effect of exchange rates and changes in scope (12) (21)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 58 171
Cash and cash equivalents of discontinued operations at end of period - -
Short-term loan to discontinued operations - -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   71   54
(1) Starting 2007, reclassification of the long term portion of the Research Tax Credit from the "Change in working capital" caption to the "Increase in long-term loans" caption.
(2) Starting 2007, reclassification of fixed assets payables from the "Change in working capital" caption to the "Change in fixed asset payables" caption.
(non audited)
Shares issued Treasury shares Shareholders' equity - Group share Minority interests Total shareholders' equity
(In millions of euros)   Number   Amount   Paid-in surplus   Retained earnings   Cumulative translation adjustment   Number   Amount      
As of January 1, 2008   60,453,823   605   1,006   426   (140)           1,897   21   1,918
Cash dividend (46) (46) (46)
Issuance of share capital 759,567 7 10 1 18 18
Purchase of treasury shares (659,274) (22) (22) (22)
Cancellation of purchased treasury shares
Sale of treasury shares
Transactions with shareholders   759,567   7   10   (45)       (659,274)   (22)   (50)       (50)
Net income 172 172 1 173
Changes in items recognized directly through equity 4 4 4
Actuarial gains or losses 8 8 8
Change in translation adjustments 34 34 34
Total of recognized income and expenses               184   34           218   1   219
As of September 30, 2008   61,213,390   612   1,016   565   (106)   (659,274)   (22)   2,065   22   2,087
3rd Quarter 2008
(In millions of euros) Vinyl Products Industrial Chemicals Performance Products Corporate Group total
Non-Group sales 378 661 410 1 1,450
Inter-segment sales 17 47 3 -
Total sales 395 708 413 1
Recurring operating income (2) 54 23 (3) 72
Other income and expenses (1) (6) (1) - (8)
Operating income (3) 48 22 (3) 64
Equity in income of affiliates 3 - - - 3
Depreciation and amortization (9) (32) (21) - (62)
Asset impairment - - - - -
Changes in non-current provisions recognized through income 10 12 8 10 40
Recurring EBITDA 7 86 44 (3) 134
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, additions 27 40 18 1 86
3rd Quarter 2007
(In millions of euros) Vinyl Products Industrial Chemicals Performance Products Corporate Group total
Non-Group sales 335 603 441 1 1,380
Inter-segment sales 19 40 3 -
Total sales 354 643 444 1
Recurring operating income 12 51 23 (11) 75
Other income and expenses (2) - (1) (6) (9)
Operating income 10 51 22 (17) 66
Equity in income of affiliates 2 - - - 2
Depreciation and amortization (6) (24) (21) (1) (52)
Asset impairment - - - - -
Changes in non-current provisions recognized through income 10 5 9 13 37
Recurring EBITDA 18 75 44 (10) 127
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, additions 30 24 19 1 74
End of September 2008
(In millions of euros) Vinyl Products Industrial Chemicals Performance Products Corporate Group total
Non-Group sales 1,162 2,018 1,267 4 4,451
Inter-segment sales 50 122 13 -
Total sales 1,212 2,140 1,280 4
Recurring operating income 10 185 100 (26) 269
Other income and expenses (3) (13) (5) 3 (18)
Operating income 7 172 95 (23) 251
Equity in income of affiliates 6 - - - 6
Depreciation and amortization (28) (91) (63) - (182)
Asset impairment - - - - -
Changes in non-current provisions recognized through income 19 17 9 14 59
Recurring EBITDA 38 276 163 (26) 451
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, additions 56 86 45 2 189
End of September 2007
(In millions of euros) Vinyl Products Industrial Chemicals Performance Products Corporate Group total
Non-Group sales 1,085 1,911 1,357 4 4,357
Inter-segment sales 50 120 13 -
Total sales 1,135 2,031 1,370 4
Recurring operating income 61 147 84 (40) 252
Other income and expenses (6) (51) (23) (8) (88)
Operating income 55 96 61 (48) 164
Equity in income of affiliates 3 - - - 3
Depreciation and amortization (18) (75) (64) (2) (159)
Asset impairment - - - - -
Changes in non-current provisions recognized through income 7 (33) (3) 37 8
Recurring EBITDA 79 222 148 (38) 411
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, additions 62 60 57 3 182

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