20.11.2018 23:30:00
2018 Report: Real World Evidence Has Demonstrated the Potential to Validate the Therapeutic Value of Pharmaceutical Products and Help Customize Product Development in a More Patient Centric Manner
DUBLIN, Nov. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
The "Real World Evidence: Market Landscape and Competitive Insights, 2018-2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The Real World Evidence: Market Landscape and Competitive Insights, 2018-2030' report features an extensive study on the industry players that are offering real-world data/analytics/services to the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.
Example Highlights
- Close to 200 players are actively involved in providing real-world evidence-based insights into the pharmaceutical industry. Of these, around 45% offer a range of services for real-world evidence generation. Examples of such players include (in alphabetical order, no specific selection criteria) Clinigen Group, HealthCore, ICON, Ingress Health, IQVIA, PAREXEL, pH Associates, Quantzig, and Syneos Health. These are followed by companies that offer analytical platforms (39%) and real-world datasets (16%). Examples of such players include (in alphabetical order, no specific selection criteria) Aetion, Flatiron Health, IBM Watson Health, Linguamatics, PatientsLikeMe, RealHealthData, Saama Technologies, SHYFT Analytics, Tempus, TriNetX, and uMotif.
- More than 120 real-world data/analytics/service providers utilize clinical data derived from medical and patient care records, such as electronic health records, clinical registries, genomic data repositories, lab tests results, and pathology data. These are followed by companies (over 100) that claim to use patient experience data for generating actionable insights. Other datasets that are commonly used by stakeholders in this industry include (but not limited to) medical claims data, clinical trials data and pharmacy data.
- Leveraging the aforementioned data, close to 145 companies are engaged in providing actionable, evidence-based insights for post-approval research. Other key application areas of real-world evidence include (in decreasing order of the number of companies) clinical development (~65%), regulatory approval/reimbursement/market access (~56%), and early-stage research (~54%).
- The current market landscape is characterized by the presence large companies (more than 500 employees,27%), mid-sized companies (50-500 employees, 30%), and small-sized companies (less than 50 employees, 43%). The majority of these companies (~60%) are located in North America; examples of players based in this region include (in alphabetical order, no specific selection criteria) Allscripts, Cota Healthcare, Decision Resources Group, Ephicacy, Indegene, Knowledgent, MarkLogic, PerkinElmer, Pharmerit, SAS Institute, and Vector Oncology.
- Extensive research efforts in this domain are reflected in the fact that over 500 scientific articles have been published since 2016. It is worth noting that, in 2018 (till June) alone, close to 180 articles were published related to the ongoing real-world data-based research. Industry stakeholders that have made significant contributions to the intellectual capital in this domain include (in decreasing order of the number of publications) Merck, IQVIA, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Novartis, PPD (Evidera), Janssen Pharmaceutica, AstraZeneca, Amgen, and Pfizer.
- More than 1,000 clinical studies, conducted in a real-world setting, have been registered (completed/ongoing/planned) across different geographies. Based on the number of trials, North America (~460 trials) has emerged as a major research/innovation hub in this domain. It is also worth highlighting that a relatively larger proportion of the trials evaluated patients suffering from oncological disorders, cardiovascular disorders, neurological and psychiatric disorders.
- The real world evidence solutions market is expected to grow at an annualized rate of 14.1% between 2018 and 2030. While the current opportunity of real-world evidence is maximum in post-approval studies, its scope in early-stage research and clinical development is anticipated to grow at a relatively faster rate in the forecast period. Further, North America and Europe presently dominate the market and are expected to retain the leading position over the next decade. This is followed by Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world, which currently captures around 10% of the overall market share. We are led to believe that this trend is not likely to change significantly in the foreseen future.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Preface
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
3.1. Need for Real World Evidence
3.1.1. Growing Crisis of Chronic Disorders
3.1.2. High Investment Involved in Drug Development Role of Randomized Clinical Trials Limitations of Randomized Clinical Trials
3.1.3. Increasing Shift from Volume- to Value-based Care
3.2. An Overview of Real World Evidence
3.2.1. Sources of Real World Data Medical Claims Data Clinical Trial Data Clinical Settings Data Patient-Powered Data Pharmacy Data Other Real World Data Sources
3.2.2. Comparison of Randomized Clinical Trials and Real World Evidence
3.2.3. Advantages and Limitations of Real World Evidence
3.2.4. Potential Applications of Real World Evidence
3.2.5. Growth Drivers and Challenges
3.3. Role of Advanced Techniques in Real World Data Management
4. Data Governance And Regulatory Framework For Real World Evidence
4.1. Chapter Overview
4.2. Primary Elements of Data Governance for Real World Evidence
4.3. Importance of Regulatory Framework for Real World Evidence
4.4. Data Governance and Regulatory Framework in North America
4.4.1. The US Scenario Data Governance Regulatory Framework Future Recommendations
4.4.2. The Canadian Scenario Data Governance Regulatory Framework Future Recommendations
4.5. Data Governance and Regulatory Framework in Europe
4.6. Data Governance and Regulatory Framework in Asia-Pacific
5. Current Market Landscape
5.1. Chapter Overview
5.2. List of Real World Evidence Solution Providers
5.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
5.2.2. Analysis by Geographical Location
5.2.3. Analysis by Company Size
5.2.4. Analysis by Type of Offering
5.2.5. Analysis by Real World Data Sources
5.2.6. Analysis by Applications of Real World Evidence
6. Publication Analysis
6.1. Chapter Overview
6.2. Scope and Methodology
6.3. Real World Evidence: Publication Analysis
6.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year
6.3.2. Analysis by Key Focus Areas
6.3.3. Analysis by Real World Data Sources
6.3.4. Analysis by Key Indications Examined
6.3.5. Leading Players in Terms of Number of Published Studies
6.3.6. Analysis by Geographical Location of Leading Players
6.3.7. Key Journals
7. Clinical Trial Analysis
7.1. Chapter Overview
7.2. Scope and Methodology
7.3. Real World Evidence: Clinical Trial Analysis
7.3.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
7.3.2. Analysis by Geography and Number of Clinical Trials
7.3.3. Analysis by Geography and Enrolled Patient Population
7.3.4. Analysis by Trial Recruitment Status
7.3.5. Analysis by Type of Study
7.3.6. Analysis by Type of Sponsors / Collaborators
7.3.7. Most Active Players in Terms of Number of Trials
7.3.8. Analysis by Focus Areas
7.3.9. Analysis by Target Therapeutic Areas
7.3.10. Grid Analysis of Key Therapeutic Areas, 2013-2018
7.3.11. Benchmark Analysis of Key Industry Players
8. Emerging Trends On Social Media
8.1. Chapter Overview
8.2. Scope and Methodology
8.3. Real World Evidence: Trends on Twitter
8.3.1. Historical Trends in Volume of Tweets
8.3.2. Popular Keywords
8.3.3. Popular Sources of Real World Data
8.3.4. Popular Applications of Real World Evidence
8.3.5. Popular Therapeutic Areas
8.3.6. Popular Stakeholders
8.3.7. Most Prolific Contributors
8.3.8. Most Influential Contributors
9. Global Events Analysis
9.1. Chapter Overview
9.2. Scope and Methodology
9.3. Real World Evidence: Global Events Analysis
9.3.1. Analysis by Year of Occurrence
9.3.2. Analysis by Geography
9.3.3. Analysis by Type of Event
9.3.4. Analysis by Key Focus Area / Event Agenda
9.3.5. Most Active Event Organizers
9.3.6. Most Active Players in Terms of Event Participation
9.3.7. Analysis by Seniority Level of Participants
9.3.8. Geographical Mapping of Upcoming Events
10. SWOT Analysis
10.1. Chapter Overview
10.2. Comparison of SWOT Factors
11. Stakeholder Needs Analysis
11.1. Chapter Overview
11.2. Real World Evidence: Needs of Stakeholders
11.2.1. Comparison of Needs of Stakeholders
12. Real World Evidence Use Cases And Opportunity Assessment
12.1. Chapter Overview
12.2. Real World Evidence Use Cases
12.3. Real World Evidence Market Opportunity Assessment
12.3.1 Methodology and Key Assumptions
12.3.2. Global Real World Evidence Market Opportunity, 2018-2030
12.3.3. Global Real World Evidence Market Opportunity by Type of Datasets World Evidence Market Opportunity from Medical Claims Data, 2018-2030 Real World Evidence Market Opportunity from Clinical Trials Data, 2018-2030 Real World Evidence Market Opportunity from Clinical Settings Data, 2018-2030 Real World Evidence Market Opportunity from Patient-Powered Data, 2018-2030 Real World Evidence Market Opportunity from Pharmacy Data, 2018-2030 Real World Evidence Market Opportunity from Other Types of Data, 2018-2030
12.3.4. Global Real World Evidence Market Opportunity by Therapeutic Areas World Evidence Market Opportunity in Cardiovascular Disorders, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Infectious Diseases, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Metabolic Disorders, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Neurological / Psychiatric Disorders, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Oncological Disorders, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Other Types of Disorders, 2018-2030
12.3.5. Global Real World Evidence Market Opportunity by Applications World Evidence Market Opportunity in Early Stage Research, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Clinical Development, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Regulatory Approval, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Pricing / Reimbursement, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Post-Approval Studies, 2018-2030
12.3.6. Regional Market Opportunities for Real World Evidence World Evidence Market Opportunity in North America, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Europe, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Asia-Pacific, 2018-2030 World Evidence Market Opportunity in Rest of the World, 2018-2030
13. Survey Insights
13.1. Chapter Overview
13.2. Seniority Level of Respondents
13.3. Type of Offering
13.4. Real World Data Sources
13.5. Applications of Real World Evidence
13.6. Key Challenges in Generating Real World Evidence
13.7. Extent of Outsourcing
13.8. Current Market Opportunity
14. Interview Transcripts
14.1. Chapter Overview
14.2. Jane Reed, Head of Life Science Strategy, Linguamatics
14.3. Jonathan Moshinsky, Head of Market Strategy, uMotif
14.4. Mark Cziraky, Vice President of Research, HealthCore
14.5. Anonymous, Vice President, Big Pharmaceutical Company
15. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
16. Appendix 2: List Of Companies And Organizations
- 23andMe
- 8KMiles
- Abbott
- AbbVie
- Acceliant
- Accenture
- Accsight
- Adarna Health Data
- Adelphi Real World
- Advera Health Analytics
- Aetion
- Allscripts
- Amazon Web Services
- American College of Cardiology
- American Diabetes Association
- Amgen
- Ana Health
- Analytica Laser
- Anthem
- Apple
- Arcana Institute
- Astellas Pharma
- AstraZeneca
- Axonal-Biostatem
- Axtria
- Bayer
- BC Platforms
- Biogen
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Boston Health Economics
- Boston Scientific
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Cambridge Healthtech Institute
- CardioVascular Research Foundation
- CareFacets
- Caros Connect
- Cegedim Strategic Data
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
- CitiusTech
- CK Aspire
- Clarivate Analytics
- Clinakos
- ClinaMetrics
- Clinerion
- Clinical Trial EndPoint
- Clinigen Group
- Cloudera
- CloudMoyo
- Cogentia Healthcare Consulting
- Cognizant
- Conference Series
- ConvergeHEALTH
- Cota Healthcare
- Crossix Solutions
- Custodix
- D Cube Analytics
- Daichii Sankyo
- Data2Life
- Databricks
- Decision Driver Analytics
- Decision Resources
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- Digital Health Labs
- Drug Intelligence
- Duke University
- Dycros
- Edwards Lifesciences
- Eli Lilly
- Elligo Health Research
- Ephicacy
- EPID Research
- Ernst & Young
- European Medicines Agency
- Eurotrials
- Evidence Based Solutions
- Evidera
- evoMetrics
- eyeforpharma
- Flatiron Health
- Flex
- Fuzzy Logix
- Genentech
- Genospace
- GlaxoSmithKline
- GNS Healthcare
- Harvard Medical School
- Healint
- Health IQ
- Health Solutions
- Healthagen
- HealthCore
- Healthing Research
- HealThink
- HealthVerity
- Humana
- Huron Consulting
- IBM Watson Health
- Ignite Data
- Indegene
- Infosys
- Ingress Health
- InnoWin
- Inovalon
- Insight Pharmaceuticals
- Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care
- Insys Group
- Intel
- International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
- IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions
- iwantGreatCare
- Janssen Pharmaceutica
- Johaus Global
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kaiku Health
- Kantar Health
- Karolinska Institutet
- Keedio
- Keyrus Biopharma
- Knowledgent
- Koneksa Health
- Kx Systems
- Lifecode Solutions
- Linguamatics
- LINK Medical Research
- Lundbeck
- LynxCare
- M2Gen
- M2S
- MA Provider
- MakroCare
- Mapi Group
- MarkLogic
- MarksMan Healthcare Communications
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- MaxisIT
- Mayo Clinic
- McKesson
- MDC Partners
- MeaningCloud
- Med-eShare
- Medaffcon
- MedEngine
- Medical Wisdom Consulting Group
- Medidata Solutions
- Medlior Health Outcomes Research
- Medpace
- MedStreaming
- Medtronic
- Merck
- Mercy
- MyOwnMed
- mySugr
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- National Cancer Institute
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- National Institutes of Health
- National Investigation Agency
- New England Research Institute
- New York Heart Association
- NJ YZ Clinical Trials and Consulting
- Northern Alberta Clinical Trials and Research Centre
- Novartis
- Novo Nordisk
- Numerus
- Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute
- Odysseus Data Services
- OKRA Technologies
- OM1
- Omega CRO
- Oncocare Health
- OncoStats
- Optra Systems
- Optum
- OptumInsight
- Oracle
- ORPHA Strategy Consulting
- OXON Epidemiology
- Palantir
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
- PatientsLikeMe
- PatientSource
- Peking University
- Peripharm
- PerkinElmer
- Pfizer
- pH Associates
- Pharma Intelligence
- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
- Pharmerit International
- PHARMO Institute
- Pinscriptive
- Point-of-Care Partners
- PotentiaMED
- PRA Health Sciences
- Precision Digital Health
- Precision Health AI
- Premier
- Qlik
- Quantify Research
- Quantzig
- Raven Biosciences
- Real Consulting Data
- Real Life Sciences
- RealHealthData
- Revon Systems
- Roam
- Roche
- RxAnte
- S3 Connected Health
- Saama Technologies
- Sanofi
- SAS Institute
- Savana
- Sciensus
- Sciformix
- Self Care Catalysts
- Sentry Data Systems
- SHYFT Analytics
- Society of Thoracic Surgeons
- Sprim Advanced Life Sciences
- SQN Clinical
- St. Jude Medical
- Stanford University
- StatFinn
- Sutter Health
- SVMPharma
- Symphony Health Solutions
- Syneos Health
- Synergus
- Syntel
- T-Systems
- Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Talking Medicines
- TCD Outcomes Research
- Techtrials International
- Tempus
- Terrapinn Holdings
- TransMed Systems
- TriAxia Health
- TriNetX
- Truven Health Analytics
- Turacoz Healthcare Solutions
- uMotif
- United BioSource
- University of Alabama
- University of California
- University of Louisville
- University of North Carolina
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas
- US Department of Defense
- VA Office of Research and Development
- Validic
- Vector Oncology
- Verana Health
- Vestrum Health
- Vitaccess
- Vital Statistics Consulting
- Washington University School of Medicine
- Wellframe
- West Monroe Partners
- Wipro
- World Congress
- Worldwide Clinical Trials
- Xcenda
- Yale University
- Zeblok
- Zephyr Health
- ZS Associates
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/7tkk8h/2018_report_real?w=5
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