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Suchergebnis (92 Ergebnisse)

Schuldner WKN Währung Coupon Rendite Rating Fälligkeit Bid Ask
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3LUUJ CHF 1,2125% 0,45% Aaa 04.03.2031 104,65 104,15
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3KPJG USD 4,8310% 5,14% 14.04.2026
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A28TLR USD 1,5000% % NR 13.02.2025 99,87 99,95
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A285J7 USD 0,5000% 4,47% 25.11.2025 96,83 96,99
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3LTSS USD 4,1250% 4,41% Aaa 25.01.2029 98,93 99,13
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3LUTL USD 5,3881% 5,41% Aaa 21.02.2028 98,99 103,89
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A28798 USD 0,5000% 4,40% NR 28.01.2026 96,21 96,39
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3LE5G USD 4,3750% 4,34% 09.03.2028 100,04 100,22
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A3LVXS USD 4,2500% 4,67% 13.03.2034 96,89 97,07
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A28XK2 USD 0,5000% 4,60% NR 19.05.2025 98,77 98,87
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 191715 ZAR % % Aaa 17.06.2027 83,05 84,16
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 190777 ZAR % % Aaa 07.04.2027 83,73 85,31
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 197100 ITL % % Aaa 04.02.2048
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 197517 ZAR % % Aaa 31.12.2029 66,64 67,86
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 197401 AUD % % Aaa 10.02.2028 87,32 88,85
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 176250 GBP 5,6250% 4,51% Aaa 07.12.2028
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 196473 ZAR % % Aaa 29.12.2028 72,89 74,23
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 195251 ZAR % % Aaa 30.12.2027 79,41 80,29
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 829227 GBP 5,1250% 4,68% Aaa 07.06.2032
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development A2RXKE BRL 0,5000% 13,45% 25.04.2025 96,50 99,19
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