09.08.2007 05:30:00
ARKEMA: 2nd Quarter 2007 Results
Regulatory News:
Arkema (Paris: AKE):
EBITDA up 23% at €150 million EBITDA margin at 10.1% of sales Recurring operating income up 43% at €97
million Adjusted net income up 74% (In millions of euros) 2nd
Quarter 2006 2nd
Quarter 2007 Variation
Sales 1,467 1,489 +1.5% EBITDA 122 150 +23% EBITDA margin 8.3% 10.1%
Vinyl Products
Industrial Chemicals
Performance Products
Recurring operating income 68 97 +43%
Non-recurring items
Net income – Group share
Adjusted net income 39 68 +74%
The Board of Directors of Arkema met on August 8th
2007 to review Arkema’s condensed consolidated
financial accounts for the first half of 2007. Chairman and CEO Thierry
Le Hénaff stated, commenting on the results:
"The second quarter of 2007 confirms the significant progress made by
Arkema, with a 23% increase in EBITDA and an EBITDA margin above 10% of
sales for the first time over a quarter. The adjusted net income is
significantly up by +74%. This very strong performance results mainly from cost reduction
initiatives launched since the creation of Arkema and from a good
organic growth. Arkema is also actively pursuing its transformation and the
implementation of its strategy. In this regard Arkema announced during
the second quarter new projects to enhance its competitiveness, in
particular in Fluorochemicals and in Performance Products, while also
speeding up the evolution of its portfolio with the divestment of
Riverview’s amines, the project to divest of
Leuna’s Urea Formaldehyde Resins activity, and
the proposed acquisition of Coatex presented early July. These various
initiatives confirm our commitment and determination to continue
implementing our industrial project." SECOND QUARTER 2007 PERFORMANCE Sales in the 2nd quarter 2007 rose 1.5%
to € 1,489 million, against € 1,467 million
in the 2nd quarter 2006. Excluding the impact
of exchange rates (-2.2%) and variations in the scope of business
(-0.8%), the growth in sales reached +4.5%, bolstered by an increase in
average sales prices in all three business segments (+2.2%), as well as
in volumes (+2.3%).
EBITDA was up 23% to €150 million
against €122 million for the same period in
2006. This significant improvement results from an organic growth in
volumes and a reduction in fixed costs under favorable market conditions
overall despite ongoing low unit margins in Acrylics, Fluorochemicals
for refrigeration, and tin-based Additives. EBITDA margin stood
at 10.1% of sales in the quarter (against 8.3% in the second quarter
2006), reflecting the progress achieved.
Recurring operating income stood at €97 million,
up 43% over the same period in 2006.
Non-recurring items stood at €(-53) million
in the second quarter 2007 against €(-18) million
in the second quarter 2006. This amount essentially consists of €(-56) million
costs related to the restructuring plans announced in the second quarter
for the Performance Products segment (Bonn site in Germany, Vlissingen
site in the Netherlands, and Feuchy site in France)1
and for Fluorochemicals (Pierre-Bénite site (France) where the
information and consultation process with the works council was
completed in June).
These items also include €16 million capital
gain from the disposal of the Tacoma land (United States), and €(-13) million
corresponding to the financial impact in the second quarter of the fire
that broke out in the night of May 23rd in one
of the three furnaces of the vinyl chloride (VCM) manufacturing plant at
Lavéra (France) and resulting in the shutdown of the production units.
The units were gradually brought back into service in July. The damaged
furnace is scheduled to be restarted in late September. Based on our
present estimates and on the deductibles under the terms of our
insurance policies, the impact of this accident should represent beyond
the second quarter an additional amount inferior to €(-10) million
in operating income.
Adjusted net income rose by +74%, while net income (group
share) stood at €23 million.
SEGMENT PERFORMANCE Vinyl Products sales reached €376 million.
In a context of sustained demand in Europe, sales grew by 7.7%. EBITDA
for this segment doubled at €33 million, i.e.
8.8% of sales. The improvement in the results reflects the increase in
margins and the positive impact of the implementation of the
Chlorochemicals consolidation plan initiated in 2005. The closure of the
Lavéra production plant (France) deeply affected VCM manufacture, but
actually had little impact on PVC sales. Force majeure was not
Industrial Chemicals sales reached €658
million. Following adjustments for the negative exchange rate impact
from the decline of the US Dollar versus the euro, sales grew by 3.3%.
EBITDA for the segment rose in the second quarter to €81 million.
EBITDA margin amounted to 12.3%, reflecting better balanced results
between the segment’s business units. The
improvement in the Thiochemicals and PMMA results indeed helped offset
the more difficult market conditions in Fluorochemicals and in Acrylics.
Our European sites steadily improved their competitiveness through
restructuring plans in Acrylics, Thiochemicals and Fluorochemicals
(Pierre-Bénite, France). The Industrial Chemicals segment also pursued
its development with the decision to increase Hydrogen Peroxide
production capacity by 10% at its Jarrie site (France). Finally, the
Thiochemicals business unit sold its specialty amines business based at
its Riverview site (United States), which accounted for sales of
US$72 million in 2006. The sale has no impact on the group’s
financial statements.
Performance Products sales reached €453
million, up 1.2% given a constant exchange rate. This improvement is the
result of sound demand overall and an increase in unit sales prices in
every business unit, offsetting the impact of the closure of the Urea
Formaldehyde Resins activity at Villers-Saint-Paul (France) in late June
2006. EBITDA stood at €50 million against €43 million
in the second quarter 2006, while EBITDA margin reached 11.0% against
9.3% in the second quarter 2006. These sound results confirm the
progress achieved thanks to the many development and competitiveness
projects launched since 2006. They have helped compensate the impact on
the Additives business of the slowdown in the US construction market and
of the rise in raw materials, tin in particular. Competitiveness
continued to improve with the launch of new restructuring plans in the
segment’s three business units. Finally,
Arkema announced a plan to sell to Hexion Specialty Chemicals its Urea
Formaldehyde Resins business from its Leuna site (Germany), which
generated sales of €101 million in 2006. This
sale should have a positive impact on the 2007 financial statements.
HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL INFORMATION Main results of the first half of 2007 (In millions of euros) 1st
half 2006 1st
half 2007 Variation
Sales 2,954 2,977 +0.8% EBITDA 234 284 +21% EBITDA margin 7.9% 9.5%
Recurring operating income 124 177 +43%
Non-recurring items
Net income – Group share
Adjusted net income 67 119 +78% Balance Sheet and Cash Flow as at June
30 2007 Cash flow related to operations and investments in the first half
of the year was positive at €+132 million
against €(-149) million in the first half of
2006. It includes the proceeds from the disposals finalized in the first
half of the year (€+137 million), as well as
cash flow from non-recurring pre-spin off items2
(€-36 million), including €14
million investments relating to the Chlorochemicals consolidation plan.
Following adjustments for these items, cash flow for the first half of
the year remained positive at €+31 million,
despite an increase in working capital (€ -78
million) resulting from the seasonal increase in activity, with capital
expenditures (excluding the Chlorochemicals consolidation plan) totaling €94 million.
Net debt at the end of June stood at €198
million, and the balance of non-recurring pre-spin off items2at
€172 million. The ratio between the sum of
both these items and the shareholders’ equity
stood at 19% at the end of June compared to 28% at the end of December
Half-year activity report
A half-year activity report and the report from the statutory auditors
on half-year financial information are included in the half-year
financial report available on the Company’s
website (www.finance.arkema.com).
Arkema announced on July 3rd 2007 a plan to
acquire the Coatex group currently owned by the Omya group. Coatex
reported in 2006 sales of €150 million. This
acquisition is fully in line with the strategy to refocus Arkema on its
strongest product lines. It will reinforce the integration of the
acrylics business, thereby helping Arkema to become more resilient to
economic cycles. The legal information and consultation process
involving the works councils of the three groups involved - Arkema,
Coatex and Omya – has been completed, and the
deal is now awaiting approval from the antitrust authorities.
The market conditions of the first half of 2007 should overall continue
to prevail in the second half of the year with sustained demand in
Europe and in Asia and good conditions in caustic soda and PVC. Margins
should nevertheless remain low in Acrylics and in some Fluorochemicals,
and US dollar should remain weak versus the euro. Arkema will remain
attentive to the evolution of raw material costs and to the US economy.
In this context, Arkema is confident of reaching, over 2007, the higher
range of the EBITDA growth objective of 10 to 15% per year. This outlook
takes into account the seasonal nature of Arkema’s
results, with the first six months of the year traditionally stronger
than the last six months and the impact of the turnarounds scheduled for
this period, primarily in Fos for Vinyl Products and in Lacq for
In 2007, capital expenditures should be around €350 million
including those related to the Chlorochemicals restructuring plan.
November 15th 2007
3rd quarter 2007 results
INVESTOR & ANALYST FACTSHEET P& L (in millions of euros) Q2’06 Q2’07 Variation Sales 1,467 1,489 +1.5% Recurring EBITDA 122 150 +23% Recurring EBITDA margin 8.3% 10.1% - Recurring operating income 68 97 +43% Other income and expenses (18) (53) n/a Operating income 50 44 (12)% Adjusted net result 39 68 +74% Net result – Group share 28 23 (18)% Capital expenditures 80 61 - Working capital (vs. 12/31/06) 1,166 1,237 +6% Net debt (vs. 12/31/06) 324 198 (39)% Sales bridge +1.5%
Price effect: + 2.2%
Conversion effect: (2.2)%
Volume growth: +2.3%
Change of scope: (0.8)%
EBITDA up 23% at €150 million and EBITDA
margin of 10.1%
Positive effects: -- Overall good market conditions
-- Strong market conditions in Vinyl Products in Europe
-- Volume increase
-- Reduction of fixed costs:
-- Impact of restructuring initiatives
-- Strict control of fixed costs Negative effects: -- Tougher competitive environment in Fluorochemicals (Forane(R)
134a and blends)
-- Low acrylics unit margins
-- Higher costs of certain raw materials (Tin in particular)
-- Unfavorable euro/US dollar exchange rate
Non-recurring expenses of €53 million
mainly correspond to €56 million
non-recurring expenses related to restructuring plans announced in Q2’07
in Performance Products (at Bonn in Germany, Vlissingen in Netherlands
and Feuchy in France) and Industrial Chemicals (Pierre-Bénite, France)
segments. Besides, in Vinyl Products, €16
million capital gain related to the disposal of a land in Tacoma (US)
and €(-13) million related to the accident
at Lavéra plant (France). A fire damaged one of the three furnaces of
the VCM production unit, in the night of the 23rd
to the 24th of May. Taking into account our
last estimates and the deductibles of our insurance policies, this
accident should have, beyond the second quarter, an additional amount
inferior to €(-10) million in operating
€61 million capex out of which €9
million relate to the Chlorochemicals restructuring plan.
Positive cash flow on the first half of the year at €132 million
-- EUR 137 million proceeds from the disposals finalized in the
1st half of the year
-- EUR 36 million cash expenses related to non-recurring pre-spin
off items
-- EUR 78 million increase in working capital (seasonality)
Excluding proceeds from disposals and non-recurring pre-spin off items,
cash flow is positive at €31 million
Net debt totalled €198 million at end of
June 2007 (€324 million end of December
Non-recurring pre spin-off items at €172
million end of June 2007.
Net debt and non-recurring pre spin-off items to equity ratio amounts
to 19% end of June 2007 (compared to 28% end of December 2006).
SEGMENT REVIEW Vinyl Products in €m Q2’06 Q2’07 Variation Sales
+7.7% Rec. EBITDA
x2.4 Rec. EBITDA margin 4.0% 8.8% N/A Rec. Operating income
Other income and expenses
N/A Operating income
x6.6 Capital expenditures
Good market conditions for Chlorine/Caustic soda and PVC in Europe
with increasing prices and margins
Positive impact of the chlorochemicals consolidation plan.
Impact of the fire that damaged one of the three furnaces of the VCM
production unit at Lavéra (France), in the night of the 23rd
to the 24th of May.
-- No declaration of force majeure and little impact of the
incident on PVC sales
-- Two furnaces were restarted mid-July and the damaged one will
be restarted end of Q3.
-- EUR 13 million expense on Q2'07 compensated by the EUR 16
million capital gain generated by the disposal of a land in the
United-States. Industrial Chemicals in €m Q2’06 Q2’07 Variation Sales
+0.2% Rec. EBITDA
- Rec. EBITDA margin 12.3% 12.3% N/A Rec. Operating income
Other income and expenses
N/A Operating income
(60.4)% Capital expenditures
Negative conversion effect on sales: -3.0%
EBITDA margin at 12.3% same as in 2Q’06 and
higher than 1Q’06 (10.2%)
Low acrylic unit margins
Tougher market conditions in Fluorochemicals, on Forane®
134a and blends
Confirmation of recovery in PMMA resulting from good market conditions
on MMA and benefits of restructuring plans of the European sheet
In Thiochemicals, reduction of fixed costs from restructuring plans in
France and the United States
Satisfactory market conditions in Hydrogen Peroxide
Improving balance of results within the segment’s
business units
Non-recurring expenses related to restructuring in Fluorochemicals of
Pierre-Bénite (France). The legal information and consultation process
with the works council ended in June.
Disposal of specialty amines business in Riverview (United States),
which posted US$72 million sales in 2006.
Performance Products in €m Q2’06 Q2’07 Variation Sales
(1.5)% Rec. EBITDA
+16.3% Rec. EBITDA margin 9.3% 11.0% - Rec. Operating income
Other income and expenses
N/A Operating income
(71.4)% Capital expenditures
Negative conversion effect on sales: -2.7%
Closure of the urea formaldehyde resins plant at Villers-Saint-Paul
(France) end of June 2006 which resulted in:
-- a decrease in volumes
-- fixed cost savings
EBITDA margin of 11.0% compared to 9.3% in 2Q’06
and 7.3% in 2Q’05
Good activity in Specialty Chemicals particularly in oil and gas
related markets
Development of new applications in Technical Polymers and strict
control of fixed costs.
Functional Additives results still affected by the US construction
market slowdown and increase of tin prices (+60% since last year).
€22 million non-recurring expenses related
to additional restructuring plans announced:
-- Technical polymers in Bonn (Germany): shutdown by end 2007
of co-polyamides powders activity followed by the closure of
the entire site in 2009: 83 positions
-- Functional Additives: restructuring of Vlissingen
(Netherlands): 57 positions
-- Specialty Chemicals:
-- Asset swap with Akzo Nobel (anticaking additives vs.
commodity primary amine)
-- Reorganization of Feuchy site (France): 22 positions
Announcement of the disposal of the Urea Formaldehyde Resins
business to Hexion in Leuna (Germany). This activity generates sales
of €101 million in 2006. This disposal
should have a positive effect on the net result.
Disclaimer The information disclosed in this press release may contain
forward-looking statements with respect to the financialconditions,
results of operations, business and strategy of Arkema. Such statements
are based on management’s current views and
assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate and are subject to
risk factors such as, among others,changes in raw material prices,
currency fluctuations, implementation pace of cost-reduction projects,
and changes in general economic and business conditions. Arkema does not
assume any liability to update such forward-looking statements whether
as a result of any new information or any unexpected event or otherwise.
Further information onfactors which could affect Arkema’s
financial results is provided in the documents filed with the French
Autorité desmarchés financiers. Quarterly financial information is not audited. The business segment information is presented in accordance with
Arkema’s internal reporting system used by
the management. The main performance indicators used are as follows: Operating income: this includes all income and
expenses other than the cost of debt, equity in income of affiliates
and income taxes. Other income and expenses (non-recurring items): these
correspond to a limited number of well-identified non-recurring items
of income and expense of a particularly material nature that the Group
presents separately in its income statement in order to facilitate
understanding of its recurring operating performance. These items of
income and expenses are: -- Impairment losses in respect of property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets,
-- Gains or losses on sale of assets,
-- Certain large restructuring and environmental expenses which would
hamper the interpretation of the recurring operating income,
-- Certain expenses related to litigation and claims or major damages,
whose nature is not directly related to ordinary operations,
-- Costs related to the spin-off of Arkema's businesses. Recurring operating income: this is calculated as the
difference between operating income and other income and expenses as
previously defined. EBITDA: this corresponds to recurring operating income
increased by depreciation and amortization (previously referred to as
recurring EBITDA). Adjusted net income: this corresponds to the Group share net
income adjusted for non-recurring items after taking account of the
estimated tax impact of these items and the net income from
discontinued activities. Working capital: this corresponds to the difference between
inventories, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses and other current
assets and tax receivables on the one hand, and accounts payable,
other creditors and accrued liabilities and income tax liabilities on
the other. Capital employed: this is calculated by aggregating the net
carrying amounts of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment,
equity affiliate investments and loans, other investments, other
non-current assets (excluding deferred tax assets) and working capital. Net debt: this is the difference between current and
non-current debt, and cash and cash equivalents. A global chemical player, Arkema consists of 3 coherent and related
business segments: Vinyl Products, Industrial Chemicals, and Performance
Products. Present in over 40 countries with 17,000 employees, Arkema
achieves sales of 5.7 billion euros in 2006. With its 6 research centers
in France, the United States and Japan, and internationally recognized
brands, Arkema holds leadership positions in its principal markets. 1 These plans are subject to the legal
information and consultation process with the works council.
2 Non-recurring pre-spin off items correspond
to items taken into account for the computation of the theoretical
financial debt at the time of the spin off.

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